Starting out on the Fast 800 – advice needed please!

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  • posted by BeckaE93

    I’m on day 3 of Fast 800 and finding it so hard! I got a free trial of the app to help plan meals and seem to be eating between 800 and 1000 calories each day, but I’m still totally starving even when adding plenty of greens to my plate and eating the right amount of fat and protein.
    Feeling pretty miserable!
    My birthday is next week and I’m wondering if you have to go through all this again if you have a day of non-restricted eating? I would be planning to eat sensible portions anyway.
    And can you add in an extra snack on a fasting day if you’re really struggling? Eg a protein bar

  • posted by Mixnmatch

    Hi Becka,
    I am sorry to hear you are struggling so much, all I can say from personal experience is that after a few days, when your body adapts away from the ‘easy option’ carbs and you can access your fat stores directly, you will never again feel totally starving and it is very freeing. Regarding snacks, I would try to stick to an extra piece of cheese or slice of ham rather than a protein bar which are often high in carbs as well. Likewise, one meal or one day ‘off’ after the adaptation has occurred will not result in the same problems happening again, once you have gained access to these fat stores. That doesn’t mean you are necessarily free from cravings however, so make sure you can recognise the difference between cravings and hunger. Enjoy your birthday, with moderate portions and then straight back on the fast 800 would be my advice.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi Becka, I know how you are feeling. I have been on this diet for over 8 years (yes, but I am diabetic and keep to it) and after the Christmas feasting I am finding myself quite hungry. The worst thing you can do is have something carby as it will only make you hungrier quicker. For example, I was craving a lovely French baguette so I bought a small one and had half with tuna salad in it. I was starving an hour later, it doesn’t help. Carb crave carbs. As for the protein bars, mixnmatch says they are full of carbs, but especially sugars which are really not want you need. They are wolves in sheeps clothing, i.e. pretending to be healthy.

    Take it easy, if you have to have 1000 then make sure it is good veg or protein. Compared with a normal 2000 cal female diet you will still be doing a heap of good. As you get used to it you can cut back. If you log everying into something like MyFatSecret or MyFitnessPal you will get to look at the cals and carbs before you eat them and learn to make some tweaks.

    Your birthday is around the same time as mine (7th Feb) and I will be going out for a slap up meal and wine but I will still avoid obvious bad carbs like the bread or potatoes but I might allow myself a couple of spoons of a nice dessert. Have you heard of the Glucose Goddess, she has some good tips for eating out and eating in general. Enjoy your birthday then get straight back on it the next day.

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