Starting BSD 18/10/2016 – anyone want to tag along?

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  • posted by Apollo29

    I never thought of myself as having a sweet-tooth but I can now see that I’m addicted to carbs and sugary fruits. I’ve had limited success on the 5:2 diet in the past. I was in Asia when I started and I found it difficult to stay hydrated and keep my salts in balance in such a hot climate. I’m starting the 800 cal for 8 weeks tomorrow and hope to achieve my goal of loosing weight and changing my relationship with food in time for my second wedding anniversary at the end of November! Here we go…

  • posted by topcac

    Good luck!! I am now in week 6 and think I’ve kicked the addiction (for the most part anyway!) so I will be hoping for the same for you too!

  • posted by Vanilla

    I started today so far so good! When I think I feel hungry I have a glass of sparkling water which I have on my desk and although not always practical go and clean my teeth!!

  • posted by Orangeblossom

    I also started today after doing the 5.2 last spring and then it all going to pot over the summer! I have been trying to change my diet after the kids went back to school but not doing 800 calories. My thing is consistency, I need to keep it going over time, and also a sugar addict! Today i bought a big pouch of cacao powder t have as a drink sometimes, with no sugar. I also have a bit of dark choc each day as a treat. I’m trying to fill up on lots of veg and protein, for example had a stir fry with olive oil and salmon for dinner which was nice, and a salad for lunch. Finding the hunger pangs not too bad this evening. Hopefully it will continue.

  • posted by sparks

    Hi, I started today as well. I previously lost 2.5 stone on slimming world but put 1.5 stone back on πŸ™ Not sure how I will manage not eating bread, pasta etc, especially for lunches. I am so used to having sandwiches for lunch. I have had a few hunger pangs since dinner but trying to ignore them.

  • posted by Wood

    I have started too! I don’t find dieting easy as I usually loose the will to live after a week & bail our! This time I have dragged my husband along too so hopefully will have more staying power! First day was good. Not too hungry & happy with salad as I usually eat it at lunchtime anyway.
    Well, let’s see how we all get on? Hopefully this will keep me on the ‘lifestyle change’? Don’t mention the ‘D’ word!!

  • posted by Fatnomore

    Hi – I’ve just seen your post and decided to start the BSD tomorrow too. Feels good knowing there’s people out there starting at the same time. Good luck everyone 😊

  • posted by Vanilla

    I feel better already knowing there are people out there who understand and can help me! I lost just over two stone last year on the “heartbreak diet” I didn’t drink alcohol for four months and by Christmas I felt fabulous but let it creep back on! I have two stone to shift and I’ll be pleased! I haven’t drink enough water today and my stomach is growling now but I am going to ignore it and go to bed! I need lunch time inspiration that doesn’t cost the earth or takes an age to prepare!! Well done everyone on getting to the end of day one!!

  • posted by Orangeblossom

    I just was given a NHS health check which prompted me to start again as BMI is 29. I want it to be 25, or less. How’s it going today? Just had a breakfast with mushrooms, garlic, eggs and spinach, with some olive oil drizzled in top. Going to try and alternate it with greek yoghurt and fruit, on different days. Tried some almonds as well, quite nice. Compared to the fast diet, finding it seems Ok to eat a bit more each day (up to 800 calories) and a bit easier. If you have lots of veg you can eat quite a bit really, as it’s so low in calories. Having the same dinner tonight, salmon with pesto and a stir fry. Not really missing carbs.

  • posted by Orangeblossom

    Vanilla I think we can have a glass of red wine in the evenings on the BSD? I find it hard to stop sometimes when I start though, so trying to be careful with this. I like it though as feels like a treat!

  • posted by Llandudno

    Yes I’ve started this diet yesterday in fact & going quite well , like Wood I tend to bail out early through boredom with food I think so I aim this time to pay more attention and try different recipes l have already made 2 from the recipes on this site both very nice and plan another tomorrow , exercise is also my downfall I know I should be walking but I’m not even have a treadmill in the shed but I look at it and go back in the house why? Any ideas on how to motivate myself most welcome…….

  • posted by Vanilla

    I am an all or nothing so I wouldn’t stop at one I’d want more! So I” going teetotal for the 8 weeks I”m on it! I’ve just had smoked salmon and scrambled egg for lunch and Greek youghurt with berries for breakfast! I need to search the recipes as I have had the same today as yesterday but don’t want to get bored and fall off!! Plus it can work out quite expensive! Quick n easy inspiration for lunches and evening meals most welcome!!

  • posted by Angiebabe


    Am a fan of treadmills I found the secret for me ,depending on your schedule, was to use it first thing after a cuppa but before anything else then breakfast and shower and get on with the rest of the day. I don’t know if this would work for you? Also to watch something on the iPad to pass the time. This stopped me always finding another reason not to use it – just for today of course – I am easily dissuaded – but then I started to feel so much fitter I actually missed it when I didn’t use it. Strange how we change.

  • posted by yorshirelass

    I too plan to start, I have bought the book and am ready to go! I have 6 stone to lose so the journey will be tough I am sure, I need to plan my meals and take food to work so that I am not tempted by the trolley lady. Any tips for quick breakfasts and lunches would be good. Also joined a gym – is it a good idea to train on 800 calories or should I wait a couple of weeks to get used to the diet?

  • posted by Raemac

    I’ve started today too resolve is pretty strong but I think this forum will really help too ………

  • posted by Vanilla

    Day two is over! I feel weary today had breakfast and lunch but I came home from work feeling a little nauseous and can’t be bothered to prepare anything I’ve had a hot bath and come to bed! I”m busy scrolling through the forums looking for inspiration and motivation! I think once I get this weekend over it should get easier! Hope everybody has had a good first two days πŸ€”

  • posted by Getting my life back

    Hi Vanilla & Yorshirelass for breakfast I alternate between yogurt and fruit, scrambled eggs or porridge. Porridge and yogurt I take to work if running late. For lunches I have been having the med platter from the bsd book, or I take left overs from the night before. Tomorrow I am taking a portion of spag boul with some quinoa. Or salads hope this helps πŸ™‚

  • posted by Vanilla

    Thank you for the tips. I have just been flicking through recipes in the book and in the forums! I must get motivated write a list and pop to the shops after work tomorrow evening and prepareπŸ˜‰

  • posted by Getting my life back

    Hi Vanilla Meant to say soups as well I have made the roasted red pepper and butternut squash really lovely. I have 1 portion, 1 for lunch the next day and 2 portions in the freezer x

  • posted by jjmurr74

    Hi I too started the bsd yesterday find it easy to quit sugar usually drink lots of coffee with just a little milk keeps me away from chocolate tough to do without the starchy foods bread pasta potatoes they are too easy available have to just make a lot of veg dishes and keep some for work the next day good luck every ☺

  • posted by Wood

    Day 2 over with & not feeling too bad. We had the most delicious dinner so hopefully can inspire you Vanilla? We spiralised (yes, poncy veg cutter) 2 courgettes & 1 carrot, chopped 1 red pepper thinly, 6 spring onions & a few garlic cloves. Dry fried this to get rid of the water in the veg & then added 1 tbs pesto, chopped coriander, mixed herbs, salt & pepper. We toasted some pine nuts and mixed them in. We had this with one pork loin fried in a small amount of olive oil. Really yummy!!
    I know, spiralizers sound like a fad but the veg tasted so delicious & different. Much nicer than just sliced courgettes which can taste a bit bitter. My Christmas present from my mum has finally come in handy. I know that she didn’t pay lots for it as she found it at Lidl.
    I spent many years & far too much money in the gym on running machines. They were soooo boring!!! I have found that it’s so much nicer being outside walking or running (I’m a slow, fair weather runner doing very little).
    My problem is portion sizes (far too large) wine & chocolate. I never thought that I would have a sweet tooth. But I eat loads of fruit & dark chocolate so think that I probably do!
    Haven’t weighed myself yet….has anyone on Day 2?

  • posted by Wood

    Yorkshirelass….going to the gym will be good especially over winter. Try & arrange a personal trainer to start you off and get you going slowly with goals. Good luck!
    I’m a great believer in salads for lunch with either nuts, avocado pear, olive oil with tuna, prawns, protein and lots of salad leaves, tomatoes, carrots, cucumber etc. You can feel really full.
    Hope this helps?

  • posted by Snoop

    A few weeks back on another thread, Verano recommended a fantastic puttanesca recipe for spiralised courgettes: low-cal but plenty of flavour. Essentially spiralised courgettes cooked and served with a sauce made of anchovies, capers, tomato and some Parmesan stirred in. I think Verano recommended black olives as well, but I find it plenty salty enough without the olives. We had this (again) tonight. Fantastic.
    As I’m a lazy so-and-so, I sweat the courgetti and then pile the other ingredients into the same pan with the courgetti to save on washing-up.

    As for weighing yourself, Dr. MM says weigh as often as you want. I do it every day. He says there’s evidence that shows that people who weigh themselves often lose more weight and are more likely to keep it off. If you’re looking for motivation, weigh yourself often during the early days. It’s when the ‘carb flu’ tends to hit, but the results are so spectacular they encourage you to keep going.

  • posted by Vanilla

    Welcome to day three! Thank you to everyone for the advice and tips! I”m doing this diet on my own which goes against everything the doc says! Don’t isolate yourself but for me it works! I don’t feel like I have lost any weight but don’t know if I should have a quick weigh in as I don’t want to feel disappointed! Should I be avoiding milk altogether or just have a small amount???? I”m gonna search the recipe section in my lunch break and try some recipes!!! Good luck with day three everyone 😜

  • posted by Orangeblossom

    I’m also on day 3, just had the greek yoghurt and berries for breakfast, the full fat (Total) one it was delicious. Had a drizzle of honey on top but not much. Going to the body balance class at lunch time and doing some walking on the school run. I think to motivate yourself, it can be good to have a bit of a routine and fit exercise into your daily life? Then it becomes a habit. I too am doing this alone Vanilla, husband not interested. So it’s good to share tips etc on here. Good luck everyone!

  • posted by VickyMC

    Hello everyone

    I had a trial period last week to see how it would go and have started properly this week. Besides spending a fortune on berries and getting beetroot absolutely everywhere (beetroot, apple and cannellini bean soup), I’m quite enjoying it. Is anyone doing the exercises every morning? I never realised I could do push-ups – it’s not pretty and you won’t see me on Youtube in a skimpy two piece but I am trying. I have also just bought a second hand fold-up exercise bike. Trying to remain optimistic every day and think of three positive things at the end of each day. Is anyone trying the meditation too?

  • posted by Vanilla

    I have a really serious craving for chocolate what do I do????

  • posted by Baristagirls

    Hello Vanilla, there’s 2 options πŸ™‚
    1 – overcome it
    2 – (the one I do) – eat some. Lots of dark chocolate has low carbs. If you have had very low carbs today, you can treat yourself to nibbling a piece worth 5g or 10g or so. Good to have some handy.

  • posted by Vanilla

    I overcame it thanks! If I started to eat it I’m scared I’d eat the lot!!

  • posted by Cailleach

    Hi Apollo, (& Vanilla)

    I just started today – I put up a “hello” post if you want to read a bit about my tale to get me here! You are NOT alone, and I am glad to have found this way of eating and these forums!

    I think I am going prefer to skip breakfast (never a big fan) and save my calories for lunch and dinner. I was ready for my lunch today, but wasn’t ravenous or ready to attack a packet of biscuits or anything (there are none in the house anyway :D).


  • posted by Baristagirls

    Good for you Vanilla!!!!

  • posted by Vanilla

    I feel a bit deflated today I went to buy some new trainers for my walking and thought I’d try on some “keep fit” clothes whilst I was there! My reflection was not a pretty sight I just felt lumpy and bumpy everywhere! The last time I looked full on in a full length mirror was in January when I was after losing weight and I couldn’t believe it was really my body but in a good way and tonight when I did it it wasn’t in a good way ! Not one to be deterred it has made me more determined to shift the weight! I bought the trainers and I’ll wear them with my old keep fit gear and when I’ve shifted some pounds treat myself to the new things hopefully a size smaller!!! Other than that set back I’ve had a good day, I made izzy’s milkshake for breakfast, scrambled eggs and smoked salmon for lunch and mushrooms with spinach and feta for dinner!!! Trying to up my water intake. And tomorrow stepping up my walking in my lunch break!!!! How is everyone else getting alongπŸ€—πŸ€—

  • posted by yorshirelass

    I sympathise totally. But I guess you have to look at this programme as ‘small steps’ personally I have 6 stone to lose and know I don’t look a pretty sight in my gym kit, but at least I am going! I do care about the sad looks I got this morning but quickly blanked them and focused on myself… small steps … one day at a time. By the end of April I could be at my goal weight, feel healthy and look lovely (I hope) but if I quit before I even begin than the dreams I have about rocking up in my tight jeans and feeling good about myself will certainly evaporate. I choose to try this, it makes sense, I have to put myself out and achieve this and why shouldn’t I succeed?

    Keep at it folks, believe in yourselves and folow the programme – lots of people have got to goal so how about we go for it.

    The skinny girls in the gym probably wish they had my boobs and personality!! this is what I am holding onto anyway!!

  • posted by Vanilla

    Thanks yorkshirelass good to know I” not alone, when I start things I always feel like the fattest person. I won’t be going to the gym as yet just going to walk in my lunch break and in the evening and crank it up at weekends!! Good news though I weighedbyself this morning and I’ve lost 5llbs not sure where from but I’ll have that one!!! Good luck everyone! Oh the mushrooms from the recipe book with spinach and feta were delicious and after years of avoiding it I’ve found out I LIKE spinach 😏😏

  • posted by Orangeblossom

    You could try very dark chocolate (e.g. 85%) or cacao powder in a drink? I’ve been having these for choc cravings x

  • posted by Vanilla

    Thank you orange blossom for the tip I have decided to fast today and drink water and tea no milk and have my evening meal tonight when I get home! Had a walk in my lunch break to rid the hunger pangs! I won’t give up though xx

  • posted by DeanH

    Hi everyone. I would be happy to be part of this group to support each other and join you in the process. I have been lowering my carbs since the beginning of the month and started the 8 week BSD Oct 15. I have since incorporated a few days of intermittent fasting 20:4 and feel great. Also lost 5 kg so far.

  • posted by Vanilla

    I tried fasting today and did well until about an hour ago I went for a walk after work for an hour came home and prepped breakfast and lunch for tomorrow made the pork in mustard sauce but it was too rich and sickly so I ate some chocolate! Stupid I know and now I feel disappointed!! Dean when you fast do you not eat the whole day forgive me if I sound stupid but not sure what the fast entails!! Help😀

  • posted by Wood

    Vanilla, I too have just had some dark chocolate. Oh, and a glass of wine! Hopefully the damage won’t be too bad. Tomorrow is another day and I’m not going to beat myself up over this. Don’t give up! It sounds as though you are doing brilliantly. Why not try fasting one meal, say breakfast, to start with. As you get used to it you can fast longer. I’ve found this way a bit easier & I generally eat less if I skip breakfast.
    My sister did brilliantly on a diet once, but catagorically refused to adhere to anything regarding wine. She figured that dieting was hard enough without having to give up a glass of wine a night. She still lost 10kg’s.
    That’s my wisdom for the evening. Day 4 finished….hurrah!

  • posted by Apollo29

    Vanilla – I’ve just discovered that not all dark chocolates are created equal. I have been drinking cocoa with hot water and soy milk and seasoned with a little salt and Masala Chai spice to get me through – thinking I was being good.

    Bu chocolate is a minefield – Natural v Dutched. Cacao v Cocoa. There seems to be a lot of conflicting evidence regarding the amount to flavonoids retained in chocolate after going through the dutch process. I am taking the approach that a little of the really good stuff – Willie’s Cacao will go a long way! Hang in there!!

    Welcome to Day 4! I felt really dehydrated waking up and had to eat breakfast a little earlier than usual as I was feeling dizzy and unwell. It’s been a rollercoaster few days. My sense of smell has improved and I am really enjoying food when I get it! I’ve had a revelation with regards to plate and even cutlery sizes. I have switched to eating off of an 8 inch side plate and swapped my shovel sized spoons for starter forks and chopsticks. It’s definitely slowing me down how fast I eat and making me realise when I am full.

  • posted by Natalie

    Oo chopsticks, what a good idea! Great for mindfulness. But you know real Chinese often hold the bowl up to their mouth and sort of shovel the food in with the chopsticks – probably best not to adopt that style.

  • posted by Cailleach

    HI there, I’m only on day 3 and decided, as I am not really a breakfast person, to skip breakfast also. It’s working for me so far, and means I also get some decent fasting time in from dinner the previous evening to lunchtime the next day. Given that I’ve 8stone to lose I need all the help I can get πŸ™‚

    LOL Natalie, yes if you’ve ever watched Chinese people eat using chopsticks, it is sort of slurping and shovelling, those of us less used to chopsticks tend to be more errr well let’s just say we do it differently!!

    I would love to be able to get my hubbie to slow down his eating, he wolfs everything instead of savouring his food – sigh.

    Lunch today – Celeriac and apple soup, and for dinner chicken with pesto and mozzarella, with roast Mediterranean veg and broccoli plus strawberries and full fat greek yogurt – friday night, yum πŸ™‚

    Yorkshire lass – stick with the gym, and pay no attention to any looks – it’s hard, I know, I have 8 stone to lose, but stick with it, this is totally do-able!

    Hope your day is going well

  • posted by Cleverblonde73

    Good to read about everyones experiences as they start off. I am going to start tomorrow after my visit to the shops. Anyone else have type 2 diabetes and looking to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol? I could probably lose a stone but my main goal is cut out the rubbish/carbs, and taking time to prepare proper meals. Trying to fit this in around full time job, meal times for partner and toddler has I think made me rather lazy and I tend to grab things to snack on.

  • posted by Orangeblossom

    I too am trying to fast yesterday as had a bit of a blip yesterday and ate a whole pot of total (full fat) yoghurt! which in itself is around 500 calories on top of everything else I had that day. So far I have had a coffee and a cup of green tea (meant to help with cravings). I have a bar of very dark 85% chocolate which was from the co-op which i might have a little bit of later. (not really in keeping with the fast i know. I guess we need to be kind to ourselves as beating ourselves up over blips won’t help xx

  • posted by yorshirelass

    They say you can only diet if your head is in the right place. I think mine finally is. I have decided to go for this and if I take it in three phases I can get to my goal of losing 6 stone by May/ June But 8 weeks from now takes me to just before Christmas and that is a pretty good first goal for me. I will have to get organised as Vanilla is doing and prep the night before. I have stocked up on the right food and not bought any wine. Wine is my downfall and one glass is never enough so 8 weeks without it will be good for me and help me to keep on track. I have the recipe book and my gym membership so the only thing that can sabotage my journey will be myself. No excuses, no putting off to fit a social event in, it is possible to go out and drink slimline tonic without the gym and still have a good time. I want to feel healthy and look better not like the fat girl squeezed into too tight jeans with my belly sticking out. Thanks for the posts guys, especially the meal plan and comments on what you cooked – inspires me! I am a realist and the odd bit of chocolate is inevitable for me – I can just take a couple of squares but not the wine. Booked some personal training sessions to get used to the gym equipment and get me focused and will have a go at the aqua aerobics class (breathing in all the way to the pool Lol!) this is a great support network and I plan to use it to keep me on track. Good luck to all of you and have a fab and healthy weekend.

  • posted by JulesMaigret

    Hi Yorkshirelass

    I think the personal training sessions are a great idea. I booked some personal yoga sessions as the classes were all full. I booked 10 originally, had my sixth last night and just booked another 10. I really enjoy them and feel far more supple and relaxed. A great investment in yourself!

  • posted by jjmurr74

    Hey 5 days in headache and now I have a cold all I want to do is eat struggling made salads all week no rubbish at all I was told nuts were ok any advice on this ☺

  • posted by topcac

    Wow jjmurr74 sounds like you’ve got carb flu as well as a cold – there’s alot of it going around. If you can, take to your bed, lots of hot drinks and eat something warm – salads are naff when you feel crap. Have things with lots of spice, add some salt, drinks loads of water and yes, nuts are fine in moderation (and by that I mean 10-20grams at a time)

    Good luck and get well soon!

  • posted by Hammerbabe

    I weighed myself on day 3 and found that somehow I had put on 1lb. I then weighed myself the next day and found out I had lost 3 lbs.

    Hope you have success when you weigh yourself

  • posted by jjmurr74

    Thanks topcac carb flu really.! Lol hanging in there tough but determined
    The other thing is the amount of peeing lol its the ridiculous πŸ˜€

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