Starting 19th September

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by Tiredofthis

    Hi all,

    I need your help to save my life!! I’m not even aware of my stats yet, but I’m pretty sure I’m killing myself. I’ve become scared of going to see a doctor for anything, as I know everything will be my own fault. I’m miserable trapped in this body, and although I’ve successfully lost over 6 stone on both SW and WW diets in the past, I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been. I fear not seeing by boys grow up, by own mother died aged 49 through an obesity related cancer, and I’m about to turn 40 next year. I can’t help feeling that my time is now limited, and I currently have a cancer scare – and I know I’ll need to face medics – and I dread them finding everything else that is wrong with me.

    To top this off, my own eldest child is overweight – I need to stop him ending up like me. I was 14 stone at age 11, and although he’s not anywhere near that weight I can see him going down the same path as me if I don’t change the family’s lifestyle. My husband is also obese, with high blood pressure and a fatty liver (not that he really seems to care about what that actually means) and I have a younger child with severe hyper mobility who can’t afford to be overweight.

    I don’t really know where to start. I’ve bought and read the book. I’ve bought a blender. I have equipment for measuring blood sugar and BP in the home already (although never took my blood sugar before I have managed my BP through pregnancies where it was seriously high). However – I have no idea what food to buy – I need to find a way to like and love “Veg”, to date I’d rather not eat at all than eat it! I guess it’s a symptom of my bad diet since I was weaned!! Luckily, hubby and children do like the stuff.

    That said, I’m committed to giving this a real go – as to not try is to not help myself. I don’t want to die, but I will if I carry on and I will relative soon!

    I’ll take my starting stats (if my scales will take my weight!) on starting day – but anything you can suggest in terms of starter meals, non-phaffy and simple to prepare – anything family friendly I’d really appreciate it. Also, tips, tricks, what to do and what definitely not to do?

    Thank you for taking the time to listen to me ramble.


  • posted by Angiebabe

    Oh bless your heart! You are among friends here, kind generous ones who have a real understanding of what you are going through so don’t give up.

    I know what you mean about going to the Drs and feeling like they are going to blame you. Then I saw a locum GP who’s wife was overweight and asked me about how I experienced being a patient it really helped as he understood. Even now I always get asked if I have diabetes and or high blood pressure(which I don’t) it’s like they make assumptions looking at overweight people. BUT…I have found a SOLUTION .. As long as you go in and say I have a problem and I want YOUR HELP they seem to step up in my experience and get quite excited by the chance to help. I also say things like it was really hard for me to come here thinking I was going to be judged! It puts them on notice not to do it!

    Meals for families I would start with mince made into a bolognaisle sauce the family can have pasta or mash and you can have courgette strips/ chopped. Just try one meal and then go on from there.

    Hope this helps and just one step at a time it doesn’t have to all happen on day one

    Good luck

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Welcome to the forum Tired! You will not be judged here — I would venture to say that almost all of us know exactly what you are talking about — it is much easier to just skip the doctors office than face what seems like critical judgment — but if you have an issue, go in and get helped — it might be embarrassing but that is still better than not treating something important. You can stay calm and proud knowing that you’ve already made the decision to change the situation, which is the most important step. That said, it sounds like the whole family can get on board with the new plan — maybe the kids can cook one night a week, they can get creative with the recipes. I wish my mom had spent some time teaching me good nutrition and explaining carbs, fat and protein and how and why they matter. My diet days as a teenager were just eating one Pop Tart for breakfast! LOL! You’ve got a perfect chance to get everyone back on a healthy path. Meals can be simple — chicken, steak, some good veg dish — try out new ideas like stir-frys (my kids loved those) ( I have a good stir-fry sauce if you want it). If you have the time and energy to read another book, I strongly encourage you to get a copy of Gary Taubes book, “Why We Get Fat” because it is an excellent primer on carbs and the problems with too many refined carbs. Best of luck — take it just one day at a time and keep us posted. Julia

  • posted by SunnyB

    Don’t despair Tiredofthis and welcome. It seems to me you have made the decision to change your life and if you can, those of your family too. My advise is to start simply. Think about the meals you already make and work out what the carb heavy elements are, so that you can replace these with something low carb instead. You can still serve roast chicken for instance, but don’t make roast potatoes/parsnips, add extra veggies instead. – you could even have a little gravy without going over the top with carbs.

    I think the toughest bit, is getting your head round not using bread, as it plays such a large part in most households. However, once you begin to think about these things, it’s amazing how you begin to find replacement meals, where previously you would have eaten something bread based. So instead of using bread for sandwiches, try individual leaves of gem lettuce, topped with ham or cheese or tuna – pretty much anything savoury you might previously have put in a sandwich.

    Good standbys to always have available are cheese, eggs, full fat yogurt, nuts and fresh veggies – there is so much you can do with these ingredients, to make simple nutritious meals. Give the book another read, make a shopping list so that you can use a few of the more simple recipes in the book, plus a few simple meals adapted from your normal menu and go for it. Don’t panic too much about hitting the 800 calories initially, but make sure you get control of the carbs. Most importantly, be kind to yourself and use the forum for hint, tips and advise and perhaps more importantly, for support and encouragement. There are some really inspirational people on here and they are more than happy to help left you up and spur you on when the going is tough.

    Finally, Angiebabe’s advice on visiting the Doctors is excellent. And you might be pleasantly surprised if you go in there and tell them how you plan to tackle your weight issue, others have had Doctors be very supportive – and if not, well set out to prove them wrong. The BSD is empowering and so many people here, have found that it has allowed them to claim back control of their weight and their lives. And there is no reason why you can’t be one of those people too.

    Wishing you all good luck and look forward to reading you positive results soonn

  • posted by Trelawny

    Hi Tiredofthis,
    Well done for taking the first steps to changing your life. But as Angiebabe and Californiagirl have said, you must visit the doctor if you have health worries. Book a double appointment and really lay it on the line, they will be pleased to help you if they know what is troubling you. The sooner you have tests the sooner your mind will be at rest and any problems can be dealt with. As to your dislike of veg, difficult! But not unsurmountable. Start by tasting a little of something new with each meal. Don’t immediately tell yourself that you don’t like it, but savour the taste. Repeat this every meal and I’m plesed to inform you that you will begin to enjoy veg!! Make it an experience for the whole family, so you are learning together. Start with the recipes you do like and gradually build on them. What do you like to eat that appears in the recipe section? If you find 800 impossible to begin, go to 1,000 until you are in the swing of things, then look to go to 800 cals day. There are lots of sites on the internet where you can track what you are eating. Recommended to me was Fatsecret, which I find is okay to master. Kids are a great help wih these things!
    I do hope you are able to take the next steps on your road to rediscovery of good health and peace of mind. You have lost weight before, so you know you can again. The BSD is unlike SW and WW it is a way of life, not only a weight loss diet.
    We are all in the same boat, learning a new and improved way of eating. Remember everyday is a new day, a fresh start to the rest of our improved lives. All best wishes for your healthy journey. Look forward to your hearing your updates.

  • posted by Tiredofthis

    Thank you for the lovely welcome 🙂

    I’ve been reading posts thoughout the forum and have decided what am I really waiting for, so have begun today! I’m took all my opening stats, quite horrified really that I’ve done this to myself. I’m inspired by how friendly everybody is and how well people are doing!

    Thank you for the suggestions and tips. I’m starting to work up a good plan and shopping list to get me through the next few weeks.

    I’m in the system for a hospital referral (optician referred me) so I am getting checked. It was just the flashing light that told me I need to improve my health.

    I think I’m going to keep a diary, something to reflect back on when I question why I’m doing this as I know I will at some point!

    Hope everyone is having a lovely day.


  • posted by Californiagirl

    Yay Tired! So good you started NOW!!! There is power in just starting! I love your diary idea –I kept one of the first 8 week course I did (I did 24 weeks) and I look back in it now and it makes me laugh; I have so changed my entire outlook on food. You will enjoy the reflection in a few months time. Julia

  • posted by Trelawny

    Well done Tired
    Hope your first day has been a good one. Looking forward to hearing from you.

  • posted by topcac

    Welcome Tired – I’m new to this too – just day 4 for me today – hope your first day went well – keep us posted xx

  • posted by ShaunV

    Hi there,

    I’m now on Day 4.

    But be aware that GP’s are not all friendly. I need to lose 3 or 4 stone, or if I want to get down to my ideal weight (probably 6 stone).

    I went to see my GP on Friday as I’m on blood pressure tablets. The first thing she said was why do you want to go on ad diet??? I tried to explain the BSD, but she was having none of it, saying that none of these diets worked. Not what I needed it, but that has now giving me the determination to succeed. I will lose 3 stone minimum, and I will keep it off.

    Good luck & think of a slimmer healthier future !

  • posted by Frog

    Hi Shaun
    I think we all have our irritations with the medical profession – but “why do you want to lose weight?” if you’re clearly overweight and it is causing health issues – takes the carby biscuit!
    Good luck with it, hope it goes well for you
    I didn’t have a particular issue with blood pressure, but did notice when I was looking through test results yesterday that my blood pressure has reduced from several readings around 127/80 a year ago, to typically being 112/69 since BSD and losing weight.

    I’m a bit of an evangelist on this at the moment, but if you don’t have it already, do request online access to your patient records – some GPs have had it for a while, but under new NHS guidelines all should be providing it now.
    It’s brilliant:
    You get to see blood results before you meet or discuss them with your GP or diabetic nurse, so you can formulate the questions you want to ask in advance of the appointment.
    You don’t have to try and memorise key numbers during a rushed appointment.
    You have permanent historic records so that you can see your progress.

    You might want to think about changing your GP too – she sounds a bit rubbish 🙂

  • posted by Trelawny

    Hi Frog
    How does online access work then. Haven’t heard of it before, very interesting.

  • posted by Verano

    Hi Tiredofthis

    You have taken the first step by finding this group and the second by starting on the journey!!

    It can seem daunting at first but I think the advice to adapt current meals is really good. Also, checking carbs can be an eye opener but if you try to concentrate on them rather than calories at first the calories will soon take care of themselves!

    One of the most difficult parts of this eating plan is to take on board ‘full fat’! We have been so brainwashed by ‘low fat’ for years that to have full fat yogurt for breakfast seems alien. But actually it has less sugar, lots of low fat foods have sugar substituted for fat, but full fat keeps you fuller longer. Lots of people have full fat Greek yogurt and a few berries or nuts for breakfast.

    Cauliflower seems to have become the new ‘best friend’ of all on BSD … take a look at the thread ‘101 ways with cauliflower’. Just put it in the search bar at the top of the page. You’ll be amazed what you can do with cauliflower!!!!

    Spiralisers are also popular especially for making courgetti spaghetti … great for putting bolognese on instead of pasta ! Must admit I would never eat courgettes but they are great used as spaghetti and sometimes I just toss them in a homemade tomato sauce with some Parmesan cheese grated over them.

    Sorry hope I’ve not over faced you with food ideas but best of luck on your journey

  • posted by Verano

    BTW Fatsecret is a good app/pc program for counting carbs etc. or .com if not in the UK.

  • posted by susieb

    Hope your first day went well!

  • posted by Trelawny

    Thanks Frog x
    How’s it going Tired? x

  • posted by Tiredofthis

    Hi all,

    So I’ve successfully completed 3 days and have weighed myself this morning and have reduced by 9lb! Feeling very motivated at the moment, especially as for the first diet ever I haven’t felt ‘deprived’! I found with other diets I had to exercise my will power and would quite often fall off the wagon before day 4, in fact – I used to say if I didn’t make it to day 4 then I wasn’t going to (seemed easier after).

    In summary how I’ve been feeling, day 1, I developed a meanie of a headache towards bedtime. I have been very careful to drink loads and have added some salt to my food for the first time in years.

    Day 2 – I was headachey all day – but found sparkling water to be my friend and it eased off before bed. I went to a training event with work and didn’t nosh the buffet and went for salad and a small selection from the fruit salad. (Quarter of an apple, couple of orange wedges and a slice of pineapple).

    Day 3 – just felt really tired yesterday. But I have had two 4.45 a.m. starts to add in the mix!

    Last night I adapted one of the families favourite meals, to a low carb version, and it worked well. The hubby and eldest boy are eating the same evening meals as me now in support, and both of my boys have switched to a healthier morning smoothie (rather than Crunchy Nut Cornflakes) because they like the taste. Of course, no cal counting with the kids and they are still having normal cooked school lunches. But am hopeful some of the holistic adaptations will benefit everyone.

    I love the courgette idea, and have been thinking about a sprialiser. Sounds a plan as the family all love Spag Bol!


  • posted by Tiredofthis

    Oh, spot on with the fat thing – I was programmed to not eat fat, trim food, no butter (seriously I’ve eaten dry sandwiches since I was a young teen!), low fat yogurts (SW actually helped me develop an aversion to Muller Light) etc. Now I’ve added oil to my salad dressing, a little olive oil to my mushrooms etc. and it’s the most difficult bit to get my head around. I’m using fatsecret and my daily totals show I’m between 45-50% fuelling by fat – hope that’s right!

  • posted by Kookaburra

    Sounds just right to me. Using Igor’s Keto macro site, I ended up targetting ballpark 50g each of carbs, protein and fat for the 800cals, which is about 50%ish fat – yummy! 😊

  • posted by Trelawny

    Hi Tired
    I am so pleased to hear of your progress and to note the new positivity in your writing. Sounds like you have a hectic life up there. Well done on facing the buffet and coming out a winner! I am off to a chinese buffet later but am feeling positive that I can handle it!
    And you are including your family, that is great, sharing the experiene and setting them on a healthy life. Keep up the great work. xx

  • posted by Tiredofthis

    Day 5 and weighed in, 11lb departed. Also, I didn’t have to lie in bed to get the button on my jeans done up! They are still tight, too tight, but I could wrestle them standing up 🙂

    I slept in until really late today, very unlike me but guess I must have needed it. Don’t feel too bad in myself, but a tiny bit nauseous! I’m just chilling some fizzy water to see if it helps.

  • posted by Igorasusual

    What, 11lb!!! Well done, Tiredofthis, what great results!! 🙂 🙂

    If you are still just in your first week on day 5, then you may well still be experiencing your version of the dreaded ‘carb flu’ which seems to be characterised by many and varied symptoms so your nauseous may just be one!

    Be kind to yourself, drink some fizzy water – good idea – and keep on kicking out those carbs! 🙂

    Even though you’re feeling a bit sick, you sound a completely different person from your first post on this thread…..

  • posted by Trelawny

    Well done!

  • posted by Tiredofthis

    I’ve had such a busy busy week with work. I was across the country on a couple of days and not getting home until nearly 10 p.m. I’m feeling a bit of a bad mum this week (will make up for it with them over the next couple of weeks), however I’ve stuck to the WOE!

    I thought I should drop in and let everyone know how I’m doing, and also to document for myself my progress. Although end of my week 2 isn’t until Tuesday, weekends are the best time for me to reflect.

    W2, D5 and on weigh in this morning I’ve lost a total of 18.75lb. Pretty good going I think! I’m not feeling hungry at all and actually think eating this way suits me. Lots of things have improved.

    My pre-diabetic sugar levels have for the last two days been back in the high end of norm. I know this can jump around but regardless, I’m very pleased! I’m also no longer having questionable spikes after eating, this is the most significant for me – I believe my diet is meaning my blood sugar is generally much more stable.

    I’m sleeping better (although exhausted with work), my sleep is an ‘all through the night’ which I’ve not had for a couple of years. I actually wake up feeling refreshed!

    My blood pressure is also down – middle of the range of normal, rather than top end normal ‘watching brief’.

    I’ll of course keep monitoring all of this, but this alone makes me much more confident for when I need to go to the hospital for my eye. I feel like I’m making much more progress!

    In addition to all of this, my overweight hubby has lost 5lb, just from a switch of evening meal and following suit weekends. He eats as he was for breakfast and lunch whilst at work – so a bowl of cereal and a sandwich with fruit at lunch. And my eldest, slightly overweight pre-teen son is complaining his new school trousers are too big – when I’m pretty sure they only just fit when I bought them for him. He also has same evening meal as me, and a green smoothie now for breakfast – but school dinners at lunch and is still having some ‘treats’ with his friends at a weekend. My youngest skinny whippet is still such a fussy eater that I’m trying to introduce better substitutes but so far failing as he is declaring from the roof top he doesn’t like them. So I’ve started blending the better stuff into the sauces of the food I’m cooking so he can’t see it! This is work in progress, and I’m hoping as he gets used to “this is how we eat!” he’ll begin to come around.

    I can’t help thinking that our whole family is getting much more healthy, and this is only in just under 2 weeks. Now all I need to do is keep it up for them.

  • posted by Trelawny

    How you doing Tired?

  • posted by Tiredofthis

    I’m still here and still going! I’ve now lost 21lb at last check in. Has been a tough week with work but I’ve kept the wheels on the wagon!

    How are you doing?

  • posted by Trelawny

    Good thanks. Half way through week 5, lost 1stone and feeling so much better. Well done for stickng to plan when stressed. Bet you’re feeling good!! Your weight loss is fantastic and your health already sounds much improved. Great that the whole family is joining in. I am staying with my daughter for a couple of weeks and we have all been eating low carb evening meals. My son-in-law and grandaughter are converts to courgetti and cauli mash and we are all really enjoying the recipes from the books. Enjoy your weekend. xx

  • posted by tigs

    Tired and Trelawny, you are both awesome. What great progress!

  • posted by Tiredofthis

    My eldest is a convert to courgette, but not so keen on cauli mash – but he’ll eat it! Good to hear you have the family joining you for evening meals too! You’re doing really well – any plans for after week 8, or will you be in maintenance? I think I’ll need a few rounds to get anywhere near my target, but realise this is the long haul.

    My weight loss has stalled in week 3 – but have heard this is usual. So I’m keeping at it!! I think regardless of weight loss I’m going to continue eating this way as I feel so much better!

    *waves to tigs 🙂 *

  • posted by Trelawny

    Hi Tired
    i still have 3 stones to lose so am hoping to carry on eating like this. I am finding it so easy to follow, it is foods I love I just needed this final tweek as I have been working towards mediteranean eating for some time. Unfortunately all the other mediterranean diet books I have read promote lots of carbs! I love the BSD. I am taking an interest in food again. Usually I get stuck in a rut and find myself getting bored with the usual, so although I eat well 80% of the time, the other 20% is out and out greed, hence the weight problem!! I know it is early days but I feel more confident of being able to sustain this way of eating than any other I have tried. Cutting out simple carbs completely is the way for me. Preparing meals with lovely salad accompaniments, lovely and filling. I only eat between 13.30 and 20.30 but always have greek yogurt and berries before my curfew. So that’s me, hoping to ‘Carry On Slimming’!! When I was 40 I managed to slim down to 8st 4lbs. I feel I could do it again with this plan. Just watched a program on tv about health problems caused by Type 2 diabetes. Terrifying! I luckily am not diabetic but have other problems due to being overweight. A doctor stated on the programme that the only way to reverse type 2 diabetes was to have a bariatric procedure which will make you eat less!!! I know this diet is new but surely they should be promoting BSD not operations. But I am preaching to the converted! Have a good day tomorrow. xx

  • posted by Janrg1

    It does seem strange that they would promote surgery rather than this diet. But if you’re a surgeon you don’t get paid for people controlling the problem through weight loss and diet. I can’t help wondering why doctors and diabetic nurses aren’t looking into the reaseach on the diet as there has been a lot of publicity about it over the year. If it was me I’d want to find out to see if I could help my patients a bit more than the “have carbs with every meal” that I was told on diagnosis.
    Well done Tired it’s going really well.

  • posted by Tiredofthis

    Well, I for one would rather sort out this mess through healthy eating, rather than surgery. I know someone who has had surgery twice (gastric band and later gastric bypass) and they are still battling the food demons and have so many other medical problems now as well!

    I’m hanging in here – and it doesn’t really feel an effort at all. I’m enjoying the taste of proper food and can’t see me ever going back to the big carb no no’s like bread and pasta, I will probably toy with sweet potato and pulses once not cal restricted, but in moderation,

    Hope everyone is still doing well!

  • posted by Janrg1

    I remember years ago when they used to wire people’s jaws together as an aid to weight loss. I was in my late teens at the time and one of the women who worked with my mum had this done. She lost a lot of weight in the first few weeks then started to put some back on. She then admitted she was liquidising food and sucking it up through a straw. Mars bars and everything. So the only way is to learn what you can and can’t eat in the way we are.

  • posted by Trelawny

    Hi tired, how are you doing? xx

  • posted by Tiredofthis

    I’m still here with all wheels on the wagon. I’ve lost just over 2 stone (last time I checked), so feeling positive. Will have completed 5 weeks on Wednesday, and starting to think about what happens next!

    How are you doing?

  • posted by Trelawny

    Good thanks, in my 8th week, will be going another 8!! Down 19lbs, very happy. Feeling really good, very positive and happy! Have now lost a 10th of my starting weight, a good result, and am now overweight, no longer obese and my BMI is 29.9. Ecstatic. Lowest it’s been for 18 years.
    Your loss of two stones is fantastic, well done. What’s the news about your eye? And, how are the family doing? I am back home now, my daughter popped in for a quick visit today and she has been getting recipes off this forum to feed the family. They are really enjoying them. She always eats well but she is finding new ideas for low carb eating which is always a good thing.
    Have a good week. xx

  • posted by Trelawny

    Hi Tired, What’s your news. I have put on 3/4lbs but am hanging on. Kitchen being replaced this week so no cooking facilities, nothing. So ton of salad prepped in fridge, cooked chicken etc. Next weekend a sparkling new kitchen, exciting! Back to easy cooking and food storage. No more making do. For the previous owners obviously perfect ‘cos they lived on fried stuff, but we were used to more modern appliances, which we will have again this week. Only hob, oven and a fridge freezer, where you can open the door and see everything on display without having to get on your knees and peer into a dark cavern. Bliss xx

  • posted by Trelawny

    Tired are you still with us? xx

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