Skyr vs Greek yogjyrt

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  • posted by florob85

    Hi all
    I wondered if anyone regularly uses Skyr instead of Greek yoghurt? Or if anyone knows a good reason why I shouldn’t? My question is because I simply prefer the taste and texture of skyr. I know we are meant to avoid low fat (and skyr is pretty much fat free) but in terms of nutritional info I can see very little difference between the two.

    Skyr 100g 65 cal
    0.2g fat, 4g carbs, 11g protein

    Fage Greek Yoghurt 100g 93 cal
    5g fat, 3g carbs, 9g protein

    Yes there are differences but are these really significant enough?? I find Skyr so much less tart than Greek yoghurt and so don’t feel the need to sweeten it with berries etc. I can’t stomach Greek yoghurt with nothing to take the edge off. I get plenty of healthy fat elsewhere in my diet and don’t find skyr any less filling than yoghurt.

    Would just be interested to know others thoughts?

  • posted by SunnyB

    If you are getting fats from elsewhere in your menus, see no reason you shouldn’t use skyr in preference to greek yogurt, if that suits you better.

  • posted by florob85

    Thank you

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