saturated fat – good or bad?

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  • posted by keeptrying

    having just watched ‘FOOD DETECTIVES’ on BBC2, I am left completely confused
    they were saying how peanut butter is ok to eat
    but the ‘expert’ looking at it still commented on the fact that it was good because the fat it contained WAS NOT saturated

    and elsewhere in the programme they are talking about the disadvantages of premium sausages having more fat – saturated fat – and more calories – because they contain more meat

    oh and regarding the peanut butter they said that it is ideal eaten with toast as they contain complimentary proteins and how healthy it is to have with a grain

    ?????????????????????????? I thought grains were now the enemy
    this is a programme that has just aired, today, not years old
    and this is not the only foody programme I have seen in the last few days giving similar messages


  • posted by keeptrying

    this is the current advice on the American Heart Association web site –

    “There’s a lot of conflicting information about saturated fats. Should I eat them or not? The American Heart Association recommends limiting saturated fats – which are found in butter, cheese, red meat and other animal-based foods. Decades of sound science has proven it can raise your “bad” cholesterol and put you at higher risk for heart disease.

    The more important thing to remember is the overall dietary picture. Saturated fats are just one piece of the puzzle. In general, you can’t go wrong eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fewer calories.

    When you hear about the latest “diet of the day” or a new or odd-sounding theory about food, consider the source. The American Heart Association makes dietary recommendations only after carefully considering the latest scientific evidence. ”

  • posted by Bill1954

    Strange that as the latest research shows that it’s not saturated fats but transient fats that cause high cholesterol.

  • posted by Frog

    As with all research, you have to look at where it’s come from. and make your mind up about the sources.
    I think it’s interesting that there are several ‘movements’ challenging the stuff that’s been around for years about all fat /saturated fat is bad – I do tend to go with the theory that natural is better – have always avoided margarine gunk!
    I’m eating a lot less fat than I used to, even choosing full fat options, apart from milk because I really dislike the taste of whole milk, simply because without fat, I’m not using any butter. (and no chocolate, no cakes, etc!)

    Grains the enemy? – well they are on this diet, but it’s far from mainstream
    Peanut butter is lovely with cheese, and apple – and following my success with hummus the other day, I might try spreading some on cabbage next time I have a peanut butter craving – just choose the ones that are pure peanut without any added sugar or dodgy vegetable – I always try to get salt free too

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Hi Keeptrying — check out Dr. Perlmutters book, Grain Brain, about fat, saturated fat and cholesterol. It is my opinion, and only my opinion, that meat and fat (saturated and otherwise) has a bad name because it does not fit into a world where everyone is on a plant-based diet, which, does not fit into the dogma of global warming and carbon footprints. Why else would my US government recommend 8 or more servings of grains every day??? And we (USA) are the fattest nation on earth.

  • posted by keeptrying

    exactly, Bill
    that is why I am so confused because I expect NEW programmes to be ‘current’ but then perhaps I expect too much
    Frog, I tend to agree with you that natural is better
    and I do have butter, not lots, and olive oil, and now coconut oil too – which is very high in saturates

    thanks Calafornia girl, I will look at that book
    sorry I think I went off on one about grains when I had intended this thread to be about fats
    but I KNOW wheat and the like make me very bloated and can cause me pain/upset stomach so now I am avoiding it almost entirely (apart from the odd stock cube)
    I have also read Gary Taube’s book – ‘Why we get fat, and what to do about it’
    a brilliant book – and in there he really does seem to be saying avoid grain carbs and sugar carbs
    but perhaps I have got that wrong
    I have not finished reading the BSD book yet, but was also under the impression that grains and root veg were best avoided/eaten sparingly – but sorry if I muddled that up

    I can get a bit ‘channelled’ in my thinking to say the least 🙂

    but thanks for your input, all of you, it would be nice to hear how others interpret all this

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