Sam's 8 week journey

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  • posted by Stealthdragon

    Hello! I’m Sam and my vital statistics are :
    weight – 73.9 kg (11 st 8.5lbs),
    height 161 cm,
    BMI 28.5.
    Waist 39″
    Fasting glucose 15.0 mmol

    My plan is to post how I am doing each day, to keep me on track. I am expecting to feel irritable and tired after a few days but then hope to feel a lot better and more energetic. Consistency has always been a problem for me, in everything I do! And to make it harder (or more fun!) I have also signed up to do the Great South Run in October, 10 miles! Jogging is a very enjoyable form of exercise for me so hopefully that will help me to stick to it.

  • posted by Avila

    Hi Sam,

    Welcome, day 4 here and surviving so far! The thread ‘starting tomorrow’ has a bunch of us August newbies if you want to call in. And as you do your daily posts have a look at the diary threads of those a week or month ahead of us for encouragement….

    The run is a great incentive!

  • posted by Stealthdragon

    Day 2

    Weight 72.3 kg, down 1.6kg, blood sugar 13.5 mmol, down 1.5 mmol

    Very pleased with this result. I stuck to the diet and drank my water yesteday. I did get very hungry towards dinner time! Did no exercise, today is a training day for the Great South Run so I will get some then, and plan to go for a walk later too.

  • posted by PrincetonianStud

    Welcome Sam! I started my 3rd week!

    You are doing great! You would be considered skinny in Chicago, NYC or Philly. Cheesecake, Pizza, and Cheesesteaks. Keep it up!

    Every morning, say these 4 magical Humphrey Bogart words:

    And another 4 magical words:

    Live Long and Prosper!


  • posted by Stealthdragon

    Thank you for the encouragement PrinctetonianStud!

  • posted by Stealthdragon

    Day 3
    weight 73.2kg – no loss
    blood sugar 12.3 – down 1.2 mmol

    Ate very late on Friday evening, that might explain why no weight was lost. Very pleased that my fasting glucose is down too. I planned to do some training for the run but felt too unwell, something I ate disagreed with me. So two whole days of inactivity, which is not good.

    An unplanned and long journey meant I ate lunch in the car, but was able to stay on track. I love the M&S pots of crudites! After spending so long in the car we went for a 35m walk and I felt great afterwards, fitted in a bit of HIT too and was dancing in the kitchen whilst cooking.

  • posted by Stealthdragon

    Day 4
    Weight 71.9 kg down 0.4 kg, total loss 2kg (4.4 lbs)
    Blood sugar 9.5 – down 2.8 mmol

    2kg down! Yay! I am feeling great, much less fuzzy and have more energy. I hope that is the reduction in my fasting glucose level. That and finally exercising.

    Off for a training run very soon – 15m run/walk. Looking forward to it.

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