Really sweet Judith but the thing that really got to me was the other night when I was doing my Greek yoghurt and strawberries, the wife asked me to do some of her yoghurt for her, it was commercial low fat mango flavour stuff.
All I did ws taste the spoon after I had doled it out and the taste was so sickly sweet, I had to wash my mouth out.
Fatty (soon no to be) yeah I did reduce the metformin, it’s early days but so far I’m not really seeing any rise in BS levels, all very encouraging. In fact so much so that, if I can keep these readings within normal levels for a week, I’m going to try going med free.
We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.
Hooray for Bill… wow… good for you mate…my goal too…!!!
Oh Bill, fancy having to wash your mouth out!!! I confess I think I would have had to do the same. I can’t believe I was eating that muck for years.
And Wow, cut the meds and blood sugars are stable, way to go, Bill
Yes that’s great news Bill, I knew it was one of your goals. How good will that feel to be finally free of nasty metformin? Just the thought of it used to upset my tummy so when I found this diet it was definitely an answer to prayer. The threat of needing metformin is enough to keep me on track for the rest of my days. One more week and I’m joining you, Judith and Lynne across the 8 week line
Cherrieanne it will be great to see you on the 8 weeks and over, it goes so fast doesn’t it?
Global celebrations incoming
Anyone noticed the fantastic results starting to show up as more and more folk complete the 8 weeks.
I’ve seen folks stutter but not 1 negative 8 week post yet, that has to say something. -
I cannot wait to get there!!!!!
No problem with the diet. Past the 8 weeks and looking to a continuation of the principles. Me. now at the weight I was at 20, at 63. Enjoying our food, and getting a lot of interest about how it is done now effects are actually visible. A lot of people will not change, though. We’ve had, “Oh, just take the tablets and you can eat anything.” Still, up to them. Many more have bought the book, and started.
My only sadness is I still can’t drink wine over the “occasional one with dinner” rule. Puts my fasting BG up. Not the next day, but the next, and for several after that. Always has, and diet, and weight loss, hasn’t cured that. Looks like it’s the naughty step, for ever, for that, unfortunately. -
Hi Steve and Ei, first, congratulations on your amazing achievements! Same size as you were at 20, that really is something to celebrate (with a nice piece of cheese or steak perhaps?).
Not being able to have a glass of wine pales into insignificance next to those stats! You must be over the moon. I certainly will be if I can achieve that (I’m 63 as well) it is still a dream at this stage.
Sadly, Bill, I haven’t kept any of my old clothes quite that long, I wish I had, you would hear me crowing all up the North East if I could parade around in my 43 year old clothes!
I bought an expensive jacket for my sons wedding 9 years ago (Gretna Green would you believe) and it is like a tent on me now, and not just a 2 man jobbie.
When everything else goes, I’m going to hang on to that jacket and 1 pair of trousers as a reminder of what could happen if I don’t look after myself in future. -
God, bill, what a pity it was an expensive jacket! It must be very rewarding though to see it ‘fitting’ like a tent
Nowhere near as expensive as the reception, hotel stay, and transport, and it does make a good keepsake
Judith there is a new member, Lostgirl just posted in the (I think) BSD way of life thread I’ve replied but I think she may need a lot of support. -
Me too. Bought a jacket on the “expensive (by my standards), but will last me for ever” principle, and now it hangs in the cupboard, with some other oversize stuff. Now operating on the cheap, and cheerful basis, for a while. Two pairs of jeans for a tenner in ASDA, and surprisingly good.
Ei is still going down the weight range, taking it slowly after the initial 8 weeks, so we are buying a few things as we go. Not too much at any size. Hooked in a shop assistant, overhearing our discussion, for the diet, a few days ago. They tell you, “I’ve tried everything – how have you done it?” -
Great way to get the word out Steve and Ei
Anyone who mentions I have lost weight get’s regaled with my BSD stories.
I bet I’m considered as a bit of a bore now, but ask me if I care !
I may just be doing someone some good. -
Looks like we need a bigger venue for the ‘over the 8 week line’ party
That’s so encouraging. All these people finishing the 8 weeks, with great results, and sharing their successes on here.
Well done to those approaching that 8-week line. See you on the other side!
Still on half dose metformin and todays FBS was 6.6
If this stays the same for the next week I’ll stop them altogether -
We haven’t heard from Lachlan on here for a while. If you are reading this Lachlan, let us know how you are doing, I’m wondering if you’ve overcome those high fasting sugar levels yet.
I was just thinking the same re Lachlan when I woke up this morning. Give us a shout Lachlan!!
Hi guys
I’m still here and touched you are thinking of me. Thank you. Had a bit of a mixed few days. Blood sugar went down then went up again and then went up again! Started to get worried again so got in touch with the team who assure me that it is most likely a bump as many people report fluctuations even at this stage – I just finished week 8 today and was hoping to be celebrating but not quite yet it seems. My weight is below 9 stone now so think I’m might move over to not counting calories but still keeping those carbohydrates way down. Just been watching and researching the work of Dr Sarah Hallberg (USA) who seems to mirror everything the blood sugar diet advocates though talks more about importance of not eating carbohydrates and not being scared to eat fat instead.
Not giving up yet. Still very determined. Btw well done Bill and Cherianne. Excellent results! I’m jealous!
Good of you to all be thinking of me. It’s very appreciated.
Lachlan -
Hey Lachlan, thanks for answering. I was hoping all was well with you. I didn’t think I was ever going to get through that stage of high levels. So glad it passed. It will happen for you too.
I really think you are right about the carb levels. I have dropped a few kilos trying to get my blood sugars down, and I was light to start off with. My personal fat threshold must be fairly low I think. If I keep to 50g carb or less per day, whatever my calorie intake might be, I can keep my blood sugars in the non diabetic range. If it is the reverse, and I eat more than 50g carbs but my cals stay around 800 or less, then my blood sugars go up.
I’m assuming I’ve drained the excess sugar from my liver now, because I don’t have any surprise high readings.
Keep posting and let us know your progress. Hopefully it will be good news soon. -
Hi Lachlan, glad you are still with us. Bill and Cherrianne are our resident experts on blood sugars.
Keep posting we like to hear from you!!
Getting really strict on the carbs here. Do you only allow yourself 50g of carbs in total or just carbs that are sugar per day?
I want yor results!
Lachlan -
Hi lachlanh, glad to see you’re still here.
keep the total carbs down to 50g per day or less my friend.
All carbs break down into sugars at some point but the complex carbs found in veg etc take longer to digest so help the fat to keep you full but tend not to spike your sugar levels.
Keep going, you will get where you want to be.
My sugars seem to have stabilised again, you shouldn’t be far behind as long as those carbs are under control. -
Hi Lachlan,
I count all carbs from whatever source. Total carbs not just sugars. There is quite a bit of leeway in 50g. I aim for 15g per meal plus 5 for ‘spare’ eg extra milk/ nuts/cheese etc. I don’t count calories at all cos I don’t need to lose weight.
I put my planned food into a diary app in the morning, including snacks and my milk allowance. Then I substitute items or ingredients to make sure I’m happy with the final count.
Apart from one day last week when I had a tummy upset and was using rehydration drinks, my highest fasting reading has been 5.2, it’s usually under 5 and post meal under 6.4.
Now I’ve got the results I want, nearly at the end of week 8, I am fully committed to this way of eating for the rest of my life.
It can’t hurt for you to give it a try Lachlan. I think you’ll find your weight will stabilise and your blood sugars will come done. All the best, stay in touch -
Hi Cherrianne, great news about your blood sugars
I am now counting carbs as well after your timely advice about the carbs in yoghurt!! Thanks
Hi Cherianne / Bill
Clearly that was where I have going wrong.mi was only counting / avoiding the sugar carbs. From now on it will be total carbs and a maximum of 50g per day. Had to reach for the metformin again unfortunately as the levels were not where they should be. I’m hoping this will be rectified by the restriction of carb intake. I’ll see how the next couple of weeks go.
Keep us posted on your progress with the carbs hashimoto.
Hi Lachlanh
FSB this morning was 6.8 on just 1 metformin twice a day. You can get there, watch the blood sugar drop now you are starting full carb control.
I have an appointment this afternoon with the GP to discuss my latest results and how I intend to move forward with my diabetes care.
Have I got a story to tell him. -
Bill I can’t wait to hear what happens at your GP appt. We all be waiting eagerly
Hi Bill, Good work and good luck for today.
Hi Bill
Holding my breath to hear how it went at docs. In danger of turning blue
I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that appointment.
Breathe Lynne, appointments not until 3, and I don’t know if you suit blue.
I’m considering putting the phone on voice record and keeping it in my pocket though -
*breathe*. Ah,that’s better.
That’s a great idea – looking forward to seeing your update later
Hi Lachlan,
What a relief to find out you haven’t been counting all the carbs! At least you have the answer now. We really do have to be diabetes detectives don’t we? We just have to keep on testing theories and trying new ones until we come up with the culprit responsible for the crime against blood sugars.So glad you’re on the right track now. We are going to be hearing your great results soon I think.
Bill, I’m not going to know until tomorrow now! It’s 20 to midnight here and I’m going to sleep. All the best for your appointment -
Hi all, am currently mid week 4. In week 2 my FBS really improved – lowest was 5.9. Slowly crept up in wk 3 – lowest 6.9. I halved my metformin but only for 2 days as they’ve gone up. This week I’ve had 7.7/7.8/7.8/7.2. I’ve gone back on full dose metformin again (2000mg). The only thing that’s changed diet wise is I’ve not been drinking the 2-3l water but I’ve started doing 3 Mile walks 5 times a week. It’s all very strange but am hoping it’s the pattern before better things. (Pre this diet my FBS figures were in the 11s).
Hi Leeanne
you’re not the first to have blood sugar problems in week 4, a few of us have.
It seems to take about a fortnight to resolve itself, so stick with it, you saw my results from yesterday and if I can do it, you sure can. -
Cheers Bill, I’m hoping it’s a temporary blip in this marvellous diet!
Hi leeanne, Bill is right a few people have had that temporary blip in their blood sugars, then it seems to be smooth sailing!! You’re obviously doing all the right things if you are experiencing what Bill did at roughly the same time. Look what’s happened with him!
Thanks hashimoto, these bodies of ours are very complex things aren’t they!
They certainly are Leeanne!!
I am on week 7, I am not diabetic but test my sugar levels as they had started to rise over the last 6 months. I have found my fasting level rising from week 5 and looked at this report which may be an idea as to why. I am staying within the 800 cal and having very little carbs. I have lost 10% of my weight. -
Thanks, susan, I’ve just read the article. I had no idea it was such a complex area!! I’m not diabetic either but I’m now hoping the fasting blood test I had done this morning won’t show a spike!
My blood sugar levels don’t seem to spike but are just generally higher, I do think that its all more complex than I understood.
I also don’t understand why it was found that using artificial sweetener increased blood sugar levels as these are lo carb. I have given up on those when I started the 8 weeks, I do have a very sweet tooth but am now finding that is readjusting. -
Ooh err! Maybe that’s my downfall. I take sweeteners in tea/coffee – didn’t realise they were not ok as mine are zero cals. I always count a tea or coffee as 7cals to account for milk. I’ll try to stomach no sweetener!!!
Hi Susuan
I did read somewhere that artificial sweeteners can cause high sugar readings because they actually change the way that the good bacteria in your gut work.
I stopped them after reading that. -
All too complicated! I don’t want to be diabetic, but its a bit late in life to become a scientist. I need it simple. I used to create flowcharts for newbies at work. If this happens do this – if that happens do that – etc etc. Give me one of those.
Hi Bill and Susan, I remember watching a ‘Trust me I’m a doctor’ program where sweeteners were tested, saccharin v stevia. The results were not at all what was expected. The saccharin style sweeteners did all kinds of awful things to blood test results. The stevia didn’t.
I’m not recommending Stevia, though, I got rid of my own tub. I don’t want any more sugar then necessary – i.e. from natural foods. -
Hi all, started back on bsd on Monday, fasting blood sugar up and down 7/7 yesterday and 8 this morning I’m not on medication as I’m hoping to get it back down to the 5 range after the 8 week plan, I couldn’t resist hopping on scale this morning and I’m down four pounds so very happy, should I worry about the rising fasting blood sugar. I love all the support on the posts, thank you.
I’m not sure why my fasting blood sugar has gone up as I’m losing weight and on very few carbs. I think it’s a bit more complex and I’m hoping that when I have more good carbs it will be lower than when I started the eight weeks. The good news is I have lost 10% of my weight in 7 weeks. I do think that blood sugar levels are only just starting to be understood and I’m sure there will be a better understanding in the future. The research so far that I have read seems to defiantly points a finger at artificial sweetener as mucking up the bodies response. I stopped using sweetener at the start of the eight weeks.
Good Luck and keep going. I must say I feel much better for doing this diet. -
Susan quite a few of us have been through the same thing
It has been explained as due to stored sugar being released from the liver and typically sorts itself out in 2 to 3 weeks.
I woke up one morning to find my levels back to day 1 (9.8) Now it’s 6.6 so stick with it, it will all work out. -
Talk about spurious results !
After almost 2 weeks of readings in the normal range I woke up this morning to 8.9 !!!
Food yesterday was 4 Ryvitas with cream cheese and 2 slices roast beef for lunch, a piece of baked haddock with asparagus for dinner and 2 tbsp of Greek youghurt with 4 strawberries for my late snack.
Honestly, the more I learn about this, the less I understand.