Over the 8-week line and after

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Thanks Lucia 👍😃💐

  • posted by Fatty

    Hi…. I am knocking politely at the door…..

    Just looked at the calendar… started March 13… so thats me at the end of eight weeks… wow… never supposed when I started what seemed like an insurmountable climb to the eight week mark that I would actually loose track of what week I was in… Love my life eating like this has set me freeeeeeeee..



  • posted by GonnaBeDazzling

    Hello Not So Fatty, welcome!

    It’s so good that dozens of us are loving this way of eating. How are you doing? Would you like to tell us what changes your first 8 weeks have made for you?

    I’m still throwing out clothes – my wardrobe & drawers have never been so empty!
    And gardening is so much more comfortable now I’m bendier!

  • posted by hashimoto

    Welcome to the veterans club, not so Fatty!!! Told you that name wouldn’t fit for long he he 🙂

  • posted by Fatty

    HELLO GonnaBeDazzling,

    Thanks for the welcome… I actually don’t know what my body measurements are externally… but I did weigh once at the halfway mark and had gone from 97 to 88kg…. and I have not weighed since… Weight focus plays with my head!!

    So maybe I will buy some scales today.

    For me the motivation has been the BSL and decreasing medication. I have got rid of BP meds… Cholesterol Meds, Diabex was gone in the first week and now I have started decreasing my Metformin…

    Went to a half dose a few weeks ago – but was too dishearten with the Fasting BSL… so after being reminded that long term diabetics may take longer to respond and may in fact have impeded Pancreatic function ( and my poor ol Eyelets of Langerhans must be worn out after 55 years of eating whatever and whenever I pleased) I went back to the original dose and only this morning decreased it by a quarter – as my Fasting bsl was back to acceptable…

    Like you and many others my clothing that can be worn in public is – barely there… but I want to wait until I stabilise to a size before I purchase anything new… If I can I will wait to go shopping once I return to Oz…

    You are so right… everything is more comfortable without carrying those extra Kg’s… Hubby said on this weekend – well – just think you are not carrying a backpack full of bricks around any more!!!!

    Really think I will stick with the 800 BSD for a few more weeks and revert to the 5:2 but in reverse – like have the week end off… a little later – maybe mid June… and see where I end up….

    Will see my Doc in July and surprise her…. in march she sent me to a Specialist endocrinologist as she thought my ability to manage BSL on oral meds was diminishing…. cant wait to surprise her…. (hopefully)…

    It is so good to see so many peeps on here that have changed their lives for the healthier and happier…. well done to everyone…

    Not so Fatty…

  • posted by Lucia

    Can I ask, did you do anything different in week 9 than to did in 1 to 8?

    Did you eye up in the diet or did you keep to the programme?

    I am thinking of keeping it going week by week, see how I feel and how my body copes.



  • posted by NewLife

    Hi everyone, I reached 8 weeks today 🙂
    Congratulations to the other new vets!

    I started at 14st 6lb, BMI 31.6

    Now I’m 12st 11lb, BMI 28 and 23lbs down 🙂

    I haven’t been taking measurements but my dress size was 20 and now I’m 14 🙂

    I’m so grateful for all the support here. I’m going to continue for another 4 weeks and then see where I am. I haven’t been super-strict with the 800 cals and some wine has crept in, but I’ve had no bad lapses. I’ll confess to being worried about how I’ll cope should a lapse occur (and chances are at some point it will…) because I’m very ‘all-or-nothing’ and in the past a lapse has been the start of the downward spiral all too often.

  • posted by ay caramba

    Hi Not so Fatty and every other….. Not so fatty Out there!!!!!

    My best bit about losing weight is finding that I have stomach muscles…. large cheer…..hooray 🙂
    The Tummy Bulge that made me look permanently pregnant…..seems to have….gone!!!!!

    That is why atm the world and his wife keep coming up to me and asking/telling me I’ve lost weight.

  • posted by Tallyhoo

    Hi NewLife – I’ve just had my weigh in for my 15th week and still enjoying it – I’m similar to you – started at 14 st 12 now 11 st 12 – lost 3 lbs this last week and have lost exactly 3 stone !!! Amazin’……….re lapses – had a disaster over Easter – put on 6.6 lbs and that was just in 3 days ! Chocolate, break, potatoes, chocolate………..came to the Tuesday after Easter and my husband said don’t weigh yourself as you’ll just be depressed – but, for the first time I did – knowing it would be truly dreadful – and it was. I was so furious with myself and immediately got straight back onto it and lost it all and some over the next two weeks. Something odd happened – psychologically it was fantastic for me – in the past I’ve always said – stuff it – and just carried on with the rubbish food feeling miserable and sorry for myself – this time I just didn’t – I think because I knew this was a different ‘diet’ for me, really is a new way of life and I so enjoy the food. Also, the incredible high it gave me of having power over my inner self and my body for me to control it not it control me – if you see what I mean. I am now in size 12 jeans and still have loads more around my tum to lose – but I will do it, of that I have no doubt. And if I have another relapse – so what – I can stop it before it gets too bad.

    Incidentally, still lost weight when I was on holiday in Crete with girlfriends for 4 days – stuck to it, didn’t feel deprived and knew I’d lost weight. Couldn’t wait to be reunited with my best mate – the scales – never EVER thought I’d feel like that. 5 lbs to go to reach the goal I set when I started back at the end of January………..then I will set a new goal!

    Don’t worry about what might happen, just know you can deal with it if it does…………

  • posted by Purplepenguin

    Hi Lucia
    How are those scatter cushions? Not sure if this was addressed to me or not but for me I have stuck to 800 calories or maybe slightly more. Exercise wise I am moving more as there is less of me!! I haven’t slipped ,in as much as no carbs (bread, pasta, etc) and also made the decision not to have anything like the chapatis etc. I don’t follow the recipes from the book but create or use some others I find and make lots of soups.I do have 30g of jumbo oats every morning I just found that my energy levels were non existent without it accept for weekends when i brunch instead. I have decided to up my exercise so we shall see how that goes. 3.5lbs this last week and consistently down each week. Also haven’t worried about the carb count as much as some have.
    Can we have a water feature outside?

  • posted by NewLife

    Thanks Tallyhoo, this is really helpful.

  • posted by Lucia

    Hi purple penguin,
    Thanks for that.
    With me being new to the vets area, I will be asking questions, but still nipping back to my old blog.

    Any more tips and hints pleas.

    Love Lucia

  • posted by Bill1954

    Hey, welcome to all the new veterans 🙂
    I haven’t been around much the last few days due to an immense workload, Lucia…….. Baby, told you we’d see you here 🙂
    The transition from nervous girl to BSD mentor is complete !

    Some amazing results from you folk, and adding to the reason this thread was first made, to be the most inspiring thread on the site 😀

  • posted by bumblebee

    WOW this is going to be me in 7 weeks and 6 days! I’m so glad I found this thread I now feel so motivated.

    I started last week Monday, messed up yesterday eating crisps and chocolate but back on the fast today and done my day 1 @790 calories. Reading all your journeys has given me strength and motivation. Thank you and see you in 7 weeks and 6 days.

  • posted by Lucia

    Hi bumble bee,
    We will not wait here for 7 weeks and 6 days.
    We are all walking beside you today, tomorrow and onwards, so we all step into the vets area with you.

    Don’t worry about messing up, just carry on, have a look at my blogs , even if it is to laugh at me and my daftness.

    Bill 1954 is fantastic with help, so is captain Lynn and Hashimoto. To name three, there are many here and WE are now your family.

    Keep posting, keep moving, keep losing, and keep HAPPY.

    Love Lucia

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi all,
    I haven’t been on the forum for a few days, however I have now caught up with all the posts, I’m not responding to any there are too many!
    We had some bad news minutes before we left for the spring market at church, one of our relatives, of the Aunty Edna teas, had a road accident in a hail storm, on the 15th April, she had massive brain trauma, after lots of efforts to save her they turned off the life support on Friday 6th may, she was 37 an Oxford graduate and the whole family is devastated, as you can imagine. I have been unable to function properly since, it’s knocked the stuffing out of me and all the family are in different states of grief, so I’m not going to be on the forum for a while, it’s taken me a great effort just to do this post, however I am hoping that just writing it down, what’s happened and how I feel will help me move forward.
    On a lighter note our craft stall at the church made £90 odd pounds,
    I am still trying to keep to the bsd diet, I am finding it hard, I seem to be hungry and I think it’s the grief taking over. I will have to just keep a low profile for a while in all area of my life for a bit, so good luck to everyone and keep on keeping on, and a big thank you to all of you who have supported me along the way it will be 14 weeks at the end of this week.

  • posted by orchid

    Hi Christine,
    My condolences to you and those effected by this tragedy. There are times when life makes no sense. I lost my 53 year old sister-in-law to breast cancer in January, one of my best friends at work died playing volleyball, aged 46, of a heart attack in October and another colleague also 46 died of a heart attack on Christmas Eve. All left young families and grieving spouses.
    You will need time to grieve; to be angry and shout; to adjust to your loss. Take that time; and when the time is right, come back to the forum. We will all be waiting for you to help you get going again. Eat what your body says it needs and don’t worry about BSD for now.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  • posted by Janet1973

    What a terrible shock for you and your family. Thinking of you at this horribly sad time. We will be here for you whatever you need from us and whenever.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Christine

    So sorry to hear your news. Condolences to you all. (((hugs)))

    Congratulations on the money made on your craft stall.

    Just take care of yourself for now and down worry about the BSD. Come back when you’re ready.

    Love and prayers.

  • posted by HappyLife

    Oh I am so sorry for your loss – sending many hugs and prayers for you and your family!

  • posted by Eureka

    Hi Christine
    Very sorry to hear of your family’s sad loss. My sympathy & prayers are with you all.
    Do hope you look after yourself & can post again sometime in the future. May you keep & draw on that strength you have found during the last 14 weeks.
    I’m pleased your hard work on the craft stall was rewarded.
    Make the best of every day, we never know what the future holds. Keep on keeping on. 🌹

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi orchid,
    Thank you x

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi janet1973,
    Thank you.
    Christine x

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi captainlynne,
    Thank you, ironically this morning I reached my target of two,stone lost.
    Christine x

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi happy life,
    Thank you.
    Christine x

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Christine

    Congratulations on reaching your target. Hope you post again soon (((hugs)))

  • posted by Fatty

    Christine, Love and support to you and to your loved ones suffering right now… good luck with all that must be overcome. I hope your hard work and success in improving your health will help.

  • posted by Fatty


    I found this website in my news ticker yesterday – Reading it was very helpful to me as I was concerned with the news of the last weeks regarding regaining weight. The Doc, I think, presents a very balanced view of weight loss. A healthy approach, at least from my perspective.

    Hope others find it useful… might be useful in other forums too… will leave it to those more experienced and involved in the forum support network to make that decision. Please feel very free to share if you think it would help others too.

    BTW… bought some scales – loss since March 12 is 13kg… very happy with that considering I had several weekends off!! and played around with carbs a bit. Total loss since beginning my wight loss journey toward better health began is now 32kg (70 pounds)… 27% of starting body weight… feeling fairly overwhelmed with that number…. 10 more kg to go…. wonder if I will make it…. life gets in the way sometimes huh???..

    Good luck to everyone… Love reading posts and getting further inspiration….

    Not quite so fatty – but still a bit!!!

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi Christine, I just want you to know you and your family are in my thoughs x

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi fatty, thank you.

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi Judith,
    Thank you, the funeral is today so a bit unsettled still.

  • posted by Lucia

    Hi Christies 1948,

    Sending you my love and big hugs to get you through this sad time

    Love Lucia

  • posted by Lellieteapot

    Hi everybody, i have only just started out and am only on day 3. This was the first thread i came across when i came on line 2 days ago. I spent 7 hours reading through all your exchanges. you are all amazing inspirational people, you have no idea how much strength you have already given me. I know i shouldn’t be in here yet, but couldn’t wait 8 weeks to tell you all that i was referred to this new way of life by my Doctor, who brought all the information up for me on screen in his surgery. I am not diabetic but recent tests show i have a BMI of 33.8, total cholesterol of 7.5 HDL 1.5, TC/HDL ratio 5 HbA1C of 39. These tests were done on 2.2.2016 at the time i weighed 84kg, when weighed at the Drs on 05.05 2016, having gone in to self destruct mode my weight had increased to 88kg, what a numpty! As it is a week since my weigh in at the Drs i jumped on the scales this morning not expecting anything much to have changed, chuffed to bits with a reading of 85.4kg.
    Thank you one and all Lellie x

  • posted by Alanhypno

    Stay with it not only do you lose weight but feel fantastic mentally and physically too
    Alan week 5

  • posted by Bill1954

    Hi Lellie and welcome.
    this is indeed the most inspirational thread on the forums, reading through other threads you will see folk having pitfalls, slip ups, and plateaus but by the time they make it here it’s all success stories.
    There is absolutely nothing special about any of us, we’re just ordinary folk trying to find the answers to extraordinary problems with great success.
    You can do as well or better than we have, give a shout if you need any help or support and the wonderful folks of the BSD will come running 🙂

  • posted by Janet1973

    Hi everyone
    Week 13 for me now and I’ve lost 3 pounds from Friday to yesterday so its probably fair to say I am finding these latter weeks more successful for me than the first 8 weeks. As ever, I am learning new things about myself and successful weight loss every day.

    For instance, I have heard from one doctor that the definition of a weight loss plateau is not one day, one week even a couple of weeks. It is several weeks with no weight loss. So anything less than that, it is natural that you may not lose much weight on the scales but the magic may still be going on unnoticed behind the scenes.

    I have also discovered that perhaps the most beneficial thing to me has been when I eat rather than how many calories. I have now effectively stopped counting calories but I keep carbs to the minimum. I fast every day for at least 16 hours and have one or two meals in the afternoon and evening. This follows Jadon Fung’s recommendations on reversing T2.

    Finally. Jason wrote a very interesting reply to the biggest loser report and put it on the dietdoctor.com website. He said that the reason the BL failed is that the metabolism was destroyed by the calorie restriction. But if you fast instead of count calories this doesn’t happen. That’s a very tight nutshell of his argument but if you are at all concerned about the BL report – and I was – read his whole article as it will put your mind at rest that you can lose weight without destroying your metabolism.

    I’m looking forward to my own loss of a further 6.5 pounds to reach my goal. If I had stuck with WW I would probably get there around November – if I made it at all. I can’t tell you how pleased I am to have found Dr Mosley, his books and all you lovely people. All the best xx

  • posted by Lellieteapot

    Hi Alan,
    thanks for the encouragement, i am really looking forward to the rewards to be had and a brand new me. I can’t wait to be all intellectual, also looking forward to reacquainting, myself with my feet, the view is obstructed by my stomach at the mo!
    Wishing you luck with your own journey

  • posted by Lellieteapot

    Thank you Bill1954,
    I am looking forward to the journey ahead and know that I’m in the right place to succeed.

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi Lucia,
    Thank you.

  • posted by captainlynne

    You ok Christine?

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi Lynne,
    Yes I’m getting there, I’m just surprised how it has affected me, I’m having to keep a low profile all round, just to deal with it all, I react by being depressed and wanting to eat, not good when you’re trying to lose weight!
    I will get back on the forum and the diet when I have rationalised my response to the tragedy, I know it’s harder for the mum and dad, but can’t do a thing about how it has affected me! Which is awful, however I mustn’t start on that thought process or it will be the slippery slide. Will ‘talk’ soon, thank you for your concern it’s appreciated.
    Christine x

  • posted by Lucia

    So vets,
    The question I have is.What would you do/change on week one if you knew then what you know now?

    I would love to hear from everyone on this question?
    Love Lucia

  • posted by Fatty

    Hi Lucia,

    I would not be scared and afraid that it would be so so hard – it really has not been. In fact – easiest diet I have ever attempted – and in reality the only “diet ” that has been successful. AND… I have been doing it for nearly fifty years….my mum had me on appetite suppressants at 8.. (as it turned out – early puberty)… best intentions – done with love – but man!!!… how to stuff a metabolism!!!!

    Any way – let go of the fear….

    Less fatty…

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi lucia, to be honest there is nothing I would change retrospectively as I went by the book quite literally and it worked!
    That is a good question to pose. : )

  • posted by Lucia

    Week one question

    I would have started earlier, like thirty years earlier.

    I would have known then you can live on only 800 calories and be healthy and happy in it.

    I would have started to walk more in day one

    I would have started more veggie days

    I would have read up how to much yoghurt to have in one sitting.

    I would have measured out 800 calories over three plates, seen how huge an amount of food it is and not worry.

    Look at all those would’s. ( I can’t see the woods for the trees here!)

    Love Lucia

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Lucia.

    Party in the clubhouse next Saturday😃

    When you looked round the clubhouse did you find the glitterball?

    Thanks for looking after the clubhouse, the homely touches are great. A new fridge is being delivered so we can prepare some food (BSD friendly, of course) in advance. Don’t know if anyone will want food heating, but that’s no problem. Have a good look round the kitchen, you’ll find everything that’s needed.

    Remember your apron – don’t want to get your white clothes dirty😳

    Time to bring out those hidden items that I’m not supposed to know about😃

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi all,
    I have a question, I am away from home at the moment so I need to know, as I haven’t got my book with me, how bad is it to have quinoa? My son in law made a dish with it in and a couldn’t eat it as I didn’t like it and wasn’t sure it was ok either.
    Also had a meal out at lunchtime today, I asked for salmon with coleslaw, I got battered salmon! With pink spicey coleslaw! Well that’s two days of unusual food, I have never had battered salmon before so was quite surprised when it was put in front of me!

  • posted by GonnaBeDazzling

    Hello Christine

    I’ve just looked up the nutrition for quinoa, and depending on where you look, quinoa has about 13% protein, 70-75% carbohydrate and 12 – 14% fat. So not ideal on the BSD!

    Did you peel the batter off your salmon? !

  • posted by Eureka

    Hi Christi1948
    Christine 1/2 cup of cooked quinoa = 17g carbs. 111 calories approx
    Battered fish 9 – 14g carbs. Approx 230 cals

    Right now concentrate on rough carb value, if anything. Calories can be sorted if & when. Take batter off fish nxt time.
    You take care & don’t worry about BSD just now. You will be on auto pilot & you know your stuff 🌹

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi gonnabedazzling,
    Thanks for that, I didn’t think it was good on the bsd diet, I felt awful because they did it especially for me! They are both pharmacists so think they know what’s best for me, they don’t understand the principles of the bsd diet though! And no I didn’t peel the batter off it was a very thin piece of salmon and thin batter too, I did try to though it wasn’t a success.

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