One Week at a time beginning 7th September 2021! SEPTEMBER REBOOT

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  • posted by wendleg

    Hi everyone !
    I’m just starting on my second week of reboot September , steering clear of nuts and dairy until I can behave around them !

    So…. September !!
    This always seems a good time to have a reset and plan as our seasons change and for many summer is coming to a close . Spring is beckoning for our Aussie friends and Happy Labor Day to our US friends .

    New season, new start ?

    So if you checked in with us last week, please carry on and let us know how you are doing .

    If you have just found our thread and this is the moment when you want to have a reboot moment, then please feel free to join us .

    Of course if this is your very first time venturing into Fast 800 then you are very welcome here . Eliminating sugar and processed junk will be the very best thing you could do to improve your health .

    We’ll be with you all the way !
    Wendy, SunnyB and Sunshine Girl

  • posted by wendleg

    I have been compiling a new list for September which best represents who is contributing and hopefully the list will grow as we move forward.

    Please don’t be offended if I have missed you off from the previous list ! Just check back in and I will add you !

    This is last week’s list

    Wendleg /Wendy
    Sunshine girl/Denise
    Florab85 /Lauren
    Orange Panda Momma/Amz
    RubyG and hubby
    California girl/Julia
    Merry melba

  • posted by MerryMelba

    Thank you Wendy for kicking off our new week.
    I enjoyed a dinner of mussels last night – it’s been a long time since I cooked them at home. Very carb friendly with just some herbs, garlic, onion – and a bit of cream added at the end of steaming the mussels. A slice of low-carb bread (Hermanbrot) to soak up the juice. Delish!
    Off to the podiatrist (an allowed “outing” during lockdown – yipee!!) – so hoping that a pain free toe will lead me to do more walking. 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️

  • posted by RubyG

    Thank you for the new thread and continued inspiration to keep on keeping on!
    I am originally from the southern hemisphere, in the UK for nearly 20 years now, but September still feels like a renewal for me, a spring cleaning mindset. I am noticing the leaves are starting to turn, and we live near some lakes so are hearing and seeing the geese heading off, it’s a special sight and sound that never ceases to bring a smile to my face.
    On the WOE front, I had a rubbish week last week, and generally ate too much, low carb but just too much and too frequently (snacks). Yesterday we were back home, no snacks and tracking again on MFP, focus on the water intake, and I do feel better today.
    Weight is 11st 8.4lb, so more-or-less maintaining at this level, which is the lowest my weight has been in many years, which is good. But I can’t help feeling that if I applied myself I could lose another half a stone, maybe even get to the 10st something mark, and try to maintain there.
    Have a good week all, wherever you are!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Thanks for rallying us for another week, Wendy. Glad your reboot is going well.

    I’d like to be able to say my intended reboot was a huge success last week, but alas, after a fair start early in the week, the weekend got away from me. As a consequence I greeted this week 1.5lbs up on last, so now 4.5lbs away from target. Fed up and annoyed with myself, but new week, new start, so I’m trying to find focus and do better.

  • posted by Elle-Mae

    Hi all hope your start of the week is going well
    Made a mistake last week, I made the Hungarian goulash which was delicious and will definitely be making again. I served it with rice for OH and as
    I thought cauliflower rice for me. As I finished it I thought oh no I have mixed up our plates as I had the rice! Next day on my own had another portion (it is for 4 portions and froze the last one for another night). Made what again I thought was cauliflower rice, only to discover I had not actually bought frozen cauliflower rice as I thought but frozen rice by mistake 😳. I know you are all saying go to Specsavers, not even got that excuse I had my eyes tested the previous week and they hadn’t deteriorated. Well I’m not so sure. 😁😁😁😁 Note to self pay better attention in the supermarket. However on an upbeat note blood sugar was 6.1 and weight down by a 1lb.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, hope to be back with you now for the duration. House is up for sale, not yet on the Leggett website but will be in a day or two. Hopefully we can just sit back and wait for people to come. Already had 2 viewings but not hopeful but early days.

    Dietwise I have both done well and then slipped up again. I have lost 3lbs but had lost nearer 4.5 until we had a night out. I am not regretting it but just jumping right back on track today. We went to a quiz night and, oh boy do I remember why we dont go. Even at the ages of 76 and 68 we were probably the youngest there. We quite enjoyed the actual quiz and did very well to say we were competing against teams of 6 and some had more. The food was okay with vegetable terrine and salad for starter followed by beef stew with rice. Obviously I had to eat around the rice but was so hungry that I did indulge in a couple of chunks of bread. In all honesty it was the wine that did the damage. Oooops… Anyway it was nice to be out and among people so might do it again next month.

    RubyG, you are pretty much where I am. I am happy with how much I weigh but could do so much better if I really put my mind to it and I do want to.

    Elle-Mae – oh these silly mistakes we make. No matter how long I have been doing this there is always something that creeps up on you. Dont worry, just learn. Have you tried making your own cauli rice. A few florets in a mixer, whizz for a minute and there you have it. I dont think it works with frozen so you have to buy fresh so, if you are like me and hubby, just the 2 of you, you might have to have cauli with a few other meals within a few days. Cauli rice, cauli mash on a mince dish and plain old steamed cauli another day.

    It is getting very hot here, 34 today and heading for 40 at the weekend. I know the UK is going to have a mini heatwave so stay hydrated and safe everyone. Have a good week.

  • posted by AlysJ

    Hello Wendleg, and everyone, please may I join in? I did the Fast 800 last year and it went really well – I reached my goal weight and managed to maintain it for about 3 months. Anyway we had a bit of stress in our lives at the beginning of this year which resulted in a house move and change in financial circumstances, and me being me I did a lot of emotional eating and drinking which I have continued 🙂 Chocolate and wine are by far the worst culprits so I have to cut them out entirely when I am on the Fast 800. It’s the only way I can control it.

    I am now back to where I started weight wise and need to lose a stone. I loved the Fast 800 last time and enjoyed making all the meals but am lacking a bit in motivation this time. I am at my max weight I ever reach before taking action so today is the day!!

    I can’t afford the online programme and tbh don’t really need it, as did not use it last time, just the cookery books and an exercise book for writing everything down, and I think this forum will be better for motivation anyway!!

    I look forward to reading all your posts.

  • posted by florob85

    Hi all, I’m still here and plodding along. Work is crazy busy at the moment and I seem to have my fingers in far too many pies – I’ve nominally taken on two new roles this year as curriculum development lead and research ethics panel vice chair, this was supposed to be because a new colleague was taking some of my existing teaching load off me allowing me to develop however he is proving to be, let’s say, flaky, so I seem to be doing my extra roles on top of my existing work which is annoying. On the plus side it doesn’t leave much time to snack! But it is making me very tired which then is impacting on my mental health which is then impacting on the choices I’m making for meals, heatwave isn’t helping with that either. But once I get through this week things will settle a bit at work so I’ll be able to focus a bit more on me and this WOE and stuff.

    Hope you’re all having a good week x

    Lauren x

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi AlysJ !
    Of course you can join us ! Welcome ! You know what to do ! I would suggest starting out again by doing a bit of planning so your meals are organised to avoid the temptation of grabbing something quick . You need to get your mojo back AlysJ and you will !

    Sorry you have had a tough time but it’s great that you have seen this is the time to change things for your health. I don’t think anyone on here uses the online programme. We just keep each other going each week !
    All the very best to you !

  • posted by wendleg

    Oh crikey Lauren , that sounds really full on . You are mindful of the pressure but it does sound like a really heavy duty work load, take care of yourself .
    I hope things settle soon . You can’t be doing 2 jobs !!

  • posted by WindyJulz

    Thanks for the thread peeps, good to catch up with the goings on. Life is certainly not all plain sailing, we all have some struggles.

    Ok so my reboot last week went really well…..tuesday to friday!!! I then crashed the waggon a little, started with a slice of toast when we were out to brunch and resulted in a chocolate-lime situation!! Annoyingly i was running a half marathon (like an actual race!) on Sunday, I went fasted as i always do but had to use gels part way round and then felt a little sugar swing situation come one after i was done, had to eat some sugary things to get the rest of the active day complete. I’ve struggles to right the waggon a bit since. I’ve been better but struggling a bit.
    Wendy – this is where one of your epic shoves are required – I know what i need to do, I know i will feel better for it, I just need to get my subconscious back on track!! Feel like if i could just get 10 days in a row under my belt i will be off…… today has been good so far and rest of the plan for the day is good….. so here we go, this can be day 1…..
    Oh adn re the running – i’m committing to getting my body back to running without carbs, the moderate carb thing just doesnt work for me. I can get adapted properly again as no pressure on the running for a good while. Its been such a learning curve! Easy how easy it is to derail when your not certain or are still learning!

    Keep posting all, it really does help to read other people experiences and encourage each other a long.


  • posted by florob85

    Keep going Julz you’re amazing and you can do it x

    L x

  • posted by Elle-Mae

    Julz I think running a half marathon is amazing in itself, I couldn’t even contemplate doing one. I’m worn out doing a 2 3/4 mile walk daily which takes me an hour.

  • posted by WindyJulz

    Thanks both.
    Elle-Mae, I have never been a runner, this time last year i was walking a lot and got into doing regular short runs, like 3km, I point blank refused to go more than 5km at a time. Then in December did a few longer ones and got hooked!
    I genuinely cant believe i am the person who says “I just ran a half marathon” or “we just did a wee early morning 10k”….. but here i am. It has helped my mental health like you wouldnt believe BUT i have really struggled to balance it with good nutrition – its too easy to say “I’ll have a ‘Treat’ cos i ran today” and eat an extra 600 cals of cr@p after a 400 cal run! And actually eating well and walking more had a more significant affect on my weight, and possibly my mental health, than just running. So the autumn challenge is to keep running but with no pressure and regain control of my nutritional needs. Easy right?!?!?!

    Gosh i forgot how refreshing and usful it is thinking out loud on here. Thanks for being a safe space

  • posted by Onestep

    Hi everyone,
    It’s great to catch up with everyone’s week, hi AlysJ

    Septembers such a strange time, I’m so focused during the holidays but then back to school brings different challenges which so far so good, cakes, chocolate etc resisted, it does however really help with Tre, as I can’t have my first meal until lunchtime so that’s a win, so far my only downside is tiredness and don’t feel like cooking when I get in, so throwing things together at the moment, all on plan just not as organised.

    I think we should earn commission as so many people have asked how I’ve lost the weight so far and I can talk about the BSD and Fast800 forever, probably boring to some but others have gone off to buy the books.

    Fantastic on the running Windy!

    Lauren that sounds tough, I’m in a similar position so hopefully they will just be settling in and will improve are they an NQT?

    Have a lovely week all and enjoy the weather, what is it 36 in France and 28 over here, lovely whilst it lasts but thunder storms tomorrow supposedly.

  • posted by RubyG

    Yep, another one here being gifted the development opportunity of doing 2 jobs at the same grade and same pay 🙂

    After a decent weigh-in yesterday, I stupidly stepped on the scales this morning to find a 1.8lb gain after a decent on-plan day yesterday, so I’m ignoring it and pretending I didn’t get on the scales.

    With the late British summer, we have had a BBQ the last 2 nights (and planned for tonight) – just a piece of steak or a lamb chop, with some simple salads.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, wondering why I wasnt getting notifications – it does help to press the subscribe button. All is well here, lovely long swim this afternoon, seems I have just beated a thunderstorm – we really need some rain.

    Weight loss on this round is 4lbs and still want another 2 before doctors visit on 17th so got to be super good over the weekend which is the only time I really struggle.

  • posted by Elle-Mae

    I worked out today that I have been doing this woe for 13 weeks taking off 2 for the week in hospital and week in Scotland. I have lost 1 at 6 lb. Starting to feel a little jaded, not by the food probably the cooking, planning and exercise. However I have made a start on the packing for going to visit my daughter on Friday. I think a couple of days off (still going low carb, just not counting calories) is just what I need, so can make a new start when we are back on Tuesday. Then to tackle the last 1/2 stone.

  • posted by florob85

    Ruby – why do we do it to ourselves?!

    Onestep, yes sort of, I’m a lecturer rather than a teacher but he is new to the job, which is why I’m being more patient with him picking up the slack but he wants to sort his attitude out sharpish!!

    Keep going everyone

  • posted by OrangePandaMomma

    Hello. Amz here, checking in.
    I am about to start work so I will catch up on the posts later.
    I am chugging along. I feel like I have a better grip on my sweets addiction, so I am planning to start firm BSD tomorrow. I planned out a menu already that fit the macros I want to abide by. I have also continued my workouts; I am currently completing the low-impact program on Fitness Blender. I started trying to renew my healthy lifestyle on 8/26, and I am currently about 8 lbs down. I am hoping that properly planning out my meals will continue the downward trend.
    The first milestone I am aiming for is being under 200 pounds, which is about a 43-lb loss in all. Once I achieve this, I am going to reward myself with a trip to the salon. I have already treated myself to a few small gifts, such as a fitness tracker for deciding to resume BSD and new sneakers (my first brand new pair in like 8 years) for starting a workout routine. I am aiming to pick rewards that will either help me towards my goal or improve my self-esteem and personal happiness. I think one failing I had previously is that I looked for commendation and validation from others, which allowed me to be hurt and fall off track. This time I am trying to continue to think of what I am personally looking to get out of becoming fit and healthy, keeping this as my reason for continuing.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, seems a bit quiet on here so thought I would add my 2 pence worth. Not much to report. Although I am now down just under 5lbs since family left just under 2 weeks ago. Got to be super good over the weekend as I have an appointment with doctor gorgeous on 17th. Every visit in the past year I have been 1kg lighter each time so want to bust that and be 2kgs from last visit.

    Elle-Mae, cant harm to have some time out after 13 weeks but dont let it become the norm. A couple of days is fine but try to be back on track in a few days.

    AMZ I really like your treats and now covid rules are settling down it is nice to have some me time treats like a massage or hair colour. So much better than food treats. You are so right in doing this for you without needing validation from others. I know that when no-one notices or mentions you can think why are you bothering but you are doing this for you, not them. You are doing great so keep on keeping on….

    Had all the diagnostics done on the house yesterday and just received the published report. Lots of suggestions as to how we could improve our house but no actualy problems so no need for repairs or replacements. That done means the house can actually go on line and I can share the link with you all so you can wave to me.

    Be kind to yourself and others.

  • posted by Elle-Mae

    SG only away from today until Monday eve, food all planned for next week, Tuesdays brekkie and lunch ingredients bought, shop Tue pm and straight back on it 😁
    We have just arrived and lunch burger minus the bun and a side salad on order 🤣

  • posted by Tulip1

    Hi All,
    Lovely to read all your news!
    SG- Dr Gorgeous??
    Re the diet…..what a disaster, is all I can truthfully say……I start out well most mornings but have ended up having the most outrageous snacks and desserts later in the days….I think it’s busyness, stress and tiredness….it’s a mad time for myself and the family atm- new school year with new things for all of my 3, child health/ mental health issues, a busy time in my band (I play clarinet), work has been nuts (lots of unexpected things I have needed to deal with), extra random things to do, and this weekend my parents were due up and they were going to be a great help (as well as loving seeing them) but Dad fell and broke a rib yesterday- he’s ok, but definitely not up to driving…
    anyhow, my eating is derailed, my exercise is derailed…..I have been eating rubbish to keep going even when I am knackered, or to relieve stress, or because I fancy it….
    I need help! Also still 6 to 7 lbs from goal, no surprises there.
    All suggestions welcome,
    Tulip xxxx

  • posted by florob85

    Hey Clare,

    You can do it! I’m the same in September, it’s completely nuts and stressful, and my mental health has not been great which leads to bad choices, but you’ve done the right thing and held yourself accountable and come on here! Don’t beat yourself up for past discrepancies, just start again today and take it a day at a time – if you can handle it, plan ahead and get the shopping in, but otherwise just take it a day at a day at a time, congratulate yourself for a job well done and forgive yourself for any slip ups. I’ve had a dreadful week due to busyness and stress and things happening that are annoyingly triggering PTSD reactions, I also have a ghastly family dinner tomorrow I can’t get out of (they’ve booked a restaurant five minutes from my house) so I’m just going to start again on Monday.

    You’ve got this!!

    Lauren x

  • posted by Onestep

    Morning Everyone, or afternoon where you are!

    It’s been a funny old week, I think a lot of us are in a different pattern and got to get used to the new norm of September again with work and kids etc. I’ve struggled this week with pains in top of my tummy which I’ve think I’ve narrowed down to as I’m moving more at work 800 isn’t enough anymore, I’m only on week 7 nearly 8 and I don’t want to give up as I’ve so much more weight to loose but had to increase to 1000 yesterday and I know I’m not supposed to snack but a boiled egg or some nuts seem to keep the pain at bay so also had to reduce my tre window down to 16, I was doing 18-20. So any advice there I would be grateful, I am drinking enough and sticking to the woe despite that.
    Apart from being busy and not wanting to cook, I’ve made myself but think I’ll plan over the weekend for the next week, I normally do for the next day depending on what we fancy but need to be more organised, although meals off the cuff are getting so much easier as you get into what you can’t have.
    Have a lovely weekend xx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, hope you are having a great weekend. Stuck to my resolve and it was well worth it as I am now down 5.5lbs in less than 2 weeks. Just one pound more before I see the doctor on Friday. Tulip, I have always called my doctor ‘doctor gorgeous’ just because he is. When we first moved here all the English women wanted to be on his list. He is around 6’2″, broad shoulders, bright blue eyes and wears Pierre Cardin shirts oh and he is completely bald. If I was to describe him he looks like The Rock but softer around the edges. Maybe I shouldnt call him that but it is just a bit of fun. Also, Tulip, only 7lbs from goal, you should be super proud of yourself and not giving yourself a hard time.

    Same applies to others. Onestep, if you feel the need to increase your calories I always think it is a better solution that giving in. Also, your snacks of eggs and nuts are ideal. You will be find once your body gets used to its new activity.

    Elle-Mae, you will be fine with your break. I had a full week off when the family was here and gained 3.5lbs by trying to be good when I could and not worrying too much when I couldnt. Only took me a week to shift that weight and now hoping for more.

    Florobo/Lauren, you are always so encouraging to other people and dont let the stress get to you too much. Deep breathing and a bit of mindfulness. Dont tell me you are out for a meal with that dreadful relative again – or is it someone else or dreadful for some other reason (restaurant choice), maybe we can help you through it.

    They still havent put the house online yet but I wont share it here as it might be classed as advertising and get removed. Anyway, all have a great rest of the weekend. I am talking to a prospective housesitter for Christmas on Zoom this afternoon to see if she is suitable. Sometimes you just click with people and she looks nice on paper but I hate doing this in case I have to say no. Keep on keeping on…

  • posted by florob85

    SG unfortunately yes the same ones! My sister is expecting (18 weeks now!) and is being ultra precious about telling people face to face and not over the phone, so it’s round two of family telling tomorrow with my dads extended family!

    We’re going to a pub, and have had to preorder, I’ve ordered a roast and will just donate the potatoes and Yorkshire to craig! Wasn’t a huge amount of choice!

  • posted by Stresseatingpro

    Hello all! I have just signed up and starting tomorrow!

    Does anyone here swim while doing the 800 fast? When do energy levels begin to pick up?

  • posted by Tulip1

    Hi All,

    Thank you Lauren ☺☺……soooo, your sister has already told you but you have to witness the entire extended family’s reactions as well??!! Blimey….super good luck, let us know how it went!
    SG…..thank you……it is true, I am still super happy about my weight loss…..but those extra 6-7 lbs are regain weight….so I want to get back to that goal that I reached in Feb ish time and held steady for 6 months…’s been a slide over the summer hols….so I lost 3 and a half stone (to get into normal BMI, just) but regained half a stone…..and it isn’t like I am very overweight now, but I think it’s a slippery slope, and also I would really like to make it easy to have, broadly speaking, one set of clothes and bras 😂……expense-wise! Soooooo…..I still haven’t managed to get back on the wagon….I have a band performance today and my son’s 12th bday tomorrow, so I am thinking, do what I can today, be BSD strict tomorrow until cake time (there is no point pretending I won’t eat cake) and then restart properly on Tuesday….
    The half measures (I think as Julz was talking about further up) seem to be tricky for me too….so really I could do with doing a strict BSD until I get back to goal….but I am finding it harder I think as closer to goal, so happy with the way I look, blood sugars, BP all fine etc…..and I am trying to get into my head that things won’t stay that way if I don’t nip it in the bud now and get back to healthy weight….otherwise in time I WILL end up back where I started….!
    Love to all, Tulip xxx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi there y’all. Tulip it is always that last little bit that is the hardest. The motivation to look better or get better blood results or fit into a dress etc are not doing it anymore as you are already there but know you have to crack it. Stick with it and it will happen AGAIN. Done it once you can do it again.

    Hi Stresseatingpro, welcome to the site and our weekly thread. You ask about swimming. I swim every day. I am not a fast swimmer but do around 30 to 40 mins daily. My only issue with swimming on 800 calories is if I try to swim when I am really hungry as I am diabetic and my blood glucose can drop sharply. I now time my swims so I go in about 1 to 2 hours after eating. If that is not possible I make sure I have a small snack saved from my allowance to have before I go in. If you are not diabetic you should have no problems with expending that extra energy and it will boost your weight loss – as long as you dont eat to compensate. Remember – calories in and calories out doesnt work. You may find it difficult for a week or maybe 2 (should be no more than that) and it helps to keep doing what your body is used to even if you do slightly less time or effort. Eventually you will start burning fat so wont need to add any calories. If you do find it difficult just have a rest from it for a few days until your body is used to the lower calories. You will still lose weight as it is the diet that counts most. Hope that helps without going all around the houses.

    Still sticking with it and hope to be at least 1lb less by Friday.

  • posted by OrangePandaMomma

    I haven’t been feeling well, so I decided to makes some rice congee- with cauliflower rice, of course. It’s my first time using this recipe, but hopefully it ends up delicious.

  • posted by florob85

    Hope you feel better soon Amz x

    I survived family dinner gate without too many bruises, metaphysical or otherwise and have made my lunch for tomorrow. I’ve made cauliflower cous cous dressed in lemon juice and black pepper and will have it with some harissa roasted veg and cold chicken, one more super busy week at work then things calm down for a bit! My target for this week is just take one day at a time and keep on track x

    Hope all are ok x

    Lauren x

  • posted by Tulip1

    SG…..your doctor sounds great 😍😍😍…..interestingly there is a very attractive bald nurse at our GP practice with piercing blue eyes….he’s quite a hit with quite a few of my friends 😂
    And thank you- yes, I must dig deep and get back there!!
    Lauren, glad you made it through!!
    Tulip xxx

  • posted by florob85

    We can do this Tulip!!

    SG I used to work with an anaesthetist we used to call Dr Hotty – he was the anaesthetist we all wanted to work with, very handsome doctor with eyes like molten chocolate and the nicest smile!

  • posted by Stresseatingpro

    Thank you sunshine-girl for your response! I will definitely take up swimming then and use your recommendation of post eating ☺️

  • posted by SunnyB

    Just a quick note to say that the new thread is now up and running. Wendy is taking a much deserved break in a charming gite, hence my stepping in to kick things off for the coming week. Wendy will drop in when she is able, but I’m sure between us we can keep things ticking over on the meantime.

    Please jump over to the new thread when you are ready.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi stresseatingpro, glad to be of help. I got in to do 30 mins yesterday and as soon as I got in I watched 2 banks of cloud converging on each other then crash bang wallop. I staying in and did the full 30 mins but would have been out like a flash (pun intended) if it had started lightening.

    Hope to see you across on the new thread tomorrow.

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