So the Easter weekend is drawing to a close . Another celebratory milestone to navigate ? How did you get on ? If it was a time of indulgence , well maybe that was just what you needed as lockdown is easing in the UK ?? Maybe for lots of people a welcome time to gather with a few friends and family ?
However you spent the weekend, if it was slightly excessive in terms of choc and buns, well that’s ok . It’s done and we can look forward now with fewer distractions .
We are at the beginning of April . For lots of you that signals the advent of warmer weather, socializing , haircuts and general optimism . So we are in a positive frame of mind, right ?
We are in the midst of further lockdown in France but we do have decent weather and space despite travel restrictions . We will cope .
So let’s look forward to the next few weeks with a smile and determination, one week at a time !
Do come and join us , or check in if you are already part of our merry band
Wendy, Sunshine Girl and SunnyB