Gattina … that is a brilliant result…. go for it girl and don’t even think of self sabotaging … you have got this !!!
I remember reading that exercise alone is not enough for weight loss but it has massive benefits for health and well being. The only successful exercise for me is one that I enjoy. If it hurts too much and feels a chore then I won’t do it. I am missing aquagym right now but one day will get back in the pool .
Wow you have been busy EC ! Great that travel is now permitted and you were able to sort your son’s move . That will be so wonderful to see your kids at Christmas . You probably read that my boys are planning a trip to Tas for New Year . They are spending Christmas on Magnetic Island which sounds quite exotic !!
It doesn’t sound like you did too much damage with your off plan few weeks . Interesting about the juicing. One of my many weight loss ventures was with juicing . The problem was I was chucking in so much fruit with the veg that my juices were pure sugar bombs ! I made the same mistake with smoothies. I was convinced I was eating healthily but I certainly wasn’t losing weight. Veg juices are the way to go as you say EC and well done on getting back on track . It’s fantastic to be able to plan ahead with your events too . I doubt we will be back to normal here for several months.
Hi RubyG. Great that you and your hubby are still with us . This is a challenging time to stay motivated .
I was thinking of you Rainey as you mentioned you were cooking lots. Starting over is Ok. It’s not giving up …it’s fine. Will Christmas be another big family feast too ? I have only recently discovered Pilates and I love it . I would never know what routine to do though. I need guidance and very clear instruction !
Julz , we are very similar with our trigger foods . I am pleased to have coped well staying off the choc and nuts but dairy is still omni present and I have to tackle that . I have said this so many times but portion control and being aware that you can easily over eat even healthy foods is something I constantly have to bear in mind. I do like the sound of your torte . I did something similar with cashew cream a long time ago but it was just too nice to make often . By the way you always have something to contribute Julz. Don’t fret about anything ! I wonder what Scots say instead of ‘fret’ ??
I’ve kept busy the last couple of days tidying out my drawers . How many granny bloomers can a girl have ?? I really needed to do that and throw away the unloved ones with slack elastic ! I found a couple of nice bras which fit so have rescued them. I was sad to hear that Debenhams (in the UK) is closing . That was always my go to place for trying on big girls bras !
I totally agree SG .. we are all still here and that is the best thing . I do wish lots more would return though ? Maybe after the festive season is over ??
Oh dear sorry hubby annoyed you . I do think that a Kindle Paperwhite is a great gift though ! I bought myself one in preparation for my first long haul flight . They are also brilliant for reading in bed without having to turn off the light ! I understand that it annoyed you as you could have bought the Kindle yourself but maybe it’s just that hubby doesn’t attach that much importance to gifts ? I have a very chilled attitude. I absolutely refuse to be put under pressure and hubby understands that. If I see something I think he would like then he would get a gift ( I bought him a water bath for sous vide cooking and a set of chef knives once ) This year he doesn’t need anything and neither do I so we will use any spare cash to put towards one of our little breaks… one day ! I hope I don’t sound as if I am sadly lacking in Christmas spirit;-) . I just hate all the rush and will not be dashing round a supermarket with a glazed look on my face grabbing any old crappy foods,’ just in case’
Please don’t kill your hubby SG. We thought he was a really nice man !!
I haven’t quite finished this post but had better send it . Hubby needed my laptop for Zoom with hs mates on bar night . See how good I am to him !!