One Week At A Time Beginning 17th August '21

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by SunnyB

    I’m kicking off our new One Week At A Time thread, Wendy asked me to set it up because she has had a day away from home and won’t get back until late this evening. She will drop in tomorrow with a post and the updated list of contributors.

    Hopefully a good number of our usual participants will be joining us for another week and of course, we are always pleased to see new comers joining in too. From recent post on the previous thread, it seems there are a number of us still struggling a bit, but as we know, the answer is to just shake off the last week and make a fresh start. Indeed, that fresh start could be anytime at all … a new week, a new day, the next meal. We all get knocked off course occasionally, but providing we step back on the path as soon as possible, we can maintain an acceptable level of control and reach our goals.

    On a personal front, this weekend saw not one but two date nights, with an consequential blip upwards on the scales this morning. Confess I haven’t been as focused today as I’d planned, but making a good effort with evening meal and going for that fresh start tomorrow …. whose with me?

  • posted by Antigone

    Thanks for the new thread SB!
    We have family over from England currently so there have been some indulgences here too! I have been exceptionally good today though. My new waffle/chaffle maker is amazing – I just put a beaten, seasoned egg in and hey presto something to put marmite on! Thank you whoever suggested that!
    Hope you are ok Arctic Fox..sounds very scary. Glad the horses are safe – mine are really suffering with heat and flies let alone falling ash!
    Bon courage.

  • posted by Jeremy Fisher

    Started the week with a fast day, which has gone well. Running at lunchtime is so effective at killing my hunger, with the bonus that it keeps me fit and relaxes me too!

    Gone 6pm now so I can go and eat!

  • posted by Onestep

    Happy new week everyone!

    A little blip last night as had a couple of chips as we went out but was only a couple so not kicking myself too much.
    Over the last few days really feel like I need something sweetish like the choc mug cake however my lovely sons finished off the cream 😩 can’t have it without as not much for dark choc. I caved later and had one piece melted on a peach it wasn’t nice so hopefully I’ll think twice about doing that again.
    Had bloods again today but told couldn’t do blood glucose until 10weeks and only had them done 5 weeks ago so will have to wait to see if anything’s changed there.
    last blood test I had vit d deficiency so started taking that and a multi vitamin and now this time I’m iron deficient. I would of thought on this woe I’m eating so many veg and multi vitamins I’d be well topped up but apparently not, hay ho just another the add to the list, I’ll rattle soon!

    Enjoy spending time with the family Antigone and keep up the good work Jeremy, we are with you Sunny 😎
    Let’s hope we all have a good week xx

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi everyone ! Thanks Sunny for stepping in to set up the new thread. I didn’t want it to be delayed as I was home later than expected .
    All ok here , sort of resigned acceptance that nothing is going to happen for some time re travel . Booked our 5 night stay in a region not too far from here but surrounded by peaceful countryside and little markets ( much like home really !!! 🙂
    Really hoping everything works out for SG and her family .
    We have been invited to a birthday apéritif tonight at a vineyard which involves wine tasting and local produce . I will take a few bits in my bag as pâté, saucisson and cheese is the main event. I am still staying clear of nuts and dairy apart from my cream in morning coffee .

    Wishing everyone a great week . As Sunny says, just do your best !
    I will post the updated list . I was delighted to see California girl checking in ! Hi Julia ! Glad you are safe and enjoying life ! I am coming up to 3 years on BSD !!! Crikey !!

  • posted by wendleg

    wendleg, Sunny B, sunshine girl
    ADD6605 ( Dawn)
    Tulip1 ( Clare)
    Maryanne Carlos-Mascarenhas
    Marsie (Marilyn)
    RubyG and hubby
    Barefoot girl
    Life Diet
    allicat1A ( Allie, formerly alliecat !)
    workingfromthe fridge
    SummerTwinkles/ Summer
    Sheila Canning
    Smead01 ( Samantha)
    Jeremy Fisher
    Green and White
    Buffylover /Rebecca
    California girl (Julia)

  • posted by wendleg

    Amz ….. how has your week been ? Come and talk to us any time xx

    Clare are you ok ?

    Articfox … thoughts are with you too and anyone going through a tough time . We have to get through this

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, still losing weight and still on 14 units of insulin with a 90 bg this morning. I live in hope. If I continue at this rate which is quite gentle, I will be under another kilo mark by tomorrow.

    Talking about hope. Dd’s bloke, the lady who did his passport application said he would get a text and the passport would then arrive within 48 hours. She also said the people dealing with the fast track, fast delivery service were not too busy so he has a chance. Again, fingers crossed. At least I know I am going to see my daughter and my boys but would love it to be the whole family – my new family.

    Jeremy, you do whatever works for you although this jumping from one method to another doesnt quite seem to be doing the trick. You are right to try something else, like low cal. If 1100 did it for you then why not do that again or 1500 if that feels more comfortable. Stick to it for 3 weeks, see how it goes and then have just one or 2 days off and do it again. Having to give up after 3 weeks is not giving in, it is just having a (very short) break. As I said in an earlier post, we are not all on the same plan so dont worry about my nudging you or an I nagging.

  • posted by Jeremy Fisher

    Do nag me SG – it’s good for me!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Jeremy, thats not what my hubby says 🙂 🙂

  • posted by arcticfox

    Just a quick check in. I’ll try to pop in every now and again so you lovely people don’t worry too much about me. I really can’t say I’m on plan at all right now, but going easy on myself given the circumstances.
    We got a little tiny bit of rain overnight, so once again have a day or two of breathing room. Another small hamlet to the south of us was lost to the fire yesterday morning though. Sunday afternoon and through the night was just horrific. The sky turned black around 4pm with an eerie red glow to the south west where the fire was just erupting. It was rank 5 and 6 when it hit the community that burned. So far not hearing of any lives lost, although there were some residents stupid enough to stay behind. I think they jumped in the lake when things got bad. Unfortunately them staying behind means the fire service can’t water bomb the area, so they may have actually been partly responsible for the property loss. The north flank of the fire is the closest to me, and it is now only about 20km away. Scary as this fire has moved more than 20km in less than 8 hrs in some areas. But we are getting a little break due to the rain and a shift in winds that means the fire is burning back on itself on the north flank at the moment.

  • posted by Elle-Mae

    arcticfox you take care, it must all be so difficult for you there.
    SG 🤞for you.

  • posted by RubyG

    RubyG and hubby reporting for duty, and sending best wishes to everyone with various outside influences making life difficult at the moment.
    On the weight front, I have weighed every day this week, and the gain of the past week is disappearing again, which I am happy with. I have been a lot more aware of my portion sizes, weighed some stuff (but not all, admittedly) and no snacks between meals.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, Arcticfox my heart goes out to you. So much worry and you are worrying about us – although we do want to know you are okay.

    RubyG, getting back on track is such a good feeling. Talking of which, have you moved yet (and I dont mean house).

    My good news today is daughters bloke has had a text so passport should be with them in 48 hours. That would be Friday but still gives them Saturday at a push. Oh help – 5 kids in my house – but really, I am so looking forward to it. His kids have never seen my home and pool and they are so excited. Fortunately weather is about to warm up and should be around 30 all week for their visit.
    Daughter and bloke are taking over the house so I dont have to do anything except a really big shop before they arrive and have all the bedrooms sorted (my hubbys job).

    Still same weight but BG down again to 83 and only 14 units of insulin. This is all going to go to pot when the family arrives but I still wont be eating anything off plan so I am hoping to continue with my trial and success.

  • posted by Elle-Mae

    SG I am so pleased for you 😁😁😁😁
    Had new phone and been getting it sorted so not posted much.
    Was a bit bad on Sunday afternoon had a KFC burger but didn’t touch the bun, was a messy job to eat in the car. Didn’t have dinner as it totally filled me couldn’t actually finish it, might have partly been as didn’t have a drink to help wash it down. Weight up by 3/4 lb next day but got it back today so won’t be repeating that! Have a family birthday lunch at a restaurant on Monday have previewed the menu and made the best choice I could, then it is back to the house for dessert it’s going to be pavlova, was going to make roasted peaches with Greek yogurt to take with me, but have just thought if I only have the fruit and cream it should be ok, maybe take the yogurt .

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    OMG the passport has arrived. All systems go now for preparing for the onslaught and arranging activities.

  • posted by SunnyB

    SG …. delighted that it’s all worked out okay. Bet the children are turning cartwheels in excitement! Enjoy the chaos and family time… it’s so precious.

  • posted by RubyG

    After weighing every day this week, this morning the scales said 11st 6.4lb which is excellent news.
    In answer to SG’s question, yes there has been movement 🙂 and I do feel back to my normal rhythm again, which is a relief.
    Also, to SG, I’m glad the passport debacle has sorted itself out and you will get to see all the family.
    Just keeping in keeping on today, as we are away for 3 days from tomorrow. There will be alcohol consumed, but no other carbs are planned, although overall calories will not be 800/day.
    Have a good weekend everyone.

  • posted by LifeUniverseEverything

    Still here! Just had a busy couple of working weeks and a short break away to the countryside, which was much needed.

    Still plodding on, no great losses or gains, but I have just got my weights rack installed, so my home gym is now up and running! I can’t face the COVID risk on a gym floor, it just wigs me right out, so doing this at home is much better. And I can workout before work, mornings are always my best workout times. I was severely lacking on strength workouts, which is a naughty thing on this plan as you need to keep those muscles firing, so I feel glad to have this bit sorted out.

    Hope everyone else is surviving! I’ve got an event this weekend which hopefully means I won’t drink gallons of gin, lol.

  • posted by shammy

    hello all I’m back to this fab group and notice some names from when I started this journey! I’ve been doing 16/8 intermittent fasting since July wondered if anyone else has tried it, seems quite easy lost a stone, need to lose 3 more! can you do it on metformin? just been prescribed it after bloods results in June. Thanks

  • posted by Californiagirl

    So happy for you Sunshinegirl! Enjoy your lovely time with your family!

  • posted by OrangePandaMomma

    Hi, Amz here.
    2/7 days were carb/ sugar free last week. I’m going to make that my goal again this week.
    I’m still struggling with my depression; i feel like i am just constantly escaping to a book instead of actually working on making things better. I’d like to take baby steps towards the goal of a happier life… so another goal I’d like to work on this week is sticking to a simple schedule – work, school, bible reading, and one chore a day.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Amz, your plan for the coming week sounds solid. Baby steps makes sense, do what you can and don’t worry if not everyday goes to plan, just try again the next day.
    SG, enjoy your family visit. After all the stresses, hope you all have a wonderful time together.
    Shammy, welcome back. Glad the 16/8 approach is working for you … keep us posted.
    LUE, well done on maintaining control. Hope the home gym activities go well.
    My parents are visiting us for a long weekend, looking forward to spending time with them.

    Have a good weekend everyone

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, just taking a few minutes to breath….. Ahh

    Everything going to plan. If you can hear the vac in the background that is hubby doing the whole house. We are all on one level and mainly tiled floors or wood so not too hard a job. I have to go round with the steam cleaner, finish the fridge clean and then on Sunday do the bathroom and toilet while hubby cleans the kitchen (his job). Went into 9 different shops yesterday and did around 9000 steps. Just a fresh veg shop to do on the way out to the airport on Monday. Daughter says she wont get excited until she steps off the plane.

    Weight has just dipped under the kilo mark so I am at my lowest for ages and within 2lbs of my 25lb loss from before. BG was 70 this morning with an insulin injection of 14. This is looking good.

    Welcome back Shammy. You ask about weight loss with Metformin. Well you should be able to lose weight as it can act as a laxative. I had 6 months on the toilet when I was put on it which is why I went to injection. Not recommending doing injections if you have a bad effect, it was the worst thing my doctor could have done but we didnt have this diet 15 years ago. Do you know what your numbers are. Metformin is small guns and only reduces BG by a bit so you might not be getting very high readings. Mine were off the scale. Anyway, it might be worth chatting to your doctor/nurse to see if they can give you a chance to get your numbers down using this diet. Usually tested after 3 months so they might allow that. Just that it is the best thing in the long run and if you do this diet seriously you can get yourself out of diabetes or pre-diabetes (depending on what your numbers were). This is what it is all about – the blood sugar diet. When you start on meds you are soon having to increase them for the same effect and that leads to even more and different meds. I wouldnt do it alone but please have a chat with the doctor first.

    Sunny have a good time with your parents. Got to go, lots to do.

  • posted by shammy

    Hi sunshine-girl thank so much for your advice, I don’t want to go on metformin no-one supportive about this diet at doctors, i tried bsd in 2018 and in 6 weeks sugars went down by 17 points, currently my cholesterol is really good, but as my sugars haven’t gone down in a year they think it may lead to complications. Had everything tested, eyes, heart, feet all ok currently, since starting 16/8 intermittent fasting it has been a huge help, stomach shrunk so i think I will stay on this supportive forum and have bloods done again in Oct! I have had the pleasure of speaking with Roy Taylor a while ago and I think his work is so amazing. Good luck to everyone. xx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Shammy, okay so you know this diet can reduce BG and you have let things slide a little. My hubby did the same, bad results a couple of years ago, 3 months on this plan with me and he was back into normal range. Let it slide and latest tests (4 months ago) and he was back to square one with bad results and doctor tut tutting. 3 months back on the diet and he is back to normal again. Same happened with my brother but it was his cholesterol and we sorted it. Give it your best shot and know that this could be a recipe (excuse pun) for the rest of your life. Even if you just do as I do and stay away from the white carbs, it is not as hard as the alternative. Good luck and you show that doctor you can do it.

  • posted by JoeyBee

    Hi all, I’ve had a couple of bad days. Super stressed back at work and my willpower went haywire for 2 days. Back in control again today and off for a run. Just wanted to reach out in case there was anyone else out there who was mid haywire too. Today is a new day, all is not lost and a few days of less control is not the end of the world or the end of hope!

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi everyone
    Busy here looking after a little 11 year old girl , well she was little once ! So that is keeping me occupied and yesterday we went to buy her first bra ! I have boys so girly activities are a new experience for me . She pinches any old make up and toiletries she can find too !! She has got one of these new ‘pop it ‘ thingies . A bit like popping bubble wrap ???

    Amz you just have to do what you can, what feels right at the moment . You can do no more than that if you are battling with low mood . Did you consider maybe checking in with your doctor ? Don’t be hard on yourself and try to make one small change at a time . It’s not just up to you to ‘make things better, Amz ‘ You are the priority .
    Keep checking in with us . Remember you are not alone .

    Hi Shammy . You are in the right place and as you have seen, you will get some very useful advice from the very experienced sunshine girl .So pleased SG that everything has been sorted so you can have everyone with you. It will be such a special time xx

    Hope you have a lovely weekend with your parents SunnyB.

    You have the right attitude JoeyBee . If things go ‘haywire’ as you say, it is not the end of the world . Just forget it, move on and get back on track as soon as possible . Stress can be a real danger, especially where we seek out certain foods for comfort . Just as long as we recognise that and then we can find other sources of comfort in times of ‘danger’ .

    Arcticfox just check in when you can and take care in those horrendously scary conditions.

    Well done on keeping going everyone. Enjoy the rest of the weekend xxx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Ok Shammy, you dont think you will get support from your doctor/nurse on this so you just have to do it for yourself. Do you do any testing so you can see if you are reducing your numbers – you didnt say what your numbers were at the doctors. Dont worry if you cant test, just be assure that this diet does work and you will have better results in October. If you want support we are here for you. If you have any questions or worries, the same. I am dipping out for a week but will look in from time to time and will be back 30th Aug when the family have left. Take this seriously, this is your health. Ditch the white carbs – pots, bread, cereals, rice, pasta and processed foods and the obvious sugars. Dont worry too much if the 800 cals is too difficult, as long as you do your best.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Wendy, where did you find that child 🙂

  • posted by Elle-Mae

    sunshine-girl you are so lovely, welcoming and supportive of people on here thank you. As are many others too not wanting to make anyone feel like they are being left out.

  • posted by wendleg

    Hee hee SG you know I miss my boys but I haven’t yet resorted to stealing children 🙂 !!!

    Charline is my eldest son’s god daughter . He was in a (teenage !) relationship with her sister and the mum ( unwisely in my view) asked Matthew to be the baby’s god father . The relationship with the sister did not last as to be expected but he has always kept in touch with Charline who is now 11 . Seeing as my son is on the other side of the world , I tend to see her more often and her mum asked me to look after her for a few days while she was away for work .

    So we have been doing lots of things , baking which I NEVER do, shopping for girly stuff , going for walks reading , a bit of English .
    Voilà ! So that’ s my weekend sorted !

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Wendleg, your “god-daughter-by-relationship” sounds very fun. Lucky you! I have two granddaughters, ages 6 and 7 — they are so much fun and I imagine even more fun by age 11!
    I keep reading so many posts about stress and it’s effect on following the BSD. I think we maybe don’t give stress enough credit for messing up our careful eating — I know when I started BSD, stress would always push me back into bad habits.
    I found a couple of things very useful, which others might find useful..
    1.) lower your activity level — if you go out with friends a lot, or travel a lot, step back and DO LESS for a few weeks. I had to stop going out and stop visiting for a couple of months to get my day to day schedule orderly enough to stay on track.
    If that worries you, ask yourself if it isn’t worth your health to just take care of yourself for a while. I found being out with friends, as much as I loved them, only put me in positions where I ate and drank too much.
    2.) stay calm during the day — don’t read the papers or watch the news if it upsets you. Do slow yoga or stretches and read books that are uplifting. Meditate or pray or just watch the birds. You are trying to calm the stress/food response. It is real — food is a calming element and stressed people use it to bring themselves down when agitated.
    3.) don’t watch TV during the commercials, they are almost all fast food ads. Turn it off and read during breaks, or get up and move around or make tea, pour a glass of water but don’t watch the food ads
    4.) don’t have anything to eat after dinner — if you start to think you need food, just go to bed.
    5.) when you are in bed, ready to sleep, recall 3 good things that happened that day that were positive and made you feel happy. Can be as simple as the smile of your friend, the cuddle of your cat or the smell of your sheets. 3 good and simple things…every night.
    I found these habits to be very helpful to me when I first began BSD.
    I truly believe over-eating is mainly a stress response. No wonder so many people are overweight.

  • posted by Tulip1

    Hi All,

    Just jumped on the thread- we were away camping for a week so I wasn’t using electronics much….

    We had a lovely time in Cornwall 😍

    Thank you for checking on me Wendy- I literally had a quick skim through so hope everyone’s ok, have not had time to read through everything.

    Diet wise…ooh, stepped on the scales and have now gained a total of 8 (!!!) lbs.

    Well, ok, there will be a bit of water weight but time to take myself in hand! Hols all done but middle child’s bday this week so I will aim to be very good, perhaps barring a piece of bday cake.

    Love to all xxxxxxx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Thank you Elle-Mae that was so nice of you.

    Wendy, I am going to have 2 little girls in my house (aged 8 and 10), ask me in a week if I want girls 🙂 Oh and 3 teenage boys (13, 14 and 15).

    Welcome back Tulip1, I used to love camping but now I prefer a bit of luxury and comfort. That 8lbs will go very quickly when you lose the water store. Just get back on it.

    Bye for now everyone. See you in a week or so if I survive.

  • posted by Jeremy Fisher

    Weekly Weigh-in
    13st 7.5lbs today, a half a pound gain on last week. Not my best week if I’m honest, and I’m on holiday for 2 weeks next week, so the next few weeks may not be the best. If I can return around the same weight as I am now that will be a success.

    Start: 13st 13lbs (195lbs/89kg) – my heaviest ever!
    Weeks 1-3: A bit of a false start – one good week and 2 bad. 13st 12lbs (lost 1lb)
    Weeks 4-6: Started intermittent fasting. Difficult at first with a lot of brain fog. Limited weight loss of just 1lb. 13st 11lbs.
    Weeks 7-9: Added low carb to 2-3 fasts each week. Much better progress and lost a further 5lbs. Total loss: 7lbs (13st 6lbs)
    Week 10-12: 2-3 fast days each week. Fasting going well. But carbs at weekends letting me down. Gain of 1lb (13st 7lbs).
    Week 13: 2 fast days, but again too many carb weekends. Gain 0.5lbs (13st 7.5lb)

  • posted by shammy

    really lovely to read how everyone is getting on and other news too! I lost a stone very quickly on intermittent 16/8 fasting and now 5 weeks later hard to maintain , having read all your stories I am motivated again. I do have bloods in Oct and nurse wants to check bp this Friday, so I have a goal for the end of the week. Been good to hear this is a lifelong challenge for us all so long as I lose 15% of body weight and know what foods help and hinder. Keep up the good work xxx

  • posted by Tulip1

    hope your week with family is brilliant SG.

    I am still a carb addict, sigh……this strict thing is not quite working out, but I am doing my best, and 4 lbs down on Saturday so I guess that was my water weight!! I do think that I probably have 4 lbs of actual fat to lose as well tho to get back to target, and, ahem, flapjack and malt loaf are not going to help me…..sigh.

    Love to all, Tulip xx

  • posted by wendleg

    My little charge has just left so it’s time to set up the new thread !

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