Not enough veg

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  • posted by Brightspark

    I’ve been very successful so far – 12 lbs loss in 12 days and feeling great but I just find there isn’t enough veg in the diet. I’ve made a few of the recipes and variations of them and they’re great but just need to add a lot more salad and veg or either I don’t feel satisfied or I get constipated. I drink 2-3 litres of water a day.
    Does anybody else add more? My friends are doing other diets where veg and salad are considered ‘free foods’ but these diets tend to be low fat rather than low-carb.
    I’m using variations on spinach, rocket, broccoli, cucumber with roasted hazelnuts, pine nuts or sunflower with peppers or capers and feel much better. How does this affect the outcome of the diet?

  • posted by Bill1954

    Throw the veg on the plate and don’t worry about the calorific values of it, it’s almost all complex carbohydrate anyway which is good.
    I’ve never counted calories, just cut out the carbs and I’ve lost 2 stones and I’m finally off all medication with blood sugar readings at more or less normal range now.
    Just don’t let yourself get hungry for the sake of a few veggies, that’s the path to failing nad you have no intentions of doing that.
    Michael does mention in the book that 50% of your plate should be filled with veg ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by orchid

    Hi Brightspark,
    I agree with Bill, for most veg just eat it when hungry. I have a large bowl of cherry tomatoes in the kitchen that I take one or two from if I need to snack.
    Don’t forget – we still need to be eating our 5 a day. The portion size is 80g per for each veg/fruit so aim for 400g (just over 14oz) of fruit and veg of different colours. Add in tomatoes, spring onions, onion, garlic. Avocado is also fine – but not too much. That will fill your plate up to 50% ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Patsy

    As long as it isn’t potatoes I don’t think extra veg can do much harm. Probably better to add some more in than to be forever hungry and giving up, or eating something high carb.

  • posted by Brightspark

    Thanks for the replies, very helpful and what I’d been doing. It’s great to be able to check with other people.
    Visited my GP yesterday who was amazed and pleased at my progress. I took a copy of the book and she took the details – she’s going to recommend it to patients who are prediabetic or type 2.

  • posted by Bill1954

    That’s brilliant news Brightspark, another professional showing interest.
    The more of us that show up at the doc’s with these kind of results, the faster the word will get out.
    Let the revolution begin! (Looks around nervously in case the internet police pick up on that statement) ๐Ÿ˜‰

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