Night shifts

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  • posted by EddieH

    Hi everyone am new to the bsd only in my first week, it’s going really well and am enjoying the food even though its restricted to 800cals not a problem with me yet. The question is that this week I’ve been off work so its been simple to follow but as from tomorrow am back working night shifts I only do two to three a week and not always together and I am struggling to get to grips when to eat etc so I can stick to 800 cal 😩 any suggestions would be appreciated

  • posted by Squidge

    Try to work it so you have a longish period without eating at all – either don’t eat for a while after getting up, or before going to bed so you get at least 12 hours food free.

    Don’t feel you have to have a breakfast choice at breakfast time (or when you get up) or that you’re restricted to one breakfast a day. It’s fine to have any combination of meals as long as the total calories is under 800.

  • posted by EddieH

    Hi Squidge
    I’ll try this , thanks

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