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  • posted by sunshine-girl

    I don’t think I have seen anything about this. When I first had diabetes my eyesight changed dramatically. It returned to normal when I got my medication sorted (very short sighted – worn glasses since age 15). I last had my eyes tested on 10th June this year and everything was same, no change to my prescription for the last 6 years. Trying to read today, I couldn’t focus on the words at my usual distance and had to hold the book at arms length. Took my glasses off and found I had better distance sight than usual. I am as blind as the proverbial without glasses but things were much clearer although not at any distance.

    What are the chances of eyesight changing as blood sugar level change.

    Any medical peeps out there who can help answer this.

  • posted by Frog

    I had an eye test a few weeks ago, about a year since the last one.
    My reading vision had deteriorated slightly (by about 0.25 for each eye, I think the prescription is now about 1.75 and 2.25), but my distance vision had improved – it had never been particularly bad, I had glasses but rarely wore them, but I now don’t need any correction to my distance vision. The optician (I’ve had the same one for about 12 years), said that this improvement was quite normal when blood sugars stabilise – my diabetes was diagnosed about two years ago.
    My reading vision, sadly, is an age thing!
    Is it worth having a chat with your optician, as he/she will have more knowledge of your specific history?

  • posted by shelocoF

    It sounds like you’ve had a good conversation with your optician already, especially with your blood sugars stabilizing. It’s definitely worth chatting with them again if you have any concerns or want to explore options for your reading vision. Since age-related changes are common, they might suggest different approaches or recommend options like reading glasses or other solutions tailored to your specific needs. Keeping up with regular check-ups is always a good idea, especially with diabetes, as it can have an impact on vision over time.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    thank you shelocoF but this was 2016 and all problems have been sorted out. People don’t realise that diabetes affects eye sight. Any good optician will know this.

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