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Noticed a post by CampsiBrae in response to overnight oats
You mention you are on thyroxine and have to avoid dairy??
I also take thyroxine but have not be advised about this.
Any tips would be great.

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New to the forum
Noticed a post by CampsiBrae in response to overnight oats
You mention you are on thyroxine and have to avoid dairy??
I also take thyroxine but have not be advised about this.
Any tips would be great.
Hi Flossiebritches, I dont think CampsiBrae has posted for a very long time and I dont know anyone else who has thyroid issues on here. However, my daughter is on thyroxine and has never been told to avoid dairy. Funnily enough though, she has an intolerance of milk products which causes her to rush to the loo. I am not sure what the overnight oats is referring to unless it is to do with soaking in milk. I personally use water or, if you are worried about dairy there are lots of other milk type products like oats, soya etc.
Many thanks this is very helpful
I don’t have a milk intolerance so will give the oats a go!👍