Medication while on low carb diet

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  • posted by siar

    Hi, I have started the low carb diet… lost around 4kg in 8 days..However yesterday my doctor told me that I have epstein barr virus and sees inflamation in Spleen and liver ( slightly larger ) and slightly sensitive and hence asked me not to to attend boot camp exercises.

    a month back – a doctor from my home country where I was visiting for few weeks who first found through ultrasound that my Spleen and Liver enlarged slightly & hence have prescribed medicines which I was taking for a week . A week later when I am back in UK i was told I have high blood sugar levels . Hence I have discontinued my medication (Lipantil and Crestor) before I started the low carb…. Has anyone faced such scenario and if it is ok to continue the medication while on low carb diet ? Also does epstein barr has any role to play in my high sugar level which caused me to be diagnosed as Type 2 diabetic at first place ? Would medication be taken along with Low carb diet ?

  • posted by SkyWalker

    Hi Siar, you need a proper medical opinion on this. Why would you discontinue your medication now. If you are Type 2 the first thing to do is get your vital signs in a healthy state and on your records. If it were me in your position I would most likely complete the course of medication for the EBV and then when you are basically healthy again reduce my carbs and if all goes well then begin the 8Week BSD.

    Only you knows your true situation, we support you in your enthusiasm but take care not to listen to amateurs where health is at stake. You may be lucky and get a response from the person you were seeking but how would you know if their advice was good enough?

    If you doubt your GP you are entitled to a second opinion but h/she may be a bit grumpy about it.

  • posted by siar

    hi Skywalker, Yes.. Thats what I am thinking . My EBV should get better and I am back on medication for my fatty liver and spleen . Lets see.

    Best Regards

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