Marvellous May and Joyful June!

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  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi folks,good luck to all with their results as we finish this section of our journey!
    And thanks DCT for setting us up as always,youre a star!
    Ive been going back and reading posts I wrote on here in 2016,and they reminded me I can do this,and that seems to have given me the nudge I needed to begin again properly.
    So,I’ve lost a stone after 24 days of June being super strict!
    One thing I m defo doing in future is only weighing occasionally – scales go up and down and make me too up and down in mood! I keep on track better just by feeling lighter in myself,rather than being a slave to scale numbers.
    Another thing I decided is that from 1 st Jan 2025,whatever weight I am,I’m going to work at just maintaining that weight. I’ll be 75 in November and have dieted off and on since my twenties,and i think its long enough,but I’ll be on the bus til then! Andthen still on the bus with you guys to hopefully maintain.
    See you guys back aboard our bus next week! XX
    ✶*¨*.✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫*¨*.¸.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫*¨*.¸.¸¸. ✶*¨*.✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫*¨*.¸.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨*.✫*¨*.¸.¸¸.✶*¨`**.¸.¸¸.✶

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Well done Yowser on your stone loss during June. That is incredible and proves you have been super strict. I am also liking your new ideas going forward. I think the weighing one would work for me too. I have been tracking my weight daily whilst I’ve been attending the weight management class for the last twelve weeks. I have lost 3.3 kg which I think equates to about 7.4.oz. It’s been more about healthy eating rather than fat loss. Today I am fasting and haven’t been on the scales. I am going to weigh myself tomorrow before I jump on board in July and then will weigh every Monday. I also like your idea for January 2025 and I hope that if I get to goal weight then that is what I am going to do. If I don’t get to goal weight then I am going to accept whatever weight I am in January and do my best to maintain it. There comes a time when I have to accept that I am who I am. It seems a perfectly sensible and doable practice. I am 63 and have a variety of health issues and so I am going to accept myself and learn to like myself. I am going to concentrate on healthy eating and walking and mindfulness which should all hopefully address the fat issue. I do believe that if we try our best this yer then next year could be a year of maintaining. Those of us who wish to, could be part of a maintenance and positivity thread, whether we are at goal or not. This seems like a really positive way forward. Thank you for sharing your plan. I love it.
    Looking forward to seeing you at the bus stop tomorrow. Can’t believe it’s already July. We haven’t had any summer yet here in the north of England!

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Yowzer, well done on your loss! I’m so happy for you, and so proud of you too. You’re an inspiration as always!

    I like your idea of seeing January 25 as the ultimate deadline, and also agree with Cathy about having a change of emphasis for this thread then. I was at a talk by a dog rescue charity the other night, and they have what they call The Happy Bus, that brings rescue dogs in from various countries to new homes in the UK. So perhaps we could set up our own version of a Happy Bus for anyone on the maintenance journey!
    Enjoy what’s left of the weekend, and I’ll set up our next thread tomorrow X

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi CC! I think you have lost half a stone in yr 12 week course,which is a good result! I wonder if the other people on the course have done as well. Congrats on commiting to the course and being a loser in the nicest possible way,specially when you have health problems.
    I feel exactly like you said…onwards and downwards weightwise for the next six months,then 2025 is the year to finally be at peace and accept ourselves for who we are (at 63,you’re being a lot more wise than I was at that age. )
    We can still make healthy choices foodwise,and do things like maintaining,meditation,mindfulness,keep moving,without obsessing over what we weigh. We have still got a lot of living to do,and fun to be had! Its not all about numbers on a scale.
    How is everyone else as this trip draws to an end ? Hope everyone is feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed! Please form an orderly queue at the bus stop tomorrow! 💕🥳xx

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi DCT,we were typing at the same time so ive only just picked up notification of your post.
    Oh gosh,a Happy Bus of dogs being rescued and brought here! 🩷 bless those people who make it happen
    I love the idea of a Happy Bus for us too,you have some great ideas Dreamy! X

  • posted by Nokie

    Hi everyone again!!
    I have just read recent posts I agree with you all about 2025!
    I am 70 now and been trying since my 40 ties to loose pounds I love this group and will stay on the bus journeys until end of year and maintenance sounds a great idea
    See you tomorrow on next bus
    Lv nokie💕

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Yay NOKIE! We are getting a little maintenance band together! X

  • posted by SueBlue

    Hello everyone
    Just jumping in to say although I haven’t been contributing much lately I do enjoy reading your posts and hearing about your progress 🙂
    Well done Yowzer and Cathy and all the other ‘losers’!
    I’m loving the sound of a happy bus for maintenance! I turn 59 in 3 months time and don’t want to be dieting through my 60s.
    I’ve been a bit of a slacker of late – feeling sore and sorry for myself with my fractured ankle, together with the cold winter snap we’re having and work and family issues, I have been comfort eating and moving less.
    But I can stop wearing the moon boot in less than 3 weeks, and my ankle appears to be healing.
    I’d really love to lose 6kg by September, and then another 4kg by the end of the year, and I would be happy to maintain then. I’d still be officially “overweight” but as long as I’m healthy and happy I could live with that!
    We’ve had a family trip away for my daughter’s 30th this weekend, and despite the boot I’ve been managing to walk 14,000 steps each day. Also eating 2 reasonably healthy meals each day, and keeping my alcohol intake lowish, so I’ll hopefully not have put on any weight.
    I’m going to re-start properly when we’re back home tomorrow. Take care all and see you on the next bus!

  • posted by Mariet

    Checking in and happy to report that after two months I am finally down to the weight I was in April when I went on my cruise. Considering I only gained 2.5kg it has been a hard slog to get rid of it. Hoping for some real progress now and remembering that I’m down more than 6kg, about a stone, done the start of the year so I’m hopeful that I can make some good progress.

    I am retiring at the end of the year and I need to get my house in order while I’m still working. I got a quote for internal painting and nearly fainted when I saw the total. $17000 for a3br plus study house! I can see some DIY painting in my future. It’s a bit depressing to count up all the things that really should be fixed up. Sigh.

    Hope everyone is in a good head space and making progress 😁

  • posted by Mariet

    Hellooo… *crickets*
    Hi everyone,
    Checking in again with no very fabulous news. I have not lost anything sine my last post, 3 weeks ago. But, looking on the bight side, haven’t gained either. I am a little disappointed because although there have been some slips from the bus, overall I have tried hard and been pretty good. I did expect a decent drop today but not to be, sgh.
    I have 4 weeks leave after today and the weather is being kind, today is a sunny day about 20 deg which is so much better than the horrible cold of last week. I keep thinking it must be nearly spring but no, still in the middle of winter 🙁 Still, that mean you folk up north are in the middle of your lovely summer, tell me how it’s gong! Let me bask in your reflected warmth.
    I’d love to hear how others are getting on. Onward and downward!

  • posted by arcticfox

    Hi Mariet,
    We’re all over on the new Jump on Board in July thread now. Still a bit quiet as many are on holidays, but perhaps things will pick up again as people return.
    Yes, in the middle of summer here, but once again in a brutal wildfire season as well. Iconic town of Jasper in the National Park was 1/2 destroyed yesterday. So sad. It was only 20 C here yesterday, so a bit of a cooler day and after weeks of 35+ C weather it felt freezing! Warming up again through next week, but hopefully not back to the 38-40 C temps we have been having. We have only been having this brutal heat and bad wildfire seasons since 2017 here, so we are just not as prepared as you are. Very grateful for all the AUS and NZ firefighters that have been arriving to help us out over the past couple of weeks though!

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