Marvellous May and Joyful June!

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  • posted by Yowzer49

    How sad that a decision to walk back to holiday home instead of getting boat with his wife and friends should end so badly. I suppose it was a typical decision of MM to do the healthier option.
    Hard to take in isnt it.
    But how wonderful to have lived a life where you have helped so many people improve their health. Also,to get people together on this forum and the fasting forum,where friendships have been made,and ideas and advice exchanged,and support offered.
    RIP MM. Its a shame you couldnt stay longer,the world needs people like you. Prayers for your family.

  • posted by arcticfox

    Yes, so sad, especially as he almost made it all the way in spite of the heat and not having any water. I’m sat here crying too. As awful as it is I am glad that his family will have closure. So many people go missing and are never found, and I was worried that would be the case here.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Thats the really upsetting part isnt it..that he almost made it.
    Good point about closure. Must be terrible to spend years not knowing what happened.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    .Apparently he always said he wanted to die a short sharp death,so i hope he got his wish,and passed quickly. XX
    Has left an amazing legacy behind. Why do good people die yet baddies are still walking this earth.

  • posted by Nokie

    Yowzer I hope your right and he did not suffer what a sad day for everyone I feel so sad 😞 for his family he was such a great man and did so much for us all I was looking at a photo I had taken in feb with him and Clare at one of his talks his smile was so infectious we are all going to miss him so much just wish he hadn’t walked on his own
    Rest in peace mm🙏xx

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi all
    Just checking in to say hello and send love to you all. Some lovely comments and very heartfelt sentiments on here, all of which I echo 100%.

    Sad times indeed.

    On a more positive note, we still have 3 weeks of this journey left. I confess I’ve wandered off piste the last week or two. And, not surprisingly, the weight is creeping back on. But I really want the next 3 weeks to count. Particularly in light of this week’s developments. Let’s make sure Michael’s legacy lives on through all of us that were inspired and helped by his wisdom and insight. I personally want to get back on track this week not just for me, but hopefully as a bit of a tribute – no matter how small and insignificant – to him.

    Sending love to you all and wishing you a better week X

  • posted by Nokie

    ❤️to you all xx

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Love to you NOKIE and to all our pals here xx all brought together by MM xx

  • posted by arcticfox

    Just popping back on to say that, I agree, DCT, about viewing getting back on track as a tribute. I was thinking this as well.
    It’s been an exhausting weekend trying to look after my horse post-colic. Fortunately he seems to be doing ok and I’ve got him back on solid food, so hoping I can get some more sleep tonight. I haven’t been eating much and my wrists seem slimmer already.
    I have been reading Megan Ramos’ book on intermittent fasting for women, and I think I have figured out a way to get back into fasting. It was making my stomach hurt to go too many hours without food, and now with the biopsy results, I guess that makes sense. Megan Ramos lists among salty water, pickle juice, broth, etc. as ‘cheats’ to get through a fast, also taking a spoonful of chia seed or psyllium fibre in a glass of water. I think that might work. I’ve been doing a bit of reading on gastritis, and increasing fibre is recommended. So although it seems I may not be able to water-only fast, perhaps this will be a good alternative.
    Clare Bailey was saying that Dr. M was an adventurer and he certainly experimented on himself to find what would work to get healthier, and I would like to take that spirit forward. I’ve been struggling for the last few years with various things and it feels like it is time to get serious and see if I can find what works for me to get and stay healthy.

  • posted by SueBlue

    Hello all
    Agree completely with what everyone is saying. This comment was left on the Fast 800 page on FB and I thought it summed up perfectly what we are all feeling:
    “I so devastated like so many here. He was the loveliest man and I had such admiration for him, his research and his dedication to helping us all live longer healthier lives. My deepest condolences to his lovely wife Clare and their 4 children. I too feel like I have lost a very dear friend but my sadness is nothing compared to the heartbreak they are going through. I have got all his books out today because I want to reinforce his teachings and way of eating as a way of remembering and honouring him. His legacy lives on with each of us and I give thanks to him for that. Thank you Michael for your warmth, kindness, humour and your total dedication to your profession…”
    So for me tomorrow is a whole new fresh start. Exercise will be a bit compromised as I have a fractured ankle (tripped over a few weeks ago and have been walking around with what I thought was a sprained ankle, but it’s actually fractured and I have to wear a moon boot for 6 weeks), BUT I can make healthier choices with diet.

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    ARCTIC FOX I’m so glad your horse is improving. I had meant to ask, but got overtaken by events. Good luck with the fasting, and I hear what you say about each of us needing to experiment with what works for us in making us healthier. I hope you have a better week at work too : I’m sure we’l all be thinking of you and sending moral support your way x

    SUE I’m sorry to hear about your ankle and hope it heals bu fully very soon. Thanks for sharing that lovely quote. It really resonates. Like you, I am making a fresh start this morning. I’ve put on 2lb so far this journey so would like to see them go this week, then aim to lose another 4lb by the end of the journey. That will take me back to my lowest weight for a while that I touched briefly in January, so I know it’s been do-able very recently, and hope that by going back to basics diet-wise for the next 3 weeks I will be able to get there.

    Good luck everyone X

  • posted by JGwen

    I wonder if there is a way for us to all to send a letter of condolence to his family.

    As many others have said, his work was the stepping stone which opened my eyes to the importance of considering carbs, fat and protein rather than just calories in/out It was the first wide step on the staircase away from feeling like a failure because all the years of yo yo dieting had not worked.

    I have never felt moved to send a letter of condolence to the family of a stranger. But if just feels like his legacy is the number of individuals who have a healthier longer life because of his work, and its important to share that with his family.

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    JGWEN I think that’s a lovely idea. Not sure the best way to go about it, but I guess we could hunt around for the best place to send it (eg Fast800 website? BBC?) then either sort out the wording on here or through email (I have email addresses for some on this thread but not all).
    Any ideas??

  • posted by JGwen

    When I logged on today the second message was from a spammer. I reported it and the tech team have already sent me an email confirming they have deleted it. So I took the opportunity to reply to the email to ask if there was a way we could get a letter of condolence through to his family.

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Ah I see there is now a thread specifically for messages of condolence which is a wonderful idea. Who knows, perhaps you influenced that JGWEN ❤️

    Also to say that in the UK there is a special commemoration programme on the BBC this Friday at 20:00 BST. I will certainly be watching and know that many of you will be too.

    Hope everyone is doing ok X

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Thanks DCT,wow they got that programme together fast!
    Maybe we should all watch together? As many of us as can. I’ll be watching and will light a candle for him and his family,what a terrible shock for them,its bad enough for us. When someone is so full of life and well being,you really dont expect bad news. I cant stop thinking about how close he was to help. Maybe that saying about if its your time to go,its your time to go,i dk xxx

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi YOWZER yes I’m the same. Keep just wishing that someone had spotted him or something. But I guess we’ll never know exactly what happened in those final minutes and, even if help had arrived, it still may not have been possible to save him. It’s so sad, I keep remembering what’s happened and almost have to pinch myself to check I’m not imagining it 😢

    Lovely idea to light a candle on Friday. I’ll do that, and raise a glass too. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind on this occasion!

    Lots of love xx

  • posted by ADD6605

    That’s a lovely idea Yowzer, I will watch the programme and light a candle too.X❤️

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Good idea,DCT,lets all raise a glass to celebrate his lifetime!

  • posted by Nokie

    That’s a lovely idea i Will light a candle too I still cannot believe he has gone I keep thinking if we all feel like this whatever dies his lovely family feel
    Love to you all xx💕

  • posted by arcticfox

    Great idea about watching the program together. I was initially a bit upset that I wouldn’t be able to see it here, but it will play on BBC iPlayer, and if I download a free vpn, it might just work. It will be sandwiched in between a gp appointment to discuss my biopsy results and my next counselling appointment.
    Hope everyone is keeping well.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Thanks for the info Dreams. I missed that so will now put it on to record.

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi everyone. Just to say looking forward to your virtual company tonight. It seems the programme is only 30 minutes long but I will relish each one, and will be thinking of you all with fondness.
    Candle and red wine at the ready! X

  • posted by Nokie

    Hello Dct
    And friends
    I sitting here waiting to light my candle 🕯️ also box of tissues !!
    Will think of you all
    Love nokie 😘 xx🕯️

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hello everyone,
    I have my candle and tissues at the ready too❤️
    Dawn X

  • posted by Nokie


  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello everyone
    I too will be watching the Michael Mosely tribute this evening. It’s still very difficult to comprehend the unfortunate turn of events . Tragic beyond words.

  • posted by arcticfox

    I’m currently having to update my computer to run the vpn and BBC iPlayer and it is taking sooo long. So I won’t be watching simulanteously, but will watch it from the beginning once I’ve managed the technology.

  • posted by Nokie

    I am sobbing 😭
    Why oh why did he have to leave us


  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Just finished. What a man! What a waste! I struggle with thinking about his last few hours and minutes, and thinking how preventable it all was. Even at the end he was so tantalisingly near potential help. But then on the other hand there is so much we don’t understand, and perhaps it was his time to go wherever he was and whatever he’d been doing …

    We’ll never know. RIP Michael. Thank you for all you taught us, and also for bringing this group of lovely people together. We started as strangers but have become friends.

  • posted by ADD6605

    There was so much to fit in, I wish the programme had been longer but at least it gave us a small reminder of the tremendous work Michael did over the years.DCT I too struggle if I start to think about his last hours, so very sad.
    I intend to restart the Fast800 tomorrow with renewed vigour.
    Sending everyone love, Dawn X

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    What a lovely programme. What a great man and I loved the style of his presenting- so natural and I loved the glint in his eye. He loved what he was doing. You could tell.
    Michael’s sad and untimely death brought back terrible memories of my brothers best friend who died two years ago in July aged 49 whilst going to meet his son from school . He fell crossing a small stream, banged his head and died instantly. It is sobering to think how fragile life really is. It’s a sliding doors moment. If only…
    I am grateful to Michael for his BSD book and for the fast 800 and for this forum. I didn’t ever think I would be pre diabetic and so once again I am following his advice and getting my blood glucose levels down.
    I can’t imagine how his family will be coping without him. He seemed to be such a bright light. RIP Michael.

  • posted by Nokie

    Hello all

    I agree with everything you have all said and although I feel down at the moment I am also going to try harder so that I am not pre diabetic he did amazing work I don’t know how his family will manage without him 💕
    Life is short isn’t it and none of us know what’s round the corner I just want to finish by saying thankyou to you all on this forum we have all helped each other and will continue to do so Thankyou Michael Mosely RIP XX🕯️

  • posted by Yowzer49

    I was sorry it was only half an hour,but they had to put it together quickly I suppose.
    Enjoyed watching with lit candle and a g and t,and it was lovely knowing so many of us wre watching together! X💜
    ARCTICFOX,hope you managed to watch!

  • posted by arcticfox

    Yes, Yowzer, it took me all afternoon to get the technology working, but I was able to watch. Very nice even though it was short. I learned some things about Dr. M that I didn’t know about him.

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi everyone,
    I hope you are all well.I’ve just been watching a MM interview on utube which I haven’t seen before(not sure if one of you have mentioned it)which is from April this year.It was a summary of the various things he has been involved in over the years and over an hour long which was nice.The channel is ‘unstress health’ if anyone would like to see it.I haven’t weighed myself this week, think I will hang on until 1st July when hopefully there will have been some downward movement🤞😀 Dawn ❤️

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi guys,hope all well and enjoyed the Solstice. The evening was so beautiful,big moon and still quite light at turned ten pm
    Have a good weekend! XX
    🎵 🎈 💕🎵🌷💕🎵👏🏽🎵😀 🎵 🎈 💕🎵🌷💕🎵👏🏽🎵😀 🎵 🎈 💕🎵🌷💕🎵👏🏽🎵😀 🎵 🎈 💕🎵🌷💕🎵

  • posted by Nokie

    Hi everyone

    Hope you all ok 👍 just popping in to say have a good weekend and hope everyone feels a little better I still feel very sad but so glad we have our group
    Not doing too well with my weight my own fault I have eaten strawberries 🍓 but yes you guessed cream as well I will never learn !!!!
    Anyway as I say have a good weekend be in touch soon I have my blood test Thursday my yearly check !!!
    Lv nokie x💕🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓

  • posted by arcticfox

    Hi everyone,
    It’s been a busy week for me, full of medical appointments. I met with my gp last Friday to discuss the chronic inflammation of my stomach lining. Unfortunately, he didn’t think it was a concern and when I asked if there was anything I could do to bring it down and then hopefully lessen the reflux, he said no. Well, something has to be causing the inflammation! So I’m at a bit of a loss. I may have to just try as whole food a diet as possible and hope for the best. Anyway, he said at the end of the appointment “anything else I can help you with?”, so I asked about the lump in my leg that I was previously told was a lipoma. It’s been hurting a lot more lately and thought it would be time to investigate it further. Long story short, I had an ultrasound on Wed and back to gp today to discuss the results. It is unusual as it is now quite large and embedded in the thigh muscles. He’s referred me to an orthopedic surgeon to discuss whether it might be worth trying to remove it now before it gets bigger and harder to remove. No idea how long the wait for that appointment will be. My mum waited 14 months for her knee replacement, but that was during Covid and they initially put her on the wrong list, so hopefully it won’t be that long.
    So I said to gp today that I was aware that some people are having success reducing their lipomas through intermittent fasting, but that long fasting is difficult for me given my stomach issues. He dismissed it and said that he was only aware of a surgical option. But I know when I was on the Fasting Method facebook page that there were some people with Dercum’s disease, which causes people to get multiple lipomas all over their bodies, who were having success when they fasted for autophagy. Anyway, we’ll see what the surgeon says, and if the risks of cutting it out are too much, then I may have to prove gp wrong. Just have to get this stomach inflammation under control first.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    I know it might not help you but my daughter suffers from so many digestive problems like heartburn, reflux, ibs, diaharreah etc etc. She has gone vegan and cured most of her problems. It also helps with inflammation of the gut. Vegan also helps because she has intolerance to dairy and eggs but she also cannot tolerate wheat gluten. God help me when she comes over and I have to cook for her.

  • posted by arcticfox

    Thanks for the suggestion, s-g. I am definitely trying to increase my intake of vegetables, and I’ve had to reduce my egg consumption as they seem to cause me to reflux quite uncontrollably. At least fried eggs do, omletes, etc. I did have a single boiled egg with my salad for lunch yesterday, and that seemed a bit better. Might try some this week and see if that still holds true. I seem to stil be doing ok with some dairy such as kefir. Hard cheeses seem particularly bad and even some greek yogurt that is more solid than runny. Still figuring things out.
    Today for lunch I had a tofu scramble with the soy-free tofu. I left out the eggs this time and had artichoke hearts, olives and kale with it. Just enough salsa for flavouring as they say I’m not supposed to eat tomatoes. Not really sure they are that bad for me though.

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi Arcticfox,
    One trick with reflux is to add either lemon or lime to your water. – Although lemon juice is very acidic, a small amount mixed with water can have an alkalizing effect on digestion. This can help neutralize the acid in your stomach.

    It worked for me.

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi Arctic Fox it sounds as if you are going through a lot at the moment. I’m sorry to hear about your lipoma and also your acid reflux issues. Some good suggestions from JGwen and sunshine-girl, and I really hope that you find the best combination of diet and (if needed) surgery to get sorted.

    Hope everyone else is doing ok? I’m aware that this journey is almost at an end, and have to confess that it’s not been a successful one for me at all. To be fair, my weight is not a disaster, I’m just over a pound more than when I started. But I’m cross with myself because I know I’ve not put much effort in this time round. I’ve wandered willingly off piste and so it’s not surprising I didn’t see the results I’d originally hoped for. It’s all the more annoying as it’s now only 2 weeks before I go on holiday and – as usual – lots of my clothes still don’t fit. And definitely no beach body here 🥲 But it is what it is, and all I can do is move forward.

    Anyway, hope everyone else is doing better. And if anyone’s up for another journey after this one I’d love to join you, but will have to start off in the naughty seat!

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello everyone
    I’m still chipping away but can’t get below 150 lbs . I’m up and down the same two pounds. Why is it so difficult? I am committed to continuing this journey until I reach my goal weight of 142lb. Hopefully before this journey comes to an end I will get to 149 lb. I am eating low carb and maintaining good blood sugar levels and hoping to have got back into a normal HbA1C in August. I am walking about 42,000 steps a week. I am averaging about 6,000 steps a day which I think is great for my arthritic toes and with plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendinitis!! I think I’ve lost 3lb during this journey so far. It’s so slow! I reckon if I do a 36 hour fast during the last week of this journey I might hit my goal of getting to 149. I’m giving it my all to achieve that In joyful June and then it’s just two months to my cruise. My hope was to be 142lb by September but I don’t know how I can do it. Anyway, I’m feeling healthy and happy and I think they’re both important. Maybe if o can get to 145 that would be more realistic!
    I would love to continue this journey with you all. I don’t know why it’s taking so long but I am doing my very best. I’ll report my results on Sunday. Keep going everyone. We can do this.
    I have to confess to eating cheese and onion pie and chips and salad in the pub on my birthday! It was delicious and I enjoyed every mouthful without guilt as i factored it into my day. I remember Michael Mosely saying you can eat cake occasionally . Can’t remember where I read it-think it was one of his early books. I avoided any cake as things are too sweet now I’ve cut down on sugar.

  • posted by Nokie

    Hello all😊
    I am looking the same cc i cannot shift my weight either I would like to go on the bus journey but still a big 💺 is needed 🫣
    I have my blood test Thursday dreading the results as I think I might of gone over the line and not be pre diabetic but Diabetic!!
    I do try to cut down on carbs I think the thing I am confused about is my husband was told not to have full fat yog milk etc but stick to low fat and yet mm always said full fat is better oh well i still think he knew best
    Does anyone have name for next bus journey save me a seat 💺
    Lv nokie xx💕

  • posted by Mariet

    My weight is not shifting either but I’ in my case it’s self sabotage and I don’t know why I’m doing it. Not gaining but not losing either.

    So I’m begging a place on the next bus as well. Hopefully I can really put some effort in and make a real inroad into the 8kg I still want to lose- I don’t want to express it in pounds, it sounds like way too much in pounds.

    I can’t think of a name though- Jumping through July? I don’t think so 😁

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello everyone it’s good to see that there are seats being reserved for our July Journey.
    How about we call the next leg of the journey
    something like “Jump on board in July” as Mariet suggested.
    I lost 500 g this week. I am hoping the scales will get to 149 before I jump on board in July.
    I’ll look forward to seeing you all at the bus stop on Monday!

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi everyone. I’m glad there will be a few of us on the next bus. Looking forward to it! I’ll set it up on Monday, and I think Jump On Board in July is a great name 😊

    Let’s hope our next journey will be a really good one, where we can all move further towards the results we want to see. The events of this month have made it a tough time for all – on top of anything we are struggling with personally. So it’ll be great for us all to make a fresh start in July.

    See you Monday X

  • posted by Nokie

    Thanks Dct
    I agree the events of the last month have been terrible for everyone
    I am ready to climb on board the 🚌 bus yet again save me a large seat 💺 I say it every time but I HAVE to do it this time 🤣
    We will all try hard let’s see if July is a better month
    See you Monday
    Lv nokie x💕

  • posted by Mariet

    I’ll be there Monday too! I weighed myself for the ends of this challenge. I had avoided weighing because I have not been as diligent as I wanted- no, I am lying, I haven’t really been diligent at all.

    Anyway, I was relieved to see that the (small) gain from my cruise 6 weeks ago has gone so at least I finish this challenge at the same place I started it. Here’s to better results next time.

    Looking forward to seeing you all there.

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