JOIN WITH US IN JULY 2024 One month at a time : Reboot ? Refresh ?Do your best

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  • posted by SunnyB

    Lucia, sorry you are feeling rather deflated and off kilter. As Verano said, keep your eye on the prize, keep going and start to think about your next goal. You are doing this for you, let go of the negative opinions of others and forge ahead.
    Pootle, I think you have time to formulate a way forward and there is no harm in asking for a delay in the eye check. I doubt a delay for a month or two will make much difference to the outcome, but perhaps best not to delay indefinitely.
    Like you V, post weekend I’ve seen a small blip upwards, but have been fasting since 7.30pm last night, so think things will come right for tomorrow’s weekly weigh in.
    Now I’m back in track, I’m keen for a new thread to take us through August. If due to family commitments, Wendy and SG are unable to create a new thread, I’m happy to to kick it off. Meanwhile does anyone have any ideas for a title?

  • posted by Verano


    Must say here in the NW the weather’s pleasant. At least you have a pool for them to cool down in!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    You would think they would be grateful for a pool but they have just ruined the holiday for themselves as they can’t go in it until it clears. They said they always pee in the local pool but the authorities pour in a ton of chlorine, ours has a much more delicate balance and certainly doesn’t like pee.

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Yes please to an August thread I will need to get back on track after my Gibraltar Golden Wedding Anniversary weekend celebration 🙏🏻😀
    Please keep on going everyone this way eating & the mutual support is very worth it 👍👏👏
    Margaret xx

  • posted by Verano

    Sunny thanks for stepping forward to set up a new August thread. I’ll give it some thought as well and pop in any thoughts I might have .

    ‘Astounding August’ One more month at a time’

    Summer salads and healthy eating.

    One month at a time : August will be our healthiest month.

    Sorry not original but maybe someone can come up with a good title!

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Aspirational, accountable & amazing August: one month at a time?
    S-G oh dear & yuk to peeing in someone else’s pool let alone one’s own plus what bad manners!
    Keep calm & carry on👍🤞
    Margaret xx

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Hi All,
    Before we move on to August, I thought I would take a minute and talk about the reason we have all been encouraged to eat a lot of carbohydrates and what has happened to obesity rates since then.
    The United States adopted the new food pyramid in 1992. It put carbohydrates/grains/flour/bread etc at the bottom of the pyramid, with NO DISTINCTION about what KIND of carbohydrates are good for you and which ones might be “less-than-good” for you.
    Obesity rates SOARED TO 300% OF PREVIOUS OBESITY rates and diabetes also exploded as a result!!!
    That ALONE should encourage you to question the current food guidelines — which, may I add, have been heavily influenced by corn/grain producers who have the ear of our Federal government.
    Just saying…

  • posted by Pootle

    Thanks all for the advice/comments on the eye test. I have postponed it and will discuss in detail with the “sympathetic” GP when I see her.

    For years I have been having regular eye tests (about every 18 months) with an opthalmic optician who takes photos of the retina without the use of drops. They have about 5 or 6 photos on record for comparison. I suppose the eye drops allow a clearer photo, but the info sent with the appointment says that allergic reaction can occur, although rare. As I have a lot of allergies, I am very nervous of this!

    I sort of assume if I can get my Hb1Ac number down, the bad effects of my diabetes can be ‘shelved’. ie not gone completely in that, if I then lapse and they go back up, the ill effects of my diabetes will once again be a threat to my health and wellbeing but, so long as I continue to be careful, kept at bay by the low carb lifestyle.

    Verano, hope you have managed to shift the 1.4lb!

    s-g…peeing in your pool is beyond!!! hope they have apologised !

    Lucia, I am really, really sorry that you feel your bubble has been burst! I think everyone on this forum are willing you on! Two days to reach goal number 2….then on your way to goal number 3!!

    Have a good week all, looking forward to moving on to an August stream.

  • posted by arcticfox

    S-g – just butting in here to say that if your ungrateful family members don’t appreciate what they have at yours, that you can send them here to work on the farm in 40 degrees with no swimming pool or air conditioning and a good dose of wildfire smoke into the mix and helicopters flying overhead while towns burn down all around us. It probably wouldn’t have the desired effect though as I think you have to experience this to understand. I wouldn’t really wish the after effects and trauma on anyone either!

  • posted by Verano

    Pootle … I think what you are ‘assuming’ is probably our best ‘guess’ at the moment. After all this way of eating to control T2 has only become popular in the last 5 years or so. Time alone will tell but I’m sure it won’t do any harm.

    Julia that’s astounding! 300%, given the size of the US population and numbers already obese, that must translate into a pretty high number now. We must all be more accountable for our own health and not rely on the ‘powers to be’ to ‘guide’ us as they are so often ruled by money rather than our wellbeing!

    So the end of the week for me and yes it’s a gain but only 0.8 of a pound. Not sure what’s going on but will just keep on keeping on …….

  • posted by SunnyB

    CG, those are scary facts and figures. As you say, they should definitely spur us on in our endeavour.

    V, that is only a tiny gain and in all likelihood will be ditched in a day or so. We know that there daily fluctuations and that’s probably all that’s going on.

    I’m reporting in with a loss, albeit small than I’d hoped, but I have to own it, as it’s because of my alcohol intake on Saturday. Anyway, the loss was 2lb, which leaves me 1.8lb the wrong side of the right stone bracket, so fingers crossed for the results next week.

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Well done with your weight loss SunnyB. 👏👏
    Margaret xx

  • posted by Lucia

    Well it’s 31st !!!!!! I never thought I had the will power to last the month, especially with a huge hurdle to get over midway.
    I am grateful for everyone’s tolerance in just supporting me daily. No one bullied me into ‘getting a grip’ or ‘snap out of it’ you were all just walking beside me.
    It’s shown me how fragile life is. How a conversation or meeting can change a persons mood or thinking or path.
    It has also shown me that if you can dig deep within yourself you can climb out of the hole inch by inch
    Tomorrow is a new fresh month , I leave all my problems in July and walk confidentially into August where I can count my carbs , walk a little further and look after my mental health by doing things, such as go watch a movie, start a hobby , potter in the garden, count the clouds , see how many colours are around you. At the end of August I will weigh myself
    Thank you
    Love Lucia xx

  • posted by SunnyB

    Lucia, well done on sticking with it and hitting your goal, it’s a great achievement in the face of negativity. Unfortunately what others say to us, can carry more weight than it should and really knock our confidence. But it’s important, to build our ability to use our inner dialogue, to talk ourselves up. Think you are starting to get to grips with that, Lucia, which is huge.

    Reading your post, I found the tag line for next months thread ….. “walking confidently into August”. I think that is something we all need to do – I know I do. A new month and a new start.

    Watch out for the new thread everyone, I’ll set it up soon. “One Month at a Time 2024: waking confidently into August”. Look forward to seeing you all there.

  • posted by SunnyB

    The August thread is now available, ready for tomorrow.

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Very well done Lucia in reaching your goal 👏👏⭐️⭐️ keep on going 👍
    Thank you SunnyB for setting up the August thread 😀
    Margaret xx

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Thank you SunnyB & to be frank I am rather surprised to find myself here & how quickly the years seem to have gone by & keeping a sense of humour & tolerance has helped during our various ups & downs😂
    We have every intention of enjoying ourselves 🍾
    Margaret xx

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