Hi Jande, well done on 11 months maintenance.
Like Allie, I embarked on BSD purely for weight loss and to feel healthier, and have no BS or any other health issues and I too have been in maintenance for 8 months. I agree with her that we all find our own ways to maintain, which is essential as we all live different life styles and this WOE can only work if we can adapt it to our personal circumstances. I too drop pounds far too easily if I don’t eat to my TDEE, but I am a little stricter with myself Mon – Thurs, and then relax a little from Fri – Sun, purely because we tend to have very sociable weekends, out to dinner with friends most Friday and Saturday evenings, and invariably either host a Sunday lunch party for family/friends, or go to one. So on a Monday, I am generally a pound or two up, and by Friday I am down again. Since entering maintenance I have never come close to going over my target weight (8st 7lbs), and invariably sit approx. 6 — 7lbs below, although at one stage I was 13lbs below, which was far too thin. If, however, I ever do come too close to my target (after holidays etc) I will have no hesitation on going back to BSD800 for a few days – haven’t had to do it yet, although we have been away several times, , but do have a rather nice “all inclusive” holiday planned in the Spring, so I may even do 800 for a week before we go, to give me the extra wriggle room to accommodate a little over-indulgence, rather than upon our return.
I eat approx. 55g protein a day, and keep my carbs between 20 – 60g, which seems to be working (lower end during the week, upper end at weekends), which probably averages out to much the same as Allie’s daily allowance. I rarely eat refined carbs (although I have been known to pinch an occasional chip from o/h’s plate) as they really don’t overly appeal any more. I do, however, indulge in wine every Fri/Sat/Sun (which definitely contributes to the extra carbs at the weekend), and did so every single day over the 12 days of Christmas – some days far too much – without too much damage showing on the scales (put on 2lbs during that time). However, I may not drink alcohol at all for the next few weeks as o/h always does “dry January”, so I may join him, but that will entail increasing my calories from other sources if I don’t want to drop pounds and as I am already eating to satiety, that may be difficult, as I really don’t want to increase my appetite again. So I shall see how it goes.
I will be interested to read other maintainers’ strategies.