Is there any reason why one should or shouldn’t use coconut oil for cooking or desiccated coconut?

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Is there any reason why one should or shouldn’t use coconut oil for cooking or desiccated coconut?
you can use it, just in smaller amounts to keep your calories lower, coconut flour can be useful too.
As Izzy says, nuts are useful because they are good for fat (not a villain as we have always been told) and protein. But they are high in calories and you can eat handfuls of mixed nuts if you’re not careful.
Have you got an app like MyFitnessPal and then you can check what the nutrition is of what you’re eating?
I eat one tablespoon in morning with my hot lemon water. Then I eat one at night before dinner. Then I take a 20 minute run or walk and I do the Mouth Cleaning:
One mouthful of water and a tablespoon of coconut oil. And let it melt in mouth and do not swallow. For 20 minutes run and walk, I swish that liquid all over my mouth. My gums are pink as a Mary Kay Cadillac! Then spit it out on the lawn.
I do that everyday!
It also gets rid of the bacteria in the mouth. And YES!!!!! One needs to floss. Big debate in US now!