Hi. I have pcos, insulin resistance and want to lose about 3 stone. I lost weight years ago by taking metformin and not particularly following any diet. I ate what I liked but in moderation. I also did hiit 2 or 3 times a week. I’ve recently lost 10 pounds but over a few weeks, I seemed to gain then lose the same couple of pounds over and over. I need to lose weight, as I’m on the pill and need to get my bmi down fairly quickly. I’m addicted to carbs, that’s the main problem. And I feel like my eating is out of control, because I can’t sleep at night unless I eat immediately before going to bed.I eat white bread, chips, cheese, crisps….all the bad things I know. Feel down as I feel stuck in a never ending cycle. I hate exercise too. I usually do Nell mcandrew DVDs. I would love to be slim, I’m the only big person in our family. I weight 16.5 stone. I’d like to get to 13 stone. It just worries me. Any tips on how to get out of this cycle and release the brakes to weight loss? Thanks
We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.
First tip – you can do it.
Second tip. If I can do it you can do it.
My tips. Get the BSD Book read it. Get the recipe book. Highlight recipes you like in both books. Set a date and go for it. Plan a week’s meals and do your shopping for those meals.Like you I loved my bread, potato, pasta etc. When I started I was surprised that I didn’t feel that hungry most of the time. Occasional pangs could be fended off with drinks of green or black tea.
My GP told me you can’t exercise away from a bad diet forever! Get your diet sorted and find some exercise you do enjoy!
Remember this is a change in lifestyle and eating, not just an 8 or 12 week diet. Embrace the change! Don’t miss what you shouldn’t eat, enjoy and treat yourself with what you should be eating…
6 weeks on BSD in Jan / Feb lost 2 stone from over 17.5 stone. Then just stuck to the Med way of eating lost another 1.5 stone slowly and now successfully maintaining around just over 14 stone.
Oh B17Fan…. i feel for you.
First of all, deep breath…… let go of the anxiety around this, and trust us that it really does work. So many people in the same position as you have turned things around and discarded a significant amount of weight and made themselves far more healthy. There is no reason it cannot be you as well.
Carb addiction is a real thing, and you have made step one and recognised it. Its ok to be a carb addict, there are many of us. Sugar is an addictive substance, it has physical affects on the body, this does not make you a bad person. And it can be addressed. And as scary as it seems, life without carbs is actually ok….better than ok, its good, its just as fulfilling and you will feel better and actually even sleep better. The bad bit is, you need to dig deep for a week to overcome the worst of it and to feel the benefits. It takes 90 days to change a habit, recognise that from the outset and realise it will happen but you need to give it time.
Advice…… small steps, it is a lifestyle change and it is forever, but you dont have to tell yourself that at the outset……. its overwhelming. Why dont you make a 2 week commitment with an agreement with yourself that you will review after that and maybe do another 2 weeks….and review again.Regarding sleeping, you might struggle for a few days but it will improve. Carbs knock you out an cause a spike then slump in blood sugar which is why you find it easier to sleep after eating carbs….if you can stop the carbs your blood sugar will stabilise, you wont have the spikes and you will find a good natural sleeping routine. I used to love a nap, especially after a meal, i literally cannot nap these days, which i think is a good thing. I sleep pretty soundly at a good normal time and feel bright all day most days. You might feel tired for the first week as your body adjusts. If you are struggling to get to sleep with no carbs, try a sleep mediation / hypnosis, there are loads free on youtube.
Give it a go for 2 weeks – what have you got to loose? Whats the worst that can happen? So you are hungry and flat for 5 days…. is that worse than how you are feeling now? Is the promise of feeling better, healthier and slimmer worth that?
Of course it is……. you deserve to give it a go and treat your body well.Go for it! Join us on the weekly threat in the 800 forum bit and see how it goes…..
Good luck
Julz -
Thanks both of you for your replies. Feeling more positive today. I’ve done 24 mins of the nell mcandrew dvd and i have started cutting down on biscuits and cheese. I tried to go to sleep last night without eating, but couldn’t do it. I know i can do it though, as i have done before. Got to just change my mindset and accept i’m never going to be one of those lucky people who can eat whatever they like and not gain a pound! Glad to have discovered this forum. thanks for your kind supportive words
I think even these so called ‘lucky’ people who apparently can eat what they want a bad diet will catch up with them eventually. MM himself states he was a ‘TOFI’ – thin outside fat inside and was really surprised to find out he was pre-diabetic.