I’ve just been researching food labels. Well, yes, ok, food shopping.
I picked up a pack of sliced meat that looked interesting, turned it over to check the ingredients and nutritional values. Then I did a ‘double take’ because the listing of nutritional values showed total carbs per 100g as almost zero, but sugars as a higher figure – I think it was about 3 (too surprised to write it down). How does that work?
The same store, famous for its quality sells cooked chicken, whole or portions, roasted in a sugar marinade. Why a sugar marinade?
And I bought some beef meatballs from that same store. This was the third time of buying them. First time everything was ok, second time I had an upset stomach but put it down to all the veg I had with them. This time I’ve again glad an upset stomach but didn’t have anywhere near as much veg, so checked the ingredients but can’t think what might be causing it. Ingredients are: British beef, rice flour, cracked black pepper, sea salt, preservative E223 (Sulphites), ground black pepper, antioxidant, ascorbic acid, ground ginger, dried pimentos. The label does show Sulphites as an allergen – anybody got any other ideas.
The last portion of said meatballs is finding its way into the rubbish bin. Note to self: do not buy them again 😳