Hi Allione,
Don’t give up.
You can EASE into this diet. As you do it (even imperfectly) day by day it will start to become easier.
Just thinking about it and keeping the idea in your head is a good starting point.
You can start with cutting out all the obvious carbohydrates — all the “white stuff” — rice, potatoes, pasta, flour, bread and sugar — that’s going to cut out a LOT of garbage from your diet.
You can start there — it is a great starting point. I started just cutting out white carbs and that was a huge learning experience for me!
I recall my first breakfast wherein I ate an omelette with cheese and coffee with heavy cream and thought it was SO weird. No toast? No fruit? What the heck? And all that fat! Heart attack on the way!
Aaaah, but then my body starting to respond to the low carb diet and the less carbs I ate, the better I felt. So I cut out more carbs, like excessive fruit and sweet potatoes and grains and felt even better.
Then I started to eat much less, and skip meals. Then I tried fasting, and I had to learn how to do that too — I got to 16 hours, 18 hours, 20 hours and finally 24 hours (I haven’t gotten past that!).
The whole thing was a GIGANTIC learning experience for me — I had absorbed the low-fat, high carb mantra of the current medical/health establishment. It takes a lot of mental upset to see how wrong that is for some people.
I am, and you probably are too (it’s why we get fat so easily), insulin resistant. For whatever reason (and it could be related to events while you were in-utero) we have heightened background levels of insulin.
Insulin is your “fat storage” hormone. It works to store energy in your fat cells and it is very slow to release that energy. As long as your insulin is high, you can’t mobilise those stored calories. The only solution is to lower your insulin levels so you can use that stored energy.
And the best way to lower insulin is to lower the amount of carbohydrate in your diet.
So start there, and add in as you get stronger and you wrap your head around it all. You don’t have to do it all today — your body is going to start responding and you will start noticing how much better you are doing — and that will lead to a virtuous cycle —
This does work. Don’t give up.