How much carbs per day is ok?

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  • posted by HR

    Hi 🙂

    I just started the BSD on Monday…I’m not diabetic, nor pre diabetic as far as I know, but I do have a lot of weight to lose.

    I’m doing ok so far..but would appreciate some advice?

    I’m aiming for roughly 50g of carbs per day (which works out at 25% of my 800 calories), and wondered if that is ok?

    I should add that I am not following the recipes in the book, I’m just trying to eat appropriately..Yesterday, for example I had oat bran and low fat greek yoghurt for breakfast which was really nice and very filling (kept me going til evening)..40g of oat bran has a carb content of 18.8g and 6.2g of fibre (which I think you are allowed to deduct from the carb count making it 12.2g of carb) this ok to be eating? I don’t want to stall or hinder my weight loss, but I don’t want to give up something I could be eating that is legitimately ok.

    Thank you for your help!

  • posted by tamznlaws

    I believe it’s betweem 50-60 per day. Some of the recipes are well worth trying. Wishing you all the luck x

  • posted by Janet1973

    Rose Elliot’s book ‘the vegetarian low carb diet’ says you can go down as low as 20g a day for two weeks for a ‘carb cleanse’ and then 40-60g is still low enough to lose weight. Bear in mind to keep your protein levels up as well though, to at least 60g a day.

  • posted by Shrinkydinkyman

    HR check the label on your “low fat” Greek yogurt. They normally have added sugar!
    Could mess up what you are trying to achieve.
    Best wishes.

  • posted by Janet1973

    Good point shrinky! Full fat yoghurt tastes soooo much better than low fat and full fat products are encouraged on this plan, win-win!

  • posted by Mig_Mog_Mum

    Hi HR

    Dunno where you are in the world, but I just read this online as like you I was curious about calculating carbs.

    “However, in the UK and EU, fibre is actually shown separately so you don’t deduct it (or anything!) from the Carbohydrate total. So, for an example, if a label says:

    Carbohydrates – 5g
    Of which sugars – 2g
    Fibre – 1g
    Then you’d count a total of 5g carbohydrates for this food.”

    Just wanted to give you a heads up. 🙂

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi HR I really wouldn’t worry about the percentages of carbs etc just take recipe ideas from the book an this website, watch the weight fall off then no more worries 😉
    Good luck, we are all rooting for you 🙂

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