I am on day 4 and tonight I have had 2 mini fudge out of a heroes box, I know this sounds daft but will it undo my work so far, with them being very sugary ???

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I am on day 4 and tonight I have had 2 mini fudge out of a heroes box, I know this sounds daft but will it undo my work so far, with them being very sugary ???
What are they, about 60 calories each? If your keeping the rest of you diet around 800 calories, they won’t undo anything. just try not to make it a habit. I’m on day 4 as well & surprised how well I’m doing. I’m making sure I sip water all day & get my 3 liters.
The first couple of weeks I had plenty of slips! Mainly chocolate. I’m sure it slowed down the weight loss a bit, but it didn’t undo the good work. I just gradually tightened up my adherence to the rules. I’m on week 5 now, still going strong.
It won’t undo the other good work you’re doing but yes, as Ausmike rightly says – don’t let it become a habit. Consistency is the key, not constant perfection!
Thanks for the reply, Natalie what has your weight loss been ? I weigh myself everyday but it was more today than yesterday , I am on day 5 today ,mans I did 250 calls worth of exercise last night to try and compensate. 😬