Hen do/wedding to go to

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  • posted by Forkers

    hi everyone
    Today I am going to an afternoon tea hen party and next week a wedding (Indian so the food will be care heavy AND IRRESTISTABLE) and I am stressed that all my hard work and weight loss will be ruined!

    I know the obvious advice will be AVOID CARBS but is just not a possibility.

    Will it be a case of DON’T GORGE and just get back on it or am I going to be setting myself back for weeks and put the weight back on with one mess up?

  • posted by Igorasusual

    Hiya, Forkers

    Indian? Ooooh yum!

    So – for today, you could do one of two things. Follow Captainlynne’s example in her pastry and ice cream laden Italian holiday (well worth reading her tips, search for her name) and just decline the cake and drink the tea and eat the middle of the sandwiches.
    OR you can say “I will have ONE sandwich and eat half the bread (for example) and ONE cake with mostly cream” and have a really great time.

    You may feel a bit poorly having sugar and carbs after following BSD, also.

    And for the Indian, why not try for the less carby dishes, go for daal rather than rice. And try small amounts of things rather than big portions?

    But whatever you do, just COUNT IT IN, congratulate yourself on control if you manage it and forgive yourself if you don’t. AND THEN GET STRAIGHT BACK ON THE WAGON!

    You can do it!!!

    Good luck 🙂

  • posted by Igorasusual

    Meant to say the effect on your weight loss shouldn’t be catastrophic. 😉

  • posted by Forkers

    Thank you!
    I’m OK with falling off the wagon (not going mad) as long as getting back on is actually worth it because of all the blood sugar voodoo magic that’s going on in my organs!

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