Hi all, just wondering if someone can explain why GP is still trying to get my hubby back on meds, he’s been off all diabetic meds for over a year since completing 16 weeks of BSD. All sugar tests have been within normal range under 7. Still taking meds for blood pressure and colestral ( which originally he was told were due to side effects of diabetic meds. Diabetic for over 20 years usual story of increase meds and bad diet info. Latest blood sugar 5.1. Hubby being told by GP needs to go back on meds to “ protect other organs” ??? What? Weight is stable although he has put on a few pounds over Christmas so we are now back following book for a refresh. Liver consultant totally blown away by results and going to redo liver scan “ it’s amazing we need to see what you’ve done, how have you done it!!?” kept shaking hubbys hand and standing up with excitement.
Any incite into GP??
Also why if he went on colestral and blood pressure meds for side effects of diabetic meds and he’s not on diabetic meds any more does he still need so much or any at all??
We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.
Sadly many GPs do not believe it is possible to fix Diabetes with anything other than meds and believe that it is a chronic disease that will inevitably get worse. If they don’t want to see facts presented to them they won’t. Presumably the GP believes that the good numbers are only temporary and that your husband will eventually fall into the received wisdom of the moment.
Sad but not uncommon. As for the other meds, there are all sorts of incentives for them to keep up the heart meds, our GP is certainly obsessed with them.
Yes, my doctor insists on keeping me on BP tabs and statins but I am okay with that. He is also keen for me to get rid of injections before meds (I am on both) which makes sense as the injections are the rotten thing I have to put up with daily. I will just keep on keeping on and do what I know is doing me good.
Thanks Victoria, generally GP has been very supportive but it just seems madness to be giving our drugs to someone whose made such big life changes. Hope your doing ok?
Thanks sunshine, injections were what my hubby dropped first they made him so ill turned out he was the one in 6 they didn’t agree with.
Keep going this really does work, I’m not diabetic but always been fat and have under active thyroid and I feel so much better and have lost over 3 stone and kept it off for a year. Trying to loose a bit more and support hubby.