Help! My macros are out of sinc!

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  • posted by Verano

    I really need some help. I started eating low carb over five years ago but have never bothered with the macros. I read MM’s new book and thought I would give The Fast Keto a go, especially as it looks a little more flexible.
    So day 1, yesterday, I weighed and logged all my food, the first time I’ve done that for a long time. Carbs and calories were fine, protein just within the upper limit of 60g but my fibre was only 5.7g.
    Today I’ve tried to increase the fibre which I have done by eating 2 slices of Livlife low carb bread for lunch so that’s up to 14g, but still not high enough.
    The real problem is protein. My protein for the day will be 78g, 18g over the upper limit. I know that we need to be flexible but I would love to hear how others keep their macros in check. I don’t have a problem with carbs or calories but really need help to increase my fibre intake and reduce protein without feeling hungry.
    All ideas gratefully accepted!

  • posted by arcticfox

    Hi Verano,
    A few ideas:
    I remember Esnecca talking about oat fibre. Very low carb and high in fibre. Maybe look for some of her old posts to see how she was using it? I know she recommended it to me once, but it is very difficult to find here.
    Flax (linseed) is almost all fibre, but does have some fat and protein as well. Unfortunately it is likely to get very expensive (if it hasn’t already – I haven’t bought any food grade flax in a while), due to the drought here (we are the world’s largest producer of it). The feed grade flax has already doubled in price. I have 1/2 of a 25kg bag left that I am feeding my horses, but will not be buying more once it is finished as I would go bankrupt in a hurry at current prices.
    Cabbage – I bought a large cabbage a couple weeks ago and I am having to be creative at how to use it up. Coleslaw is nice, but I also used a recipe on and made a fried rice substitute that was quite delicious.
    Squash seeds – I cooked up a sweet dumpling squash the other night and instead of throwing the seeds away, I toasted them with a bit of olive oil and salt. These seeds are not the hulled variety that you find in the supermarket. They still have the white hulls on. Much more fibre per seed than if it had been hulled.

  • posted by Verano

    Arcticfox …. Thank you so much! I’m so out of touch with the finer aspects of this WoE. I looked through my cupboards and found psyllium husks, ground linseed and whole chia seeds! All recommended by Esnecca! So now I just need to use them. I think I need to go back to the very beginning when I started low carbing. I used to eat three meals a day with breakfast normally being yogurt with berries, walnuts and linseed. Or maybe I’ll just make breakfast into brunch and stick with TRE.
    Thanks for link it looks like a great website. I’m guessing that the ‘rice’ recipe is the egg fried cabbage recipe which looks lovely.
    I feel a lot more in control now. I just needed pointing in the right direction so thanks again.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Psyllium husk and chia are my fibre go to’s. I seem to remember using inulin in the early days of BSD, which can be mixed into drinks of food to increase fibre intake …. might be worth a look.

  • posted by Verano

    Thanks Sunny. I have 500g of psyllium, 225g linseed and 200g chia , none of which had been opened although a couple of them are past their ‘best by’ date. Must admit I tend ignore that with dry goods. Anyway think it’ll take me a while to plod through this lot …. then I’ll be ready for a change! Inulin might do the trick.

  • posted by florob85

    Inulin is great Verano, I stir a scoop of powder into my coffee and you can’t taste it!

    Re the chia seeds, I know you’re not keen but could just sprinkle some on a salad or something, I’ve also used them milled before (I milled them in my spice grinder) as a binder in meatballs or burgers, you can’t taste them!

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