(I started writing this in a reply, but is seems better here as an introduction.)
I need to make a confession: I am not doing the BSD, but The Fast 800. I haven’t read the BSD book, so I am not sure the differences. My reasons for dieting are health based (risk of stroke and possible previous mini-strokes) but not diabetes. I got advised to lose a stone by a neurologist (though I think she pulled that number out of her arse, because when I feigned ignorance and said “what is that in kilos?” she replied “2 or 3” 🙄 – it’s 6.4). I had tried several ways of losing weight, and when they all failed, looked at Michael Mosley’s work. I started on the fast 800, and had immediate success.
I looked for forum support for my journey, but on the fast 800 website, the forums are behind a £100 pay wall. That doesn’t seem worth it, especially as it seems that people can’t stay on the forums for more than 3 or 4 months without paying again, so even after paying I wouldn’t get the wealth of experience I am seeing on here. Then – hooray! – I found you guys, in particular the Fast 800 subforum.
So, is it OK if I stay? I am on a slightly different path, where I intend to go back to a less strict diet with intermittent fasting when I hit my goal and don’t intend to stay in ketosis. I want to take your advice and read about your experiences, but I am not sure I belong here. Should I just lurk, or is it OK for me to contribute?