Hello and a question from a Newbie :)

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  • posted by Jo-Anne

    Hi everyone, My name is Jo-Anne, I live in Western Australia. I have started off by not counting calories and just swapping over to the different way of eating and cutting out all the white stuff! No bread, pasta, white rice for about a week now. I was absolutely stunned at the difference in my sugars straight away. The only food that I found spiked my sugars so far was oats. I had them with grated apple, chia, and almond slivers. I am very confident that the oats are a problem for me. My question is do any of you have a food that you find affects you differently than it does other people? Thank you and I look forward to learning and making new friends here 🙂

  • posted by caronl

    Hello Jo-Anne and welcome. It sounds like you have made a good start with cutting out all the white stuff. Many of us on this website use tracking apps to follow more closely the carbohydrate content of what we eat – some use Fat Secret, others SparkPeople and no doubt other apps too. If you log on one of these what you are eating you will be able to get a better picture of the sugars you are eating and plan accordingly – as you guess, oats is high in carbs, and also (more surprisingly) apple.

    When we compare notes on here, we do find that some people react more strongly to foods than others – some of us can keep drinking wine and lose weight, others can’t. Some can lose weight on 50g of carbs a day; others need to go lower to 20grams per day. So there are variations. But the first key step is to log and know what you are eating, and where the hidden sugars are.

    Very best wishes to you. Feel free to join one of our weekly (I have a Plan) or monthly (Zoomers) threads, where you will find a mix of new and experienced BSD-ers. You can find them under recent/active threads, and will be very welcome.

  • posted by Jo-Anne

    Thank you for welcoming me and that information Caronl! I am keen to learn any tips and tricks so I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post. I will check out those apps and plan to read through the threads and participate in the forum as much as I can. Thanks again and best wishes.

  • posted by Natalie

    Hi Jo-Anne. Before BSD, I found that rice products affected me far more than anything else. I once wrote to a company that made dried rice noodles, saying the carbohydrate information on the packet couldn’t possibly be right (because it sent my blood sugar sky high). But it turned out ‘healthy’ rice crackers had the same effect.
    I don’t have diabetes, but I had a tester I bought when I had gestational diabetes with my second pregnancy. They no longer make test strips for my model, I’ve been thinking about buying another one. I loved being able to check my idiosyncratic responses to various foods. It is very useful to have that kind of information.

  • posted by Jo-Anne

    Hi Natalie, Yes it is very interesting to see how our body responds to different foods. I’m happy to hear that you do not have diabetes. Can I ask why you chose this BSD?

  • posted by hadenough

    Hi Jo-Anne
    My name is Robyn and I live in Melbourne. I am going to attempt the 800 cal diet tomorrow, I have been a type 2 diabetic for 17 yrs or more. Am on tablets and two different kinds of insulin. I get really depressed at how many times a day I have to inject myself that sometimes I have thought I’ll just stop all my meds. However I thought I’d give this diet a try. I weigh 18 1/2 stone which is 117kgs, well overweight. Maybe we could help each other. How much weight are you hoping to lose?

  • posted by Jo-Anne

    Hi Robyn,

    Thank you for responding to my post. I wish you every success with your start on the BSD. I understand the frustration you feel. I inject insulin once a day and have a tablet in the morning, but in all honesty haven’t monitored my sugar levels and have had poorly controlled diabetes. I would like to lose about 18 kilos. Please do keep in touch.

  • posted by Natalie

    Hi Jo-Anne, sorry I didn’t see your question before. I guess BSD was just the latest a long line of diets! I saw the book a couple of years ago and i am always willing to try a new diet. I’ve spent more time ‘off’ the BSD than on, but I gradually lost nearly 15 kilograms (half what I needed to lose) which was wonderful as I’ve never lost more than 5 kg on any diet. I recently put a few back on, so here I am.

  • posted by Jo-Anne


    Sounds like you had great success with the BSD overall. It is encouraging to hear this. I feel better for making some changes but I am not losing weight. I am eating the food, but not counting calories, I think I am going to have to start and also start exercising… Thanks for your feedback Natalie 🙂

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hi Jo-Anne & Natalie,
    Welcome Jo-Anne! I’m certain you will find this way of eating great for you. I’ll try to be brief!
    The NHS in the UK now have their first unit to help people get off Type II using this diet. Dr M Mosely & others are trying to invent a milk shake type diet product to help many more people go onto this diet (& then I’m guessing go for the full ‘food’ side of the diet, as they get off the drugs and get back their health).
    I went on this to stop my sugar cravings. I’m not diabetic but worried I’d become so if I continued. I have such a sweet tooth!
    I went on it in June and am now over 2 stone (28lbs) lighter and still slowly losing weight.
    You will note that many me included talk about sticking to your eating plan and the weight WILL come off. But you WILL get days/weeks where you seem to plateau and don’t lose weight, also that you will see your weight stay still but you will LOOK a better shape! These thigns have happened to me every so often. I think our bodies take time to re-adjust and lose the weight and get the shape in varying patterns of ‘production’ so it’s no linear progress!
    I feel a LOT better now that I’ve lost weight but even before I’d lost much, I felt better ‘inside’. Now I feel SO much better as I feel in control and that gives me confidence to know it is under my control. That makes me want to keep to the foods, eating properly and well and a ‘proper’ varied diet. Which I now understand what ‘they’ mean!
    You can do this and it does work. But it will take time and patience, and a new understanding that works for you.
    My eating is really simple, but I’ve found ways to make it work and you will too! 😀
    I’m in UK. But there are many from a whole world-wide audience here ! 😀

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