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  • posted by nova1

    I started the Fast 800 yesterday (I’m a T2 diabetic). Was ok yesterday but today am really suffering really bad headaches, no matter how much I drink. Also, I’m a bit of a grazer and I’m finding that today I really just want to eat (Nothing new!) but I’m desperate not to give in and eat ‘rubbish’ as I’ve got around 3.5 stones left to lose (have lost 1.5 since July)
    Any suggestions, other than a gag to cover the mouth?!!!

  • posted by Snoop

    Lots of people report headaches for the first day or two but then the headaches pass. I’ve not got much of a suggestion except take an analgesic that works for you and hop into bed with a hot water bottle and try and get a good night’s sleep.

  • posted by Frog

    i agree – take paracetamol; it’s a bit early for bed though, danger you’ll wake up in the early hours on the morning & then feel rough tomorrow; if you feel up to it, why not go for a walk to take your mind off it & get some fresh air?

  • posted by Maccaslim

    Are you drinking enough fluid ? A glass of water can sometimes help,in the first couple of weeks I had frequent headaches and ocular migraines ..thankfully they have disappeared.

  • posted by Lunateddy

    I used to get horrible headaches on the 5:2 diet, which made me quit. So far on the BSD I only had a headache on day 1, but been fine since. It has never been down to not drinking enough water, but I’m still not sure what caused them. Good luck, hopefully they’ll ease up when your body adjusts.

  • posted by Natalie

    I also had headaches on and off for the first three days, I think it was sugar withdrawal in my case! I’m on day four and fine now.

  • posted by Flash21

    I suffer from terrible migraines and have done for as long as I can remember. I have a variety of go-tos for helping me out when a headache or migraine starts which might be of help other than immediately resorting to meds:

    Ice pack on either forehead or back of neck
    If possible, run a sink of cold water and plunge your face into it – sounds weird but sometimes this works an absolute treat for me!
    Eat something naturally green – the chlorophyll it contains acts like a natural painkiller
    Get a 4head stick (if you’re in the UK you can get them in the supermarket) – it’s like a menthol block which you can rub onto forehead and temples. Tiger balm also works well for this.

    If all else fails, soluble cocodamol is a good start (if you can tolerate codeine, that is). I’ll also recommend another solution suggested to me by the National Migraine Centre but it’s not very BSD-friendly! Three soluble aspirin in a glass of Coke (not diet). It works wonders (usually) but all that sugar……

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