Good evening.
Thought I’d pop in just to say ‘hello’.
This last week hasn’t been my finest and no way will I make my target for the month. I really do have a ‘have to be perfect or failed ’ problem. I just have to tell myself ‘this is life as it is’. Enjoy, as you are, or be miserable because you aren’t your ‘ideal image of you’. Yes we can all strive to achieve our ‘goals, wishes, fantasies’, and there is no problem with that. BUT …. how much of life ‘now’ is passing us by ? Are we missing out on life because our eyes are so focused on the ‘future’ ‘perfect self’? What’s perfect???
Sorry! I think all this meditation is finally changing my ‘mind’. Hope the new week, for those of us who start on Tuesday, is a good one and for those who start on other days equally as good.