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  • posted by Carolg

    Does anybody know if there is a waterproof thing that acts like a fitbit?
    I do 4 aqua aerobic classes a week as my main exercise, but so far haven’t seen anything to measure the amount of effort put in.

    ** Ignore this have found some through Amazon**

  • posted by gavinfabl

    Look at Garmin. They do swim proof fitness devices and also a swimming heart rate strap too.

    Later this year Fitbit will be releasing its new devices, one of which should be swim proof.

  • posted by Frog

    Bit low tech – I found a website that calculates estimated calories used for exercise when I’d done my taster session of Nordic walking the other week. I forgot to bookmark it, but found a similar one just now:

    You put in your personal stats and how long you’ve done a particular exercise, and it works it out – would work fine for a regular class like aquacise.
    I tried walking and it came up with a result fairly close to my pedometer.
    I didn’t bother to calculate the calories used cleaning my teeth – it didn’t specify manual or electric toothbrush for starters!

    First Nordic walking lesson proper tomorrow!

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