Fasting sugar levels worry

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  • posted by VickyHw

    Hello all. I have only been on this diet (BSD) since this Monday morning and have to say it’s hard going. Been feeling sick and shaky as well as so so irritable and hungry! However as I am on two diabetes meds (metformin and an SGLT2 thingy) I asked GP for advice on when I would need to reduce meds. He advised that if my fasting blood sugars went below 5 that would be the time to reduce or stop. So have been testing my fasting blood sugar. Now when I have previously done this my fasting sugars have been average of 8 or 9 however for the past two mornings they have been 4.8 and 4.6, which I presume explains the false hypo symptoms I’ve been having. I am a bit concerned that this is very soon though after just 2 and a bit days of the diet. Have others found this and how did you go about reducing meds? I’ve not taken the SGLT2 tablet today but will monitor blood sugar through the day.
    Any advice on dealing with the hunger much appreciated as well. All my life I have been hungry early after meals that don’t contain carbs so this is kinda ramping the hunger levels up to next level!

  • posted by JGwen

    We tend to organise ourselves with 2 regular threads, a weekly one and one for people who want to focus on an 8 week program at a time. I would suggest you join the weekly group (just go to forums, search for latest posts and you will be able to spot it) One of the members is a T2D experienced in this way of eating.

    With regard to hunger and carbs, did you realise that the bad gut bacteria which rely on sugar for their existence are capable of signalling to our brains that they want feeding. – If you stick it out, not feeding them, then their numbers will die down and they will not be able to so strongly signal to your brain that they want feeding. – I used to picture them as being like the cartoon bacteria in adverts to toilet cleaners it makes it easier to refuse to feed them.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi Vicky, yes it is normal for your BG to go down so quickly and, good for you, shows you are sticking to low carb. You will start to feel better in a few days or maybe a week – dont want to give you false info. I dont know about the reducing meds when you have only see 4’s for the last 2 days, maybe give it another week. I no long think of 4 as being low, but normal for me. I only worry if I hit under 3.5. Know your body and how it feels to be going hypo, blurred vision, sweating, tingling lips and/ or fingers and confusion. If you really are going too low then EAT SOMETHING. I cannot emthasise this enough. Pre BDS days my go to was something very sweet but you can quickly get your BG up with some protein or a plain yogurt with maybe some chopped prunes or a few nuts. This diet does work, I am coming up to my 8th year and my BG used to be close to 200 or 10.8, I am regularly seeing morning readings of 80/85 or 4/4.5. This doesnt mean I am no longer diabetic because HbA1cs come up with much higher readings eg. my last test I was 6.4. As a diabetic that is considered good but I prefer to get it down to around 5.5. Dont be disheartened as I have been T2 diabetic for 18 years and on insulin for most of that time so not likely to get rid of it completely, just keep it under control and all my other risk factors at bay. There have been people who have completely ditched the meds but you will always have to take care of your diet. It is worth it.

    The hunger you are feeling will pass as your body learns to use fat for feeding. The carbs will just make you feel hungrier. Try a high protein breakfast like scrambled eggs with cheese and a sprinkly of chilli flakes. If you really need carbs then a good choice is porridge – fully homemade, not a ready meal. Just oats and water with a dash of milk, some seeds and a few berries, will help keep you full for longer.

    Hope that helps. Dont hesitate to ask any further questions. My opinion is not medical just my own experience.

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