Down but not Defeated

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  • posted by karra

    Today is Day 1 of Week 2…….I’ve done my weighing and I’ve managed to GAIN one whole pound instead of losing. Blood Sugar has gone from 9.7 range down to 8.9 for morning fasting. So it was time for a rethink, obviously strength training wasn’t helping me lose the weight, so I’m going to focus this week on cardio exercising, by taking the dog out for a walk everyday (good for him, good for me) and using the Wii u boxing, etc programs.

    Once again a trip to the supermarket to stock up on more Frage Yoghurt, veggies and even managed to find some Morrison’s Breaded Chicken Goujons.
    3 Goujons 70g
    12.4g Fat
    16.4g Carb
    0.4g Salt

    I know it’s said to not eat Breaded items, but as long as I keep the carbs below 50g per day it means at least I will eat some meat.
    Never been much of a meat eater, and as for poultry I was raised on it and got so sick of it, so will settle for this.

    I also bought some Barenaked Rice……..never heard of this before so will give it a try. Found it in Morrisons
    100g Serving = 8 cal
    Fat 0.1g
    Carb 0.1g

    With being such a fussy eater, and keeping calories around the 800mark my food choices are pretty limited, so will give this new lot of food a try. I plan to use the rice in making cabbage rolls, a whole batch of them and then have containers to store them in the freezer.

    I hope everyone’s day is going well…….just having a cup of tea and then off out for my daily walk.


  • posted by Bill1954

    Karra those breadcrumbs will contain the worst type of carbs, the simple ones and those are the ones we need to cut out.
    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

  • posted by jpscloud

    Good for you karra, I’m not good at sticking to the BSD completely either, but I’m doing my best and finding that I’m improving as time goes by and my confidence in my own ability to eat less increases!

    I love the wii fit too! I do the step plus routine but started with the basic step when I was a couple of stones heavier last year and it was invaluable for getting me moving. I’ve just invested in a full size step which I do to my embarrassing upbeat music with a natural history video to watch – I’m odd like that… needless to say I keep the curtains firmly shut, as I don’t want to frighten any passing children 🙂

  • posted by hashimoto

    Karra, sorry but I agree with Bill. Look in the what I ate today thread someone made chilli beef and used gram/coconut flour. Can’t exactly remember but you could look at that and adapt the recipe to avoid the bread crumbs 🙂

  • posted by karra

    Well I ate 4 of the goujons, but that’s the only carbs I’ve had today other than what’s in the Yoghurt. Perhaps for me taking in that little extra carbs will be what kicks my system into losing, cause up to today I’ve been strict about it and achieved no results other than to gain a lb. After all, everyone’s body is different and what works for some might not work for others. Will see what my blood sugar readings are tonight and tomorrow morning to see how it’s affected them.

    Ah jpscloud, I love to do the boxing as it’s mostly upper body but it sure can work up a sweat and get the heart beating. It helped me lose weight about 4 years ago (too bad I didn’t stick with it) so I’m hoping fingers crossed that it does it again. Well done for getting yourself a full size step.


  • posted by karra

    Well I’m pleased to say that my blood sugar readings last night were 8.6 same as they have been all week, and this morning it was 8.4, so instead of rising like they’ve normally been doing they went down, so that’s good and I’ve lost ¾lb.

    My carb intake yesterday was 30g

    BTW I don’t think I’ve seen what the FAT intake should be per day, can anyone tell me please?


  • posted by jpscloud

    Well done Karra!

    I’m not aware of a fat intake limit but the BSD recommends “good” fats and full fat versions of foods like dairy. I don’t worry about how much fat I am having, but I do calorie count it all. So for example, I’ll have 2 tablespoons of olive oil as a greek salad dressing, but that’s about 250 calories so I have to adjust the amount of feta cheese I have with it, and adjust other meals in the day to allow for it as well.

  • posted by Janet1973

    There is nothing in the bsd book that gives specific quantities of fat but the general feeling seems to be to have some fat with every meal. The distinction of ‘good’ fat is breaking down these days too. The only fat you need to avoid is trans-fat. A great website for this is

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