Day 1

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  • posted by MrsG27715

    So, after messing up almost every other diet I’ve been on in the past, here I am, after much research, starting the one that I hope will be my way of life from now on, rather than a quick fix. I’m a little apprehensive …having 5 children and a husband to cook for everyday is a challenge in itself, and now that I will have to think far more about what is going on my own plate, its a little daunting to say the least.
    I’m trying to make up my own version of the 800 diet, and only look at the meal plan for ideas. I’m looking forward to a few weeks down the line when its all second nature to me, because at the moment I’m feeling quite confused about it all!
    Does anyone know if its ok to drink sugar free squash? And what about using sweeteners in tea/coffee? I can’t stomach plain water, even with a slice of lemon squeezed into it.
    Thanks ;o)

  • posted by MooLoc

    Can’t help with your drinks question but I’m on day 1 too, tried everything else! All the best!!

  • posted by Patsy

    If you can avoid the sweeteners then do. They’re not healthy and just encourage cravings for sweet things.

    My husband isn’t doing the diet, but we’re eating the same foods for most meals. Some are recipes from the book, others are my own adaptations of the meals we used to have, but using low carb foods. I just have a smaller portion and give him some rice/pasta/bread/potatoes.

  • posted by MrsG27715

    Thanks MooLoc …good luck with it too.

    Patsy …Thanks. I think my husband could manage larger portions of what I plan to eat too to be honest. Its the 4 fussy teenagers, and my 3 year old that are the problem ones! haha!

    Today has gone ok actually, but I’ve only managed to eat 700 calories, which had total 44g carbs. Is there a certain amount of carbs we should be consuming per day?

  • posted by Cherrianne

    Hi Mrs G,
    I cook for 5 kids and a husband too, and often for kid’s friends and my father in law who comes to stay.
    I cook parallel meals, same ingredients but minus the carbs for me.
    If I’m doing pasta for them, I’ll eat the veg and sauce but have spiralised zucchini or no carb noodles. Stir fry or curry but minus the rice. I’ll eat a gram flour flatbread instead.
    I’d have mashed cauli to top pie filling or replace mashed potato. Omelette or frittata instead of quiche. Falafel with Greek salad instead of wraps.
    You’ll soon get into the swing of it, and your children will barely notice you are eating differently 🙂

  • posted by Switzerland

    Hi Mrs G,
    I just wanted to add to Cherrianne’s post that I use ‘cauliflower rice’ as a substitute for rice. My teenage daughter, who doesn’t like rice, loves it too.My husband and son continue to eat rice. There are many methods to use to prepare the cauliflower. I like it to be a bit crunchy (I like raw cauliflower) so I just ‘whizz’ the cauliflower florettes then stir fry it for a few minutes in coconut oil. If you don’t want crunch, microwave first. Some people simply microwave it.
    In reference to sugar free soft drinks and sweeteners in tea/coffee (you can refer back to the book) apparently they can ‘switch off’ hormones that signal that we’re full.
    Back in October 2012 I decided to stop using sweeteners in coffee (I’d never had them in tea). It took me 6 weeks before I enjoyed a cup of coffee again. After that there was no need to even consider adding it again.
    It’s taken me much longer to cut out soft drinks but being on the BSD 800 gave me the motivation to do so. By not eating simple carbs
    my palate has really changed. Now I’m enjoying water with lemon/lime slices and plain mineral/soda water. Maybe there is a low carb fruit that you could flavour water with (I’m thinking strawberries or raspberries) but go with what you prefer. Best wishes.

  • posted by LindaA

    Hi Mrs G, I concur with the others, but I go one step further when I cook, if the hubby and kids don’t like the healthy fods that I’m cooking, they go hungry! I’ve found they eat it and enjoy it.😀

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi everyone. I used to keep the diet fizzy drink business in operation. I did manage to cut back on Diet Coke/Pepsi but still drank lots of diet lemon and lime. It’s the cold and fizz that I like.

    When I was on holiday in Prague recently, the only diet drink I could find was Diet Coke. The first was ok, second was not bad. But the third – I was ill. The only alternative was water😱

    Now my cold fizzy drink is sparkling mineral water straight from the fridge.

    As I live alone I can eat what I want, but when family visit I still eat what I want, while they eat all the extras they like/want. My granddaughters (aged 8) liked courgetti and even plain yogurt😃

  • posted by MrsG27715

    Thanks everyone.
    Yes, I’m sure I’ll get into the swing of it soon enough. Its only day 2 so a long way to go yet. Last night was an achievement in itself …Saturday night without a bottle of red wine! And I really missed it 🙁
    I actually made myself cauliflower rice last night for dinner …I stir fried it with a chopped up spring onion and a tsp of olive oil, bit of salt and pepper, and topped it with a chicken breast. I have to say, I really enjoyed it!
    I’ve just ordered a spiraliser, so am looking forward to using that.
    As for making the kids the same as me – I honestly can’t see that turning out well at all!
    I tried tea without sweetener …bleuch! Can’t stomach that at all. Even tried fruit tea, but to me it just tastes foul. I’ll buy some fizzy water later and try that with some slices of lime. I know its a case of retraining my tastebuds. A cold can of diet coke is my favourite I must say …well, that and a large red wine!

  • posted by MooLoc

    Well done getting through without the wine!! I managed no wine or g&t last night too (day 1also)
    I feel like I want to fast forward a week and be a little more into this plan but so far so good!
    I made soup today, lentils, cannellini beans, onion & stock – good to have when I feel restless about good rather than hungry.

  • posted by Izzypeach

    I’m thinking in answer to your question, that although you can have sweeteners which contain saccharin or aspartame. You should try and start sipping water. I also find water ghastly but since being diagnosed with type 2 have avoided aspartame especially as its so bad for you. I have lost a stone in weight since February, trust me when I say you can get used to anything. I’m hoping, as I’m starting the blood sugar diet tomorrow, getting used to very low carbs diet is also something I will get used to with time.

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