Hello everyone. Sorry not to have posted for a while, but nothing much to report tbh. But I really enjoy reading everyone else’s posts from the bus, and hearing how you are all getting on. We can learn so much from each other and help spur each other on.
Butterlover, I’m so glad you’ve found a routine that works for you, and Dawn that your sparkly chart is still in business! Wishing you and your lovely dad all the best at this difficult time.
Cathy I wish I had an answer for you. You are an absolute inspiration in terms of your diligence and motivation and it just seems so unfair that you are not currently seeing results. The only thing I did wonder is about your sleeping patterns. I’ve read on the NHS website – and elsewhere I think – that if you regularly sleep for either too long or not long enough, it can interfere with weight loss. Apparently 6-8 hours is ideal. I don’t know why, but just thought I’d throw it into the pot. But all I can say is that I’m sure you WILL start losing again. Just wish it was sooner rather than later! But we still have 39 days to go so keep hanging in there.
Being honest, I’ve gone a bit off piste this week (yes, again!) so am going to pack it all up in a proverbial cardboard box and make a bit of a fresh start on Monday. I want to do a strict 10-day blitz up to Black Friday, then celebrate by doing my Christmas shopping (online of course) with a glass of fizz. I do find I need little things to look forward to to help me stay motivated. So I will do my best for the next couple of weeks and keep you all posted. I’m a bit wary of throwing around numerical targets as I just tend to miss them and get disappointed, but if I could get below 140lb by the end of the month I’d be over the moon. My lowest recent weight is 141.8lb but I’m currently around 143lb. So we’ll see . . . .
Good luck everyone, and I look forward to reading your news over the next few days X