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  • posted by Pendiente

    I have a confession but it has a very positive ending! I’m 4 days into bsd and enjoying it and finding it fairly easy to handle – not been hungry but struggled a bit after evening meal wanting something sweet. So far I’ve been quite well under my 800 calories and 50g carbs. Had a nice dinner tonight then driving to work for night shift and still craving I managed to convince myself that as I’d been so far within my goals I could afford to cheat with a small bar of chocolate. So I stopped and bought one and decided to wait till I got to work and have it with a cuppa. The cuppa didn’t come until 2 hours into my shift by which time I realised I was no longer craving sweet stuff!! Wow!! However, I did eat about half of it, felt so bad that I didn’t enjoy it and threw it away! Ok bad that I bought it and then went ahead and started to eat it even after realising I didn’t want it BUT I honestly think I’ve learnt a lesson about cravings this evening and instead of obsessing when I crave sweets/carbs I will find some distraction techniques for half an hour and save myself the calories and guilty heart ache!! It may seem a minor victory but to me it’s massive as I always crave sweet things after a meal – well chuffed!!

  • posted by Doodledootoo

    Congrats on the victory and not such a minor one. I’m doing something quite similar about taking the time to think and then making a thoughtful decision. Then eating the item if I’ve really thought about it. In the past I could mindlessly eat a variety of food. Or out of habit could pick something up with my tea. Varying the routine also helps. Simply sitting in a different chair or a different room can break a food habit. Or using left hand to eat rather than right! I think the mindfulness part of this way of eating is so vital. There’s a thread going on about it that your experience would be really worthwhile sharing.

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