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  • posted by jillyB

    I can’t remember who wrote about a pasta substitution named Splendier pasta but whoever, an Aussie, thank you.
    I purchased some yesterday and will try it soon. It was a great help that you even told me the place and even the position on the shelf….I found it immediately ! Usually I dither around and finally have to seek help…that’s if you can grab anyone ! I am a great fan of Italian food and love my pasta, even used to make my own, so I am not too sure what this will taste like. I think I will try it myself first and give my OH proper fettuccine just in case.
    It is always good when someone can recommend something, but this is what it is all about – everyone sharing and helping each other.

  • posted by Hawks

    I made a lasagne using thin long strips of zucchini as the pasta, and a bechamel sauce of cream cheese, reduced cream and egg yolks, with no other thickener. I think it was even tastier than with pasta, as it was less heavy or sticky, even though still very rich. It freezes up nicely so you can have some meals ready to reheat: just add the salad.

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