BSD fledgling

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  • posted by Kari

    Hi everyone
    I’ve just been told that if I don’t get my sugar under control I will be put on insulin. I have bought the BSD book. Read half of it. Feel inspired in fact feel desperate. Scared to have another failure (Story of my life of dieting). I just need to take the jump. Need a push, advice?? Anyone?

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi Kari, what is scarey is being on insulin. Would you like to say a bit more about your situation.

    I was diagnosed T2 11 years ago and found it difficult to get my Blood Glucose under control, mainly because the meds made me so ill. Plus no-one told me what I was supposed to do to help myself. Within 6 months doctor convinced me to use insulin as an easy method of controlling the diabetes and it was worse thing I could have done. Looking back, if I had known about this diet (it didn’t exist then) I would have jumped at it, at last someone offering me a way that actually worked. Even after 11 years of having good control things would crop up to make it all go wrong, like an infection or bad advice from a nutritionist. When I started on this diet my HBA1c was 8.2, within 6 weeks it was down to 6.7 and now 18 weeks later I am hoping for an even better result.

    You say you are scared to have another failure but there is no need to fail now. This is the way to make things better. You might stumble or fall but there are loads of people here to lift you back up. You asked for advice. My advice is finish the book, prepare for the plan (not a diet, it is a way of life) and just go for it. You can lose nothing only gain better health. Keep talking and let me know how you are doing.

    I should also have said, look through some of the posts. Look for captainlynne and Krysia for success stories. There is a lot of information on this forum.

  • posted by Kari

    Thank you. I’m so touched by your message. I’m going to work now but will answer later when I come back. Thanks

  • posted by Kari

    Hi Sunshine girl

    thanks for replying. I got diabetes when I was pregnant 17 years ago. I have been on metformin since then and it has been almost borderline. But recently it has gone up to 7.3. I was inspired by your effort and results. I will definitely join you on the BSD. You are right it is a way of life and I’m glad for you that it is working out.

    Thanks again. And I will take your advice.


  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi Kari, I am just so keen to keep you off insulin. If I could go back and start again, but hey ho, not to be. But maybe now it is possible to change all that for me and prevent it for you. I have cut my insulin from 38 units daily to 24. I have cut out one of my tablets too. I don’t want to cut out too much as I want my results to reflect where I am now. That test will be at the end of this month or early December and I want to be stable for that, not still messing about reducing and then increasing again, so I will just keep it steady. I know for me it is going to take more than the 8 weeks and I am now going into week 19 and still doing 800 cals and 50ish carbs. I think for me it will be a lifetime thing but I actually enjoy it and don’t miss the bad carbs. I can eat eggs and cheese and nuts an so many things I denied myself before to lose weight when all the time it was the spuds and rice that were making me ill. Now I know that, I know I can control it. I hope you are on board with this.

    The hardest thing for me has been planning and preparing. I used the 7 day menu plan in the book but, unless you shop every other day, you need to be organised about having everything in the house. Set yourself a date, try to clear things out that will tempt you and just get started. I will be watching out for you if you need anything and there are lots of people to answer any questions you might have.

    Bon chance, as they say here in France (good luck).

  • posted by Kari

    Hi Sunshine-girl

    Thank you once more and thank you for being so frank – I really appreciate it. I love spuds too – scottish! And my bit of toast in the morning with coffee. These seem to be my biggest obstacles. Your message has helped me a lot and you have done excellent in your own efforts. Nearly five months and you are also committed to life long which is a great achievement.

    I’ll talk to you soon. Have a great day.


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