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  • posted by Hramage

    Is it OK to eat home made bread with this diet

  • posted by Frog

    That rather depends what you put in it – bread made at home with wheat flour is going to be as high carb as wheat bread from a shop.

    there may be some recipes – Lucky Maneki has experimented with various low carb breads, and there’s also a thread that you can search for on the subject of low carb bread. The search box is in the top right hand corner of the screen.
    Variations I’ve seen people writing about include courgette, cauliflower, rye….

    with any home recipe, you really need to work out the nutrition of each ingredient in the recipe, then divide by the number of portions.
    Websites like My fitness Pal or CalorieCount can help with that, and let you save recipes

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