Blood Pressure Improvement

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  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Has anyone noticed a reduction in blood pressure. I thought I saw someone say their doctor had reduced their bp meds. My husbands health has vastly improved, had blood tests last week and everything is dowwwwwn. HBA1c down a little even though he is not diabetic he gets it done when he has his annual before he sees the cardiologist for his blood pressure. Triglycerides down, cholesterol down. Now the cardi says he doesnt think he has high blood pressure any more and is suggesting it was white coat syndrome. What I think is that my husband is on my diet by default and, even though I offer to cook bad carbs, he has started to refuse. Didn’t want rice tonight with the chicken stir fry. This has had a knock on effect on his health.

    Anyway, back to me me me….. The cardio told him to buy a bp machine and take bp at home when he is relaxed. So I have used it and my bp, which is normally around 140/80 on medication has been 110/70. I will continue testing, as recommended, not just willy nilly and will see what my doctor has to say on Wednesday next.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Wasn’t sure if it was a fluke so I checked this morning, resting pulse 63, b/p 106/70. Something to talk to doc about,

  • posted by Yowzer49

    SUNSHINE GIRL..I read on here that somebody was now off bp meds.
    I’ m going to go for bp reading without taking my meds first a few more weeks! ..wd be good to get off meds.
    Let us know what yr doc says..sounds promising! Even more important than weight loss is health benefits ! I know both go hand in hand to a great extent x

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Do let us know Yowzer. My husbands cardiologue wants him to check his bp daily for 3 days so I will do the same.

  • posted by Angiebabe

    My GP surgery is offering free health checks chloresterol glucose urine sample etc so have booked myself one for a months time. What is this the NHS finally doing preventative medicine? It says 40-74 years every five year intervals. Hubs a bit put out he hasn’t been offered one yet but I suppose they are only for the special ones!!

    I’ve had an awful lot of tests over the past three years so know what my usual readings are so will be good to see if they have improved…or not…

  • posted by Timmy

    They’ve been offering an MOT for 40+ for a while now. I’m 40 later this year, but took myself along for one a couple of years back anyway.

    Everything came back normal apart from the nurse looking at me and saying “you drink a lot don’t you”.

    Ooops. I’m drinking less now, and am much slimmer so hopefully when I get my 40 YO MOT I’ll be better than I was at 37!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hubby and I are both well over 40 but we get annual check up anyway. Him because he had high bp (or maybe not??) and me because of my diabetes. We also have to see our GP every 3 months in order to get our prescriptions at that we both get weighed, bp, pulse, chest listened to and lecture.

    On the subject of my original question, I have gone back to BSD Book and I have now answered my own question because he clearly says on page 117 ‘Caution, discuss with your doctor if any of these apply. ^you are on blood pressure tablets – you may have to reduce or come off them’. Page 63 ‘so does Professor Taylor have any concerns about people doing it outside of a proper clinical setting’ he says, ‘… If you are on hypertensives then you should discuss with your doctors either cutting down or stopping them before you start dieting. Your blood pressure is going to drop and it could go too low. He then goes on the mention glucose-lowering drugs beginning with ‘G’ and mentions glibenclamide and gliclazide, which may be stopped because they can push your blood glucose abnormally low’.

    So there we have it, pays to go back and re-read the book. But to be honest, who would have thought this diet really worked before you started on it. Can you imagine the conversation with your doctor about stopping medication. I told my doctor I was going on a diet based on low cal and low carbs but he didn’t seem to think it would have very much effect on my status. I guess we both thought, here we go again, another day, another diet. Boy are we going to have a conversation now.

    I have printed off the ‘Information for Doctors’ from the Newcastle Biomedicine site and will give him a copy.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Seriously worried about my blood pressure now. Damn machine. Just done my 3 resting evening bp’s and they were 106/67, 102/63 and 99/63. Double tested by getting hubby to use the machine and his was 148/70. Then I jogged around the room for 5 mins moderate exercise and it went up to 116/70 so don’t think the machine is duff. I will do the tests again in the morning at a resting stage and if it is still as low I will go to the pharmacy and ask them to do it with their machine. At least then I will know and can get professional advice. My appt with doc is on Wednesday and I don’t want to go before as I need to have my bloods done first so he can see the overall results.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Yes i must say i read that and didnt take any notice,thinking if i EVER stick to this for a few weeks,i’ll have bp measured without taking meds that day.
    Glad you have brought this up..think will book in the morning to see the practice nurse for a reading. Hope all goes ok in the morning SG x let us know. I guess if youre feeling well,you must be fairly ok but you need checking! X

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Had a trip to the pharmacy and my reading was 133/75, still good for me but not what my machine says. She said I have to have my feet flat on the floor whereas I was sitting back with legs on foot rest – at 4’11” I dont reach the floor so had to prop myself right on the end of the chair. Got home and redid with my machine with feet on the ground and was 120/70, which is a perfect reading. From now on I will do it as she said but when my doctor does it I am half lying down on his couch. Probably his good looks that put my b/p

    Will start the 3 days of reading again tomorrow morning, just glad I am not about to crash.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    SUNSHINE thats reassuring news!glad you checked it out! X
    Hey lucky you having a dishy doc! X

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Yes Yowzer, he is about 6’5″, completely bald, slim but with shoulders like a quarter back. He has a look of someone in films, I think his name is Jason Stapes, something like that but not so rough around the edges. Not so good when I need a smear test. Oppppps

  • posted by gavinfabl

    Tomorrow is 3 weeks into the 8w BSD. I have all the tech to measure everything. I can confirm my blood pressure has dropped and is completely normal already.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Isnt that great GAVIN! And i love the thought we’re losing fat from liver and other internal organs..its all good๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป X
    Hehe! SUNSHINE OH no! Smear tests from a dishy doctor!
    I no longer have them after hysterectomy,but my doc was only about five foot three.i used to feel like slapping him !x

  • posted by gavinfabl

    It’s amazing Yowse49.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Yowzer, I am so out of touch with UK culture, his name is Jason Statham and I have just googled him and my doctor is much better looking

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    New BP readings, now I am doing it properly (as an ex-nurse you would think I would know). Anyway 3 of 3 this morning 125/79, 115/73 then 116/72. Pulse around 60 every time. So I think it is now just nicely low, will see what it is at doctors on Wednesday.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    As an ex nurse SUNSHINEGIRL would you say its poss to come totally off bp meds? Diid you see it happen in yr patients? And if so was it permanent?
    I wd loveto come off my bp meds but i sense i will have a battle on my hands even when and if my bp is normal without meds…had years of medical folk telling me i’ m on them for life, but i i know they dont do yr kidneys much good so wd be thrilled to bits if i can stop them! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป i hate popping pills! X

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    To be honest Yowzer I have never seen anything like it. I haven’t nursed for a long time now but besides medication. Just the usual stuff like reduce salt, do more exercise, stop smoking, drink less alcohol. This is amazing, if you look further up on this post you will see I went back and re-read some of the books notes and it definitely says your blood pressure will come down. In fact it gives a warning which I chose to ignore as I didn’t think most of the things the diet promises were possible. It seems like they all are, low bg, lower bp and now my husband has reduced his cholesterol while being on my diet. Plus he has started eating butter instead of marge and using full fat products, like yogurts instead of the really low fat diet type crap (sorry, I meant food).

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Me too SUNSHINE GIRL ..i dont think any of us can quite believe the results we’re getting can we!
    Thank goodness for MM wising us up coz the medics dont seem aware of this way of eating and the difference its making to us all.
    Good that OH is eating better! I bet he is enjoying it!
    i am so glad we’ve moved away from low fat diet food cr*p!
    The multi national food industry will be getting dismayed when they see their profits going down heehee!
    Sad world isnt it when wealth for the few is considered more important than health for the many x

  • posted by Frog

    I measured mine while I was hanging around in the GP surgery last week – they have a do it yourself machine in the waiting room.
    It was marginally lower than the scales that the machine displayed, but when I googled it, having forgotten to ask the nurse, it was described as good.
    My BP has always been pretty normal though, aside from a few years ago when I had other health problems – after GP, A&E, brain scan… one of the consultants said ‘of that’d be the side effect of taking X’ – stopped it and was fine thereafter.

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