Hello sunshine-girl, this morning I got blood sugar of 6.3 even after the loads cocoa and 98% black choc melted drink. I’ve been getting around 6.3 the last few mornings, before that (couple of weeks) I had 7.4. I made the drink because it filled me up!
My mother lived near Bergerac, in plaisance near issigeac and I live in southern Orne area 61 mot far from Mayenne 53. I was born outskirts Paris, years ago, now it’s a large town Cergy-Pontoise. Lived in south east uk from age of 6 and came back to France 20 months ago to live before it’s was too late and didn’t want regrets of not trying. The weathers been very hot here almost like the south at times and it’s been hard to keep veg alive! 2 years of raised beds as field voles come up and eat roots and stems causing them to die (the veg that not the voles lol). I’ve learned a lot especially this year – when sowing seeds dig a little line put a little sand on top then kitchen towel folded in half, water well, put seeds along paper towel, cover with compost/sand mix and water again. Cover the raised bed with plastic sheets or cotton bedding to protect seeds from drying out and water gently every evening. Don’t need much water cause it’s only the rows that need it. When it’s going to rain take sheets off unless it’s a storm, you don’t want you growing damaged! I’m growing late carrots, lettuce, lambs lettuce, beetroot and leeks like this all going well. In the shallow beds I planted onions and garlic in early summer, I’ve 3 onions and garlic look like tiny silver skin onions! You can keep lettuce over wintertime by covering them with hoops and fleece or cotton sheets. I do it as I need the greens in this diet even a carrot with skin on is ok just not many. It’s hard when you want to change your life but I couldn’t do this in U.K. as easily. My hubby is a bit disabled after doctors hadn’t diagnosed that his body wasn’t making or storing vitamin B12 so he suffered permanent nerve damage. Doctor says his nerve damage is cause he has T2 diabetes, but in fact it’s the other way round, it’s his pernicious anemia that cause myelin sheath damage to his nerves and the brain and nerves don’t communicate like they should do blood sugars go high sane Ruth his blood pressure. He’s on metformin, I’m not, but he needs a bit of looking after and no one knows when the end will come so we are feeling happy here. We miss our 4 kids and grandkids but our youngest daughter came out recently. It’s been hard whichever way you look at life with the Covid lockdowns, restrictions etc. I will carry in with this diet for a bit longer but will probably do the 5-2 later it’ll probably suit my body better.
These forums are really handy as sometimes you get stuck and don’t know who to ask. It’s good to read what’s happened to others and if they managed to solve problems.