Back again . . .

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  • posted by VMHuck

    The purpose of this post is just to mildly vent. I guess I’m hoping that I’ll feel better if I get it out. Last year I was planning a trip to Greece. As part of that, I wanted to lose the 20-25 lbs I had put on during lockdowns (prior to that, I had successfully maintained a 40lb weight loss for NINE YEARS!). Tried Fast800 from mid-Jan. 2023 – June. Lost about 18 lbs.
    Gained it back when I came back from my trip.

    I think I’m hopeless. I really do. It’s like I just cannot stick with a plan long enough for it to make a difference. That ~18 lbs I lost was a struggle. I actually cried at times because I was so hungry. I only got through it because I knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime trip and I’d never forgive myself if I was fat when I went to there.

    Food has an emotional pull. It’s my comfort. Without it, I have to sit with my feelings, and sometimes, those aren’t pleasant.

    Now, I’m moving into summer and am right back where I was in Jan. 2023. I can’t wear any of my summer clothes. I’m so disappointed in myself. It feels like some sort of moral failing. I’ll do okay for a day or two (at most), and then, I’ll go off the rails. And by “off the rails” I mean eat about 2000 calories in a day. But I’m short, middle-aged, & have thyroid issues, so 2000 calories is a lot for me. But my appetite can handle 3000 calories.

    Not sure I’m looking for advice. I just wanted to get it out. I’m sad.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi there VMHuck, I know you don’t want advice but it does seem like you want a quick fix so pushing yourself too hard. First don’t be so hard on yourself and second, you don’t have to be perfect on the diet all the time.

    My (unwanted) advice is, if you are struggling with 800 (you are on the Fast800), then do 1000 or 1200 or 1500. You decide even if it is a slower loss but it might just get you into the swing of things and you can reduce as your body gets used to it. I too am small at 4’11” so know how a bit of extra food can impact. If you really cannot get through the hunger with all the usual tricks like have a glass of water, go for a walk, do something with your hands, then have a snack. Just make sure it is diet friendly and easily to hand – some ham, chicken, carrot sticks, hummus, olives (my favourite go to), a yoghurt with seeds, something you like which will satisfy your craving.

    Set yourself small goals like 4lbs in a month – that’s around one pound a week. After 2 months you will have lost 8lbs. Incentive to carry on. You have proved you can do it so just get yourself in the right head space. Plan a menu, do a shop and then start as you mean to go on. If you slip up it is not the end of the world, just get back on track IMMEDIATELY and there you go.

    Join one of our threads where you can just jump in when and where you want to. Ask for advice or just get some motivation going from all the good people who are also trying so hard. If dieting was easy we would all be stick thin.

  • posted by VMHuck

    Thank you, Sunshinegirl. I agree with everything you wrote—-but you seem to think I would be disappointed in 1 lb a week. I would be ecstatic with a 1 lb-a-week loss. It feels like I have to starve to get even that. My metabolism is glacial—and this is despite exercising EVERY day (combo of walking, Tabata, weights, etc.—I mix it up). I know that’s hard to believe. About 7-10 years ago, if I had read that on anyone’s social media, I would have assumed they were lying or mistaken. But it’s the truth. Even when I was 100% on Fast800, I only lost about 1 1/2 lbs a week.
    I’m going to keep plugging away. I’m just disappointed in myself as summer is here now, and I can’t fit into any of my clothes 🙁

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi VMHuck, my assumption was because you were struggling with the 800 cals and people on that low a cal diet (most of us here) want to see quick weight loss. If you are happy at 1lb a week and it is something you feel you could achieve then make that your aim. I too am a very slow loser as I am on insulin injections which make it very difficult to lose weight.

    Come and join us on Staying Mindful in May – we are a mixed bunch. Some returners, some fast losers most doing it slowly because it is bloody hard day in day out.

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