Autumnwatch from New England

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  • posted by MaggieBath

    We’re getting a real treat next week, a little peek at New England in the fall. Autumnwatch is part of a seasonal series of programmes, usually set in the UK, which is relocating for the glorious colours of your part of the world Allie.
    I don’t know if it will be on PBS in the US, or if you’ll be able to access this link, but I’m really looking at it.

  • posted by alliecat

    Thank you, Maggie! I’m looking forward to watching this documentary along with you! We do get
    some BBC programing, so I’m going to see what I can turn up in terms of the cable programming
    guide, before monday. Your link DID work 🙂 Mist over our lakes is very typical…I hope you will
    hear the distinctive cry of the “loon” as well….A very unearthly sound!

  • posted by MaggieBath

    I’m really looking forward to it Allie – the New England colours in the fall have left friends who have experienced them absolutely enchanted. Our autumns are often rather muddy and dull! Though having said that, as the trees we overlook are losing their leaves the city’s reappearing like a jigsaw with all the city lights. I think I’ll concentrate on enjoying them this week as I suspect after next week’s programmes they will look very mundane by comparison xx

  • posted by KazzUK

    I shall also be watching! I’ve only seen something similar in Wales. Used to have a girly weekend there every end of October and I can still remember being knocked out by the marvelous colours. However, New England is going to be the full 10 out of 10 by the look of it! I can’t wait! 🙂

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