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  • posted by Verano

    Pootle yes you’re right it’s so much easier at the start when you are full of enthusiasm and have a ‘major purpose’. Maintenance is difficult but not impossible. You seem to be doing just fine. The real secret to keeping your diabetes in remission is to regulate your carbs. Personally I think everyone reacts differently to certain carbs. I know I can have the odd piece of bread here and there on holiday but can’t eat anything sugary. You are doing the right thing with finger pricking it’s certainly helped me to keep my BS under control without medication for over 7 years. Don’t get too hung up on the numbers. Oh yes! as long as it’s 70% or higher the chocolate is fine!

    Lucy hope you’re feeling better. Every day is a new day and a new start . Keep on going.

  • posted by Lucy1771

    Thanks both of you. Unfortunately I am still not well with lits of tummy issues and pain. Medication I was given for acid hasn’t done anything . Getting quietly concerned about it in honesty. Blood tests on Tuesday. So hopefully that will give more of an insight with for the doctor and myself . Lost 1lb this week of rhe 3lb I put on previously , which actually is good news , not in terms of diet but I’m not losing weight quickly etc which in this position could be cause for concern.
    Haven’t been 100 percent on diet. Bur doing my best. Family issues are at an all time low, my Dad is succumbing to this dreadful disease seemingly at a rapid rate. My mums not coping and there’s only me and her really. It’s too much and wonder If the time is coming where he needs more care. But until we are assessed by the local council there’s nothing we can do. Been waiting since August and despite calls to them sating things are changing we still haven’t been seen . She pays for private care but uts only 6 hours a week and late pm / evenings/ bedtimes are the worst.
    Sorry I’ve deviated from the thread! Pootle tou are doing great…I’m sure an odd treat won’t hurt you
    Thanks again…I’m trying my best….but not getting the results at the moment , but unless tou do it 100 percent I know I probably ly won’t , hopefully when I get rhis stomach issue sorted I can re focus.

  • posted by Lucy1771

    Should have said 1lb of the 2lb I put on.*

  • posted by Pootle

    Lucy, I think you should congratulate yourself for keeping to the diet where possible whilst dealing with an impossible situation!
    My mother in law had Alzheimer’s and she lived more or less with us. It was such a strain, the extended family denied there was anything wrong, the gp wouldn’t talk to us and we had to cope for 6 + years until my husband nearly had a breakdown. Only then did the assessment happen and we were told it should have happened years before. I hope the system has improved since then (20 + years ago) and you get assistance soon! It only happened for us when the GP realised we were both having health problems due to the stress of looking after her.

    Look after yourself… xx

  • posted by Verano

    Lucy I second what Pootle has said. Just try and be kind yourself at the moment.

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