
We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by Pootle

    Hi Lucy, Don’t be too despondent. You will find a way through and you can get there! Great idea to change your breakfast. I was astonished how many carbs there are in fruit!

    As I mentioned above, I have to weigh every day, if I don’t I think I can get away with eating extra things. Even if my weight has gained a pound, stayed the same, or lost a pound I have to know, otherwise I snack!

    One of the breakfast recipes from the BSD recipe book that I like is Poached eggs with spinach and pine nuts. It is 290 calories and only 1g carb. It does keep the hunger at bay for me. But I tend to eat it as a brunch.

    I will be thinking of you with my fingers crossed for the blood test!

    I also tried to give up smoking a number of times and failed miserably. And a number of diets, unsuccessfully. 🤞This is a way through for both of us.
    Take care.

  • posted by Lucy1771

    Thanks for the encouragement. Do you eat under 30g of carbs a day or under 50g? This diet seems to have 2 amounts listed on various places which is a bit confusing. Yes I’m going to have to start weighing stuff etc which is something I wanted to avoid doing really initially. But going to have to do it properly. Is all meat and chicken carb free?
    Yes I think I will weigh more often as I had geared that week up so mich In my head it hit me like a truck when I had only lost a pound . I honestly couldn’t believe it. Still struggling tbh. Thanks again and I’m so pleased you have done so well. It takes a lot of will power that’s for sure. X

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi there, Pootle I can almost guarantee that you will see great results in your next HbA1c. Just the weight loss alone will have done your body a whole lot of good. I too weigh daily with no ill effects. If I gain I try to do better, if I lose I want to lose more. The only thing is if I stick for a few days I sometimes can be tempted but know I need to get over that hurdle. Keep on keeping on…

    Lucy you are getting the hang of it. Just a few adjustments but I will let you work that out for yourself. You ask about carb allowances. I find going under 50g just so difficult and it leaves me quite low on calories so for me 50g is a good goal. Some go down as low as 20g and I know diabetics on here who have consistently stuck to 20g and managed to even stop using insulin. My goal but day in day out it is not easy. It is true that meat, fish and chicken have no carbs, neither does some dairy but you have to know which i.e. milk is high in carbs but cheese is very low due to the fermentation it has gone through. Hope that helps.

  • posted by Pootle

    Thanks for the reassurance Sunshine-girl. I hope the result will be good…I also want to astonish the Diabetic nurse who was so patronising!
    5 weeks in, 8 weeks to “D-day”!!

    Hi Lucy, I have found I just couldn’t keep track unless I weighed things. I try to keep below 50g carbs as 30g was far too difficult for me. if I need to I may go lower eventually, if I can, depending on my HbA1c result. I am using the recipe books but also a site called “verywellfit”, to analyse my adaptations. They have an ‘analyzer’ where you input the ingredients with the weights and how many portions it is. It then gives you a calorific value and also protein, fats, carbs etc etc. (It doesn’t always recognise the ingredients…I think it is American, but you can use a drop down menu to find the nearest match)

    The weather here is dreadful today…so my walk is going to be very wet, and I will have a very wet dog to dry when I get back! But I am thinking that will all be extra exercise!!

    have a good weekend.

  • posted by Verano

    A really good website for keeping tabs of carbs calories etc is It’s full of UK ingredients/products and is free and pretty easy to use. There’s also a ‘luxe’ version that charges a fee which gives you recipes and a water counter. Personally I find great for keto recipes. The website is free but there is also a ‘paid for plan’ which you can trial for free. There is another website that’s used by lots of people but the name escapes me …. fit something or other I think. Sorry not very helpful!

    Lucy in the early days weighing everything is really useful. You’d be amazed at how big some of the portions we eat are. Hope this week is better than last week. As sunshine-girl says we just have to keep on keeping on ……..

  • posted by Lucy1771

    Thank you to you all for your help. I’m realising I have to do this properly and have started to weigh food. I mean a 200g nectarine is 16g….how lol??? So finding my way at the moment. But I did feel happy enough to get on the scales this morning and I had dropped another pound since Friday. So I think I’m getting my head round it more now.
    I have bought nectarines not realising. 6 juicy big ones so I don’t want to waste them but once finished I won’t be buying them again . My saviour is my low carb bread. Some days I don’t have any and sometimes one slice. They are very small. But only 5g .
    Rhis diet is no longer a choice like my previous ones, I can’t ditch it as my future is at stake now healthwise. So onwards and upwards! Thanks again

  • posted by Lucy1771

    Also forget to say my uncontrollable blood pressure is down approx 5 -7 digits already!

  • posted by Verano

    It’s just come to me … Lots of people used that one too.

    Lucy sounds like you are getting to grips with this way of eating. Rome wasn’t built in a day! It does take time to get your head around this especially when we been fed the ‘low fat’ dogma for decades.

  • posted by Lucy1771

    Well yes there is that, bought so much fruit as thought it was “low calorie”. Can’t quite bring myself to chuck it away. Too much of a waste so I will struggle to keep within my 50g a day this week. Once its gone, I obviously will buy the correct fruit. Had it in my head that dieting involves lots of fruit. But I’m learning and getting there. Next week should be better for me once the sugar fruit has gone.
    I still struggle a bit with what to eat although last night I had a sort of English breakfast which was nice. 2 eggs,bacon, mushrooms and one slice of low carb toast.
    I’m just hoping I lose some damn weight this week. Last week was disappointing but my blood pressure has improved.
    Will just keep going and improving

  • posted by Lucy1771

    Also can I check….chicken breasts are no carbs, I’ve just had dinner of chicken breast and runner beans and broccoli. According to Internet that’s zero carbs….but just checking?
    What if I put them in a magi bag and Cooke them with the spices…all ut is is a bag with different spices in?

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Lucy, no carbs in chicken but beans and brocolli come to about 6 or 7g in total for say a cup of each cooked. Not too much.

  • posted by Lucy1771

    Thanks but I read on this forum that greens have no points at all. That Mr Mosely had decided not to count them as carbs. So bit unsure. Thanks

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    I would appreciate if you could let me know which book he says that in, page, reference etc. I have been on this diet for 8 years and count everything, even lettuce and celery – it all adds up.

  • posted by Lucy1771

    I saw it on this forum. It was on one of the threads, it said that MM eventually said don’t bother counting calories or carbs in green veg.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    I think I know where you are coming from. Are you doing the Fast800 which isn’t as strict low carb as the BSD because it isn’t the diabetic diet. I remember this question being asked and I think the answer was things like beans and brocolli are so low in calories as to not really count. However, if they are amounting to 8g of carbs that is a small amount in reality but a big chunk if you are sticking to sub 50g. As I have said before, it is up to you. As a diabetic I count all my carbs and don’t fret about sticking to 800 calories although still vary between 700 and 900, but it is the carbs that are important to me.

    Chicken, beans and brocolli are not going to hurt your diet but be aware that some leafy veg are high in carbs. Print out the carbs in veg picture from Go onto the site and click on A Low Carb Guide For Beginners and then to Visual Low Carb Guides it breaks it down into pictures of different foods. Click on the vegetables and maybe also the fruits and print out. I had it on my fridge but am going to print it out again as a reminder.

  • posted by Lucy1771

    Wow, I had my repeat bloods done two and half weeks after falling into the diabetic range from ore diabetic. The results are astounding. Back into pre diabetic but lower than last 2 years. So will keep going to get out of rhe pre range too . This is two and half weeks of this diet. It’s hard and I’ve struggled at points but my blood pressure is way down, diabetic range way down. Weight down. Will weigh Friday and hope I’ve done better than rhe one pound of last week .
    Thanks for your help over the past couple weeks . I’m over the moon with the results

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Congratulations Lucy, just shows how much effort you have put in. Sorry for the nagging. This is just the beginning for you as you can now get rid of the pre label.

  • posted by Lucy1771

    Thank you. I’m really pleased but intent on keeping things up.
    Can I ask does anyone have a day off or a meal off… like if you go out for a meal ir a pizza or something. Or someone’s birthday etc.
    Will that do any harm?
    Looking forward to weigh in Friday now!

  • posted by Verano

    Well done Lucy! This way of eating does really work.

    Day off, meal off, pizza or something.

    OK. In my experience and it’s only my experience, it’s a bit of a yes and a no answer. I think that it’s maybe too soon to start thinking about adding carbs. There’s the fear that you haven’t established this Way of Life yet so the odd ‘treat’ , which isn’t really a treat for our bodies, could become more than the ‘odd’ occurrence and you could easily slip back into your old way of eating and your blood sugars will rise again.

    Unfortunately, this isn’t a quick fix. If we have a tendency towards T2 then it really is ‘a way of life’ carbs are our ‘enemy’. That doesn’t mean you can never have pizza again but just on that very odd occasion have a thin based, half if it’s a large one. The odd new potato probably will be ok but if you start having carbs at even one meal a day your blood sugars will rise again.

    In saying all that it becomes very much trial and error what suits one doesn’t suit another. In my humble opinion give this way of eating a few more months at least before you start to think about ‘treats’.

    Sorry but thats just how it is if you want to keep your diabetes in remission. Unfortunately it’s not like a cut that heals in time it’s something that needs to be managed in the long term.

  • posted by Lucy1771

    Veranda, thanks for response. I think I was of the opinion that once I’ve lost weight this will solve the issue. I have a lot to lose. I think I am thinking that uts the weight that’s doing this not just eating carbs if you see what I mean. So say I lost 3 stone….my diabetes would not he prolific? So I’m struggling as my doctor said losing weight will help. It’s me who chose to do this diet based on what I had read. So I think I’m stuck… am I dieting to get rid of this? Will losing weight sort rhis without having to worry about carbs forever?

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Lucy, you ask if you will be able to have carbs again when there is a birthday or something. The answer is yes, eventually but not until you are used to this way of eating. It is much too soon right now. When the time comes you will also have to learn how to incorporate carbs into your diet. You will be able to have a slice of pizza, not a pizza, one bread roll not 3 or 4, if you have the bread roll you have to say no to any other carbs at the meal like potatoes, you will almost always have to say no to a rich dessert you will learn to order fruit salad (not in syrup) or sorbet. You will learn how to do this in the future.

    Your doctor is right that losing weight will help with your condition but it is not a cure, you will always be a diabetic in waiting. Even if you are stick thin carbs will still cause your blood glucose to rise, causing an insulin response which in turn will cause your blood glucose to rise even more – a cycle you are learning how to break. I personally only weighed 9 and half stone when I was diagnosed and was not given any dietary advice by my doctor. He really doesn’t have much of an idea of what I should or shouldn’t eat except for the obvious – no cakes, no biscuits etc. But we know it is so much more than that.

    You say you are going to carry on with this and honestly you don’t really have a choice. Remember stopping smoking and how hard it was and now you have done it you don’t say you can go back just to having the odd one or two – no, you know that will lead you back to being a full time smoker (I know, I stopped 30 years ago) just like eating carbs will lead to more carbs and then back to diabetes.

    Sorry if this isn’t what you want to hear but you have a very serious condition and it has some very serious consequences if not beaten. Take care, you are doing great.

  • posted by Lucy1771

    So I could feel it brewing. I was so hungry I’ve fallen off rhe wagon. I deeply regret it. A packet of random crisps in the cupboard and a couple of choc biscuits.
    I’ve done it….too late , hopefully bot done too much damage
    Bit gutted

  • posted by Pootle

    Hi Lucy, don’t beat yourself up too much!! It happens, the important thing is not to let it put you off continuing with the diet!
    I fell off the wagon a couple of weeks ago….a Magnum ice-cream shouted to me from the freezer.. luckily it was a mini-one and I got half way through it, before I felt so guilty I through the rest away!!
    Sorry i haven’t been taking part in the forum, not been near my computer for a while!! Too busy with a project for a fundraising event! (I have been creating a ‘Treasure Map’ on an A1 canvass and a sign to say what to do on an A4 canvas!) I have been having fun with it!

    Wow Lucy, it is brilliant news that you have dropped you numbers back to pre-diabetes and your blood pressure is more under control! Fingers crossed for your weigh in tomorrow! I am still dropping a pound most days…but I am finding it much harder to keep going! For instance: When I used to have a ‘project’ on the go, so I could carry on without having to think about food, we would have fish and chips! 😢 The last 3 days I have had to stop to get supper ready! Which has been very frustrating!!

    I do understand that we will now have to be careful for the rest of our lives, but I am promising myself a once a week ‘treat’ when I know that I have started to control my Type 2! I won’t know until September, but I am very hopeful that my weight loss will have helped! I am concerned that data sheet for the inhaler I am using says that it will interfere with blood sugar levels, and Doctors should be aware of this when prescribing for and checking BG numbers for diabetics!

    I am trying to adapt my old cooking regime but am struggling a bit when I need a white sauce. ( I have often used the last of the meat from a roast chicken for a sort of fricassee) I am using celeriac, mashed or for chips, Cauliflower rice & mash and butternut squash with onion and peppers as roasted veg, but what can I thicken a white sauce with? other than flour or cornflour?? Any tips would be gratefully received!!!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Lucy and Pootle, you are both doing so well. We all fall now and then.

    Lucy, you are going through a denial phase, what the hell, I don’t care any more, I am fed up and pissed off. I go through that too. You just have to get through it and get over it, and get back on track.

    Tomorrow is another day, get back on it and forget you wobble. It won’t have too much of an effect unless you continue. You will go through biscuit and cheat phases less and less as time goes one. We are with you giving you support and we understand everything you are going through. That applies to you too Pootle. I sometime feel like life is sh–. And yes it is unfair but we have to live with it. No choice.

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Hi Lucy and Pootle,
    Lucy, eating because you were hungry is not a criminal act and perfectly normal!! Please don’t hold it against yourself and don’t use it as a reason to keep eating badly. It is probably the most powerful motivator humans experience.
    So next time, because there will BE a next time, eat some protein — a bit of chicken, cheese slices, hard boiled eggs or deviled egg, a slice of ham, nuts etc.. The protein will satisfy your hunger and it will be GOOD for you. Get that other stuff out of the house — I never could stay strong with that stuff around. Keeping it around is just being cruel to yourself.
    And by the way, I think eating when you are really really hungry is good practice as you are rewarding your brain for recognising TRUE hunger. A few extra calories won’t hurt and the protein will not trigger a release of insulin. In time, you will get better with eating less. But if you are really, really hungry, eat something!
    Pootle, don’t despair. You ARE going to be able to have the odd “treat” as you go forward. It won’t be a life of endless denial.The funny part though, as you go further into this way of eating, is that you are unlikely to even WANT it and even funnier, when you do go for that “treat” you likely won’t enjoy it as much as you imagined.
    This way of eating changes your relationship to food. That is the best part — your body becomes your friend, not your enemy.

  • posted by Verano

    Lucy I have to agree with s-g you are in a denial phase. We all go through it when we realise that this is a Way of Life and not a quick fix or a diet to start and finish. Please listen to Julia. Very wise words and although at the moment you may not believe it some foods that we think of as ‘treats’ become anything but. Our taste buds change and there does come a point where milk chocolate just becomes ‘cloying’ , a mars bar will be inedible because of all that sugar.

    I do have to say that my one downfall, even after 8 years, is crisps. My husband has a packet most evenings and it’s very difficult for me sometimes to resist, and you know, now and again I can’t so I have a packet. After all we’re just human. I don’t beat myself up because I’m not perfect I just get straight back on that horse and don’t have another packet for a week or two. I love olives so they are my go to snack.

    Pootle sorry I have no suggestions for thickening a white sauce but maybe you could drop the white sauce and substitute a tomato/vegetable sauce. There are a handful of foods that just don’t fit into this way of eating but I’m sure you could use your chicken in a stir fry. I often make a stir fry with left over chicken. I’m sure somebody else may have ideas for you too.

  • posted by Lucy1771

    Thsnks everyone. Typically i did it the night before weigh on. So God knows what will happen when I meet the scales shortly.. I’m glad I’m not the only one who has faltered. In honesty I could feel it all day….I was constantly hungry , had already consumed too many nuts. My tea was bolognaise ,home made but with runner beans as pasta. I was sick of eating the same things and I went in the cupboard and found these wonderful crisps. Of course once I ate those , the biscuits my neighbour brought me from holiday as thanks for looking after her bins etc whilst she was away….well they became fair game too.
    Never mind. I’ve had 3 weeks of being a1 and learning. , I’m not perfect. I’m sick of the same food.
    Thanks for all your help dragging me back up and pootle you lose a 1lb a day??? Wow.
    I don’t think I’m in denial just sort of fed up that this has to be the way for the rest of my days. I don’t think I can do it for ever!!! But hey let’s get this wright off first and maybe like pootle says I can have a treat occasionally .
    Onwards and upwards. Dreading rhe scales!!! X

  • posted by Lucy1771

    I lost 4lbs this week!! Woo hoo. 10lbs in 3 weeks!

  • posted by Verano

    Well done Lucy! You can do it! You will do it!
    As sunshine-girl says you just have to keep on keeping on ……..

  • posted by Verano

    P.S. Lucy if you’re sick of the same foods take a look at there are loads of great recipes on the website.

  • posted by Pootle

    Brilliant news Lucy!
    10lb in three weeks!

  • posted by Pootle

    Thanks Verano.
    I will try stir fry… I have never thought of stir fry! Just not a dish that was in my repertoire!! 🥴 I am finding all sorts of recipes that I would never have cooked pre-diet… and adapting some of those I would have used routinely. It is a big learning curve which does take time. Where in the past, I could/would have always been able to automatically make something to eat quickly, I am now having to refer to a calorie and carb calculator or recipe book. Only to find I do not have an essential ingredient!! BUT I am getting better at stocking the basics…I have now located Chia seed and Pine nuts! (I live over 20 miles from a big super market and my local town butcher, green-grocer and Co-op just don’t do “exotic” 😆ingredients!!!!) and as I am keeping a comprehensive diary of what I am eating etc it is becoming easier!

  • posted by Verano

    Pootle glad to help! I use lots of finely sliced vegetables and bean sprouts so don’t find any need for rice but cauliflower rice would be fine.

    A few other swaps I make include tenderstem broccoli as a base for Thai curry and courgette noodles for bolognese. I’ve never tried a lasagne substitute but I think some use courgette slices in place of the pasta or even pre-roasted aubergine slices.

    Then of course there’s a cauliflower base for pizza which again I’ve not tried but I think s-g has a good recipe for that.

    It becomes so automatic over time we tend to forget what we swap our carbs for but there are many variations. It’s just a case of being a bit creative. That of course comes once you’ve got the hang of the whole low carb thing!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, there are so many people commenting I can’t get my head around everyones comments. Lucy 4lb is great we knew you could do it and you are obviously getting better at it. When I talk about denial I don’t mean you don’t think you have diabetes just that sometimes you can get so fed up you think to hell with it. Think about this, everynight at 9pm I get my insulin pen and needle and stand there thinking I really don’t want to do this anymore. But I know I have to. This is why I am so passionate about helping people with pre or newly diagnosed diabetes. I didn’t even think it was that serious and now I am is a place that I cannot go back from and never want anyone else to feel so helpless like I sometimes do.

    Recipes. I used to do all the carb replacements like cauli rice, courgetti spaghetti etc but now dont really bother. I do partially roast aubergine slices to layer up in a lasagne instead of the pasta – I pre-cook because my lasagne goes in the oven with the meat etc already cooked so doesnt need very long in the oven – 20 mins, whereas a normal lasagne takes about 40 to 50 mins if you follow any famous recipe. Cauli base for a pizza is disappointing as it is too crumbly, you cant pick it up or it just falls apart. I recently read using a very thin omelette (like a crepe) as a base works better. One thing I do is line a pie dish with very thin parma ham and use that instead of pastry in a quiche. Hope that helps.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Can I also say that a cheat day once a week might work if you don’t want to lose any more weight but when you get to the point of only losing 1 or 2 lbs a week that cheat day can rob you of that. At this stage in the journey think of cheats as maybe once a month or when you have a special occasion not as a regular thing.

  • posted by Pootle


    I never knew I had so much will power!! We were at a 40th anniversary party today…a bring a plate do! I was asked to bring a dessert😩 something I have always relished in the past. I am still getting used to the fact that I am diabetic, and am new to the BSD! But I took it in my stride and yesterday made a lemon and lime cheesecake (one of my favourites…). I also knew there would probably not be anything suitable for the diet there, so made smoked mackerel pate and a live pate with crudités!

    I managed not to lick the spoon, whisk, bowl or even fingers whilst making the cheesecake and pate, and I resisted eating any of it today! I ate 1tbs of each pate` with cucumber, celery, red & yellow pepper and, the only naughty of the day, 4 seeded ryvita thins! I only drank sparkling water.

    When we arrived home, I was starving hungry…but was determined that I wouldn’t ruin my efforts, so had a ‘ham wrap’ 1 slice of ham and other salad bits rolled up in lettuce leaves, followed by 1tbs greek yoghurt and 5 strawberries!
    I am so proud that I have been to a party and still kept on track! Mind you, it would probably have been different if the food was all laid on!!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Pootle you did great, you are really getting the hang of this especially at a celebration. Other people don’t understand what diabetes is and just see it as a sugar problem but we know the carbs as just as important. We used to joke what do you do with a ham sandwich – throw away the bread. I still take the meat out of a sausage roll and very secretively throw the pastry out.

    It is a whole new mind set and a completely new way of eating. Keep going.

  • posted by Lucy1771

    Wow pootle that’s amazing. Nit sure I could have got through that . Still going on diet but have had some worrying medical news and have to go for some tests, so my head is a bit pickled at the moment. But I haven’t strayed from it despite the stress so I’m very pleased with myself. I have said all along that when i lose a stone I can have a treat so I’m keeping that in my head!!!
    Weigh Friday, so will keep you posted. X

  • posted by Pootle

    Hi Lucy
    So sorry to hear you have had worrying medical news…sending positive thoughts your way! 🤞 for the tests!!

    Well done for keeping to the diet! I know it is particularly difficult when stress is a major factor! Let us know when you get that treat! (and what it is!!)

    I was disappointed this morning… I had put a pound back on…😟….despite being very strict with myself all over the weekend and yesterday! Particularly frustrating having denied myself the cheesecake!!!!

    I think it is probably because I have not been very active for the last three days…lots of standing around etc!! So have just spent an hour pulling ragwort out of the mowing grass! Managed to cover about 2 acres!!! Absolutely delighted I could do it…as 2 months ago I could barely walk up 2 steps!! Just hope that does the trick…as I was 13st 1lb yesterday, and 13st 2lb this morning and I really want to trip the scales below 13st!!

    Onward and upward! xx

  • posted by Verano

    Pootle our bodies react to different food, different movement, different amount of liquids, different times of eating, different temperatures etc etc etc. Weight doesn’t go down in a straight line because you eat the same thing everyday. You know, in fact, I do really think you need to mix and match food to ‘fool’ your body by not eating the same meals day after day.

    Forget the pound. New week. Start again. This week will be better!

  • posted by Verano


    Hope your medical news isn’t too disturbing. Great that you are carrying on eating low carb. One thing for sure, it won’t do you any harm! Good luck with your tests.

  • posted by Lucy1771

    Thanks. Had some tests yesterday and awaiting results which is stressful in itself
    But I lost 2lbs this week! Not massive but still a loss. So that’s 12lbs in 4 weeks..
    Soon be treat time!! Once I hit a stone I can have a one off treat! Bp is so good too.
    This is the first diet that has worked for me for many years!

  • posted by Verano

    Lucy well done on your 12lb loss just two more and that’s your first stone gone! Glad your BP is good too that often happens with this wag of eating.

    New month, almost a new goal? What is your next goal after hitting the stone mark?

  • posted by Lucy1771

    I will start on the next stone. My target was 50lbs to lose but in reality I’m not sure it’s attainable. But taking a stone at a time. Had a bad day thinking about tests etc and really wanting something yummy to eat. But I haven’t. It’s just been one of those days. When I’ve lost a stone I’m going to have a treat . So hopefully soon!!! But I did wear a nice summery dress today which I couldn’t wear before so that’s something!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    You are right Lucy, 50lbs is not possible but 1 stone is, then the next and the next and the next. Now you have lost 56lbs, I wonder how that happened. It happened a stone at a time – just keep going.

  • posted by Pootle

    One lb at a time, then one stone at a time and we will get there!
    Lucy, to get to my ideal weight I needed to lose 70lb!!! I have only just worked that out 😩…but since starting this way of eating I have lost 35lb. (Only just worked that out too…I have been looking at the daily pounds) so half way there!😀

    I have plateaued the last 6 days, no loss, but I am looking at it as “no gain”….seeing the positive!!

    I am now trying to up the exercise. When I started, I had been completely inactive for several months due to wrong treatment for asthma and had put on well over a stone! Unable to walk more than 5 steps without stopping for breath. On Saturday I managed 10,000 steps and this morning have taken over 1500 aerobic steps before breakfast!! Yayyy! Looking at the positive!
    This evening I plan to defrost the freezer….sorting it out into “what I can eat and what I cannot”! So one side will be husband’s and one mine! Lost of bending and stretching and swearing 😂!

    We can do it Lucy, keep looking for the positives!!

  • posted by Lucy1771

    Wow Pootle that’s a lot you have lost. Well done.
    To get to my ideal weight I would be similar to your target. Well over 70lbs but I have 50 in my mind as would probably be happy there.
    It just seems such a lot and rhats why I try to just be happy with every pound I lose. I wish it was quicker. Have read lots people losing staggering amounts each week. But I seem to be slow but I am actually losing which I haven’t done for a long time.
    My weight is horrific and I cannot believe I allowed myself to get there. Being holed up with sciatica for many months and giving up smoking haven’t help but neither has my insatiable appetite lol.
    Hopefully will hit rhe stone mark on Friday.
    And then I will allow myself a treat.
    Thanks everyone

  • posted by Lucy1771

    3lbs this week!! Takes me to 1 stone 1lb!!
    Can’t have my treat yet as my husband is also dieting at the moment, not this diet but he is 1lb short of a stone….so next week we can have our treat.
    Downside I’m still suffering with hunger. I think maybe I’m not eating enough fat but then tou try and stick to the calories too.
    Anyway very chuffed! A stone in 5 weeks isn’t too bad!!!
    Thanks everyone.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Well done Lucy and congrats to your husband.

  • posted by Pootle

    Hi Lucy,
    Congratulations on your first stone!!
    I hope your news this week is as good as ;last, and you and your husband can have your treat!

    I am feeling more hungry now than when I first started in June! As you say, it is a bit of a minefield trying to balance getting the calories and carbs correct! I have hit 3 plateaus recently, and am celebrating that I have just dropped a pound again after 5 days!!

    I had a slight problem on Monday, I think my sugars went too low, as I felt I was going to pass out!…I had eaten poached eggs with spinach and pine nuts for breakfast, then was out for the day. Thought I might get a salad lunch in a cafe….but they only did toasted sandwiches, panini, cakes etc. I asked if I could just have a slice of ham without the bread but was refused! (I won’t be going there again…think they thought I was a holiday maker, not local….big mistake, if they want winter custom!) So I had nothing! Watched my companions eat whilst sipping a glass of water and cup of coffee. By the time I gat home and had prepared supper of chicken with chorizo and med veg, I was very light headed and soooo hungry!

    Hope this week has been good to you.

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