Hi everyone, Julz, I didnt have the prosecco as hubby has a heart condition and he was feeling a bit ‘off’ but I did have a small slice of the cake. Yes, even that has increased my numbers up 0.3kgs. Although I had been doing some weeding earlier in the day and found it so tiring that I had to keep stopping and my BGs crashed so I was munching – just on ham, then cheese, then a few nuts. Found it hard to get my glucose back up.
I am in a funny situation with bras. My daughter would never wear a bra that didnt have matching pants. She encouraged me to do the same but it doesnt work for me as I can be bothered washing a bra after just one wear so it keeps the same colour as the pant. Therefore, I dont wear them (I do wear pants) so I have loads of matching pairs in the drawer and I really should start wearing them at some point as they all fit now. Question for the girls – how many times do you wear a bra before you wash it. Thinking I might be a dirty moo. Mine get at least 3 or 4 wears before they go in the wash. Pants obviously get washed and changed daily.
Just changed my mobile provider and made a mistake with the sim size and ordered micro/mini and it should have been a nano. Yes, I know I am a numpty but I only had the online pictures to go by. So, once I get it sorted – the computer system was down and I have to call back this evening. Anyway, I wont have a phone from 11 am tomorrow. Hey ho, not many people ring me but I will miss my whatsapp chats.
Weekend nearly here and I am looking forward to my meal out on Saturday. Also hoping my new dress turns up. Have a good weekend everyone.